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Chit Chat 6

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  • You're welcome.

    Man flu?

    Me is okay. Not feelin' my best either though. Have plans for today?


    • it's just a cold but him being male, he thinks he's gonna die, he'll be fine in a week

      aawwwwwww.. *makes 'scape a hot cuppa*

      just too do my homework, i have too finish my english test and my admin homework (oh joy(!))
      SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

      young pickpocketer

      sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
      neices: Emo234 &

      nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
      Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


      • Oh! I see! I know guys like that. hehe. That's funny. Mind if I steal that term? "Man flu?" It's funny.

        Yay! Thank you! *sips*

        Ugh! Doesn't sound very fun... I have a lot of homework I should be doing, but I have felt pretty bad all day.


        • sure,

          it isn't, what homework have u got?

          aaaaawwww.... *stokes 'scape round her cat ears *

          nice avatar
          SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

          young pickpocketer

          MY FAMILY
          sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
          neices: Emo234 &

          nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
          Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


          • Goodie. Thank you.

            Oh, I have a very big exam this week in my psych class, "Behavior & Learning." It's a real sciencey class, and there are a lot of things for me to know. In preparation for that test, I have to type between 8 and 11 pages. I also have a lot of reading to do for my other class, and then write 4 pages. Fun, huh?


            Thank you! Since Halloween is over I changed my avatar, and removed the Halloween thingy from my sig.


            • no probs

              aaaawwwwww tooooooo much writing, i'd make the word THIS SIZE! or bigger sounds soo much fun(!) want too do my homework too?

              ano, i just want too pick u up, it's sooo cute!
              SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

              young pickpocketer

              MY FAMILY
              sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
              neices: Emo234 &

              nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
              Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


              • Hehe.

                LOL! Well, at Uni, they've gotten smart about that. They require 1 inch margins, and a standard 12 point font. No switching it. I guess too many people tried that trick! *goes off to do Animal's homework. Oh, okay.... *scribbles a little here and there, and writes a bit, and tada!* Me done!

                Here you go!

                It's an adorable picture. I just love it. I wish that was my kitten.


                • damn! oh well, worth a try. i can do that on my comp, we learned it in admin

                  oh no! i just remembered i've got maths too and a maths test, the week begining the 17th
                  hehe, that's not my homework

                  how long till u can check if the kitten ur getting is well?
                  *scratches 'scape behind the ears for trying*
                  SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                  young pickpocketer

                  MY FAMILY
                  sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                  neices: Emo234 &

                  nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                  Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                  • hi

                    nice pic Escape


                    • So what kind of class is "admin?"

                      LOL - sorry for the reminder. *looks at paper and feels proud of my doodle guy*

                      I will drive up north to check out the kitty next Saturday. I'm so anxious. I have the appt. with the vet at 2:20 pm next Saturday.

                      @Choco...Hello again, dear! Did you see the picture of the homework I did for Animal above?


                      • morning choc

                        no problem, just means that i dont get in trouble for not doin it
                        admin is administration u learn how too work in an office and how to type proparly, with all 10 fingers

                        awww... hope u get her
                        SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                        young pickpocketer

                        MY FAMILY
                        sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                        neices: Emo234 &

                        nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                        Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                        • hey Animal


                          • @Animal.....Oh, good. Then it was a helpful reminder.

                            Ah....I work in an office, I can teach ya! That'll be a useful class, though.

                            Yeah, me too. I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl. I will find that out, too.

                            @Choco....I edited my post above.


                            • @'scape hehe, it was
                              well we are doing cellular offices and open plan offices and teleworking, homeworking(<that one sounds worse than it is), etc.
                              haha, u never thought to ask when he/she was walking u too ur car?

                              @choc hi again sis howz u?
                              SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                              young pickpocketer

                              MY FAMILY
                              sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                              neices: Emo234 &

                              nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                              Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                              • @Animal.....Wow! We never had such classes when I was your age! Seems to make me wonder about OUR education over here in the States!

                                LOL - You're right! I'm a cat, it's a cat - I should have just spoken it's language! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooow.

