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Chit Chat 6

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  • Goodnight Shining!

    Have a good dinner, Choc!! Hope it's tasty!

    @Heart.....ROFL! It's the Slurp Spiders stealing your info!!! You kill me!

    Awww... Me sorry. I know that feeling. I went through that last Wednesday. What happens if you turn it in Tuesday instead?


    • Well that is what they do!

      He doesn't accept lates so I will just work hard on the next assignment

      (internet crashed sorry )


      • Yeah, I know! That's why it's so funny!

        Aww....shoot! Well, you'll have to do some extra credit maybe, too.

        (No worries. I'm multitasking. )


        • hello everyone.
          GH Family (possibly the coolest )
          Brother: ~GH Dog~
          Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
          (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
          Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


          • Well I guess i'll need to invest in a slurp spider stick so my info stays private


            (okay )


            • @Heart....I have one! Hehe. It really keeps them at bay.

              @Lovely...Hi!! Good to see you in da chat again! How are ya?


              • @Escape- glad to be back *hugss* i'm good. watchin a little mythbusters.
                GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                Brother: ~GH Dog~
                Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                • @Lovely....Good. You know, I am often hearing about that show, but I have never seen it. I'm watching Cast Away on TBS. They're playing it for the second time tonight. Great acting.


                  • How much do they cost I only have 2 ROFL coins

                    Lovely- Hey! Nice last chapter btw it's getting closer to the good part


                    • @Escape-mybusters is a good show. VERY funny and educational. i love when i learn AND laugh!
                      i was watching cast away at my DOCTER'S OFFICE!!

                      @heart-thank you. i can't wait to publish it! i hope i can do this soon...*looks around then whispers* i'm thinking about having a book thing at my school. donations! credit goes to escape!
                      GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                      Brother: ~GH Dog~
                      Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                      (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                      Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                      • @Heart....Well, since you're helping me with the whole llama situation, you can have it for FREE!

                        @Lovely....Oh?! And sometimes at the office, I hear things like, "Oh, that's not true. They proved it on Mythbusters." And I have yet to see it.

                        *crosses paws that the school thingy works*


                        • Lovely- You could always sell muffins too Everyone likes muffins

                          EG- Okay Thanks!
                          *Chases after the slurp spiders* Give me back my info!


                          • @Lovely....That reminds are your hips?



                            • @Escape-yeah they test so many interesting thing, while also making it fall of your bed funny. they show it on discovery channel all the time. and my hips are feeling much better, thank you.

                              @heart-MUFFINS! that's a good idea too! maybe we should bake cookies too... cause everyone also likes cookies.
                              GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                              Brother: ~GH Dog~
                              Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                              (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                              Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                              • @Lovely....I call that ROBLing. Rolling off the bed laughing. I'll watch for it sometime. I could use a new show to watch.

                                Glad to hear they're feeling better.

                                COOKIES and MUFFINS!! Oh, I'd better keep my gym membership active!

