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Chit Chat 6

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  • hey

    i'm good, mmmm chocolate
    i'm watching Fear Factor

    how about u, how've u been


    • *pops back in*
      @Funja and Escape--I have to go get an eye exam tomorrow. I broke my glasses when I was out of town. I've been living in my contacts since Tuesday.
      But your vision is NOTHING compared to mine... -7.00 in one eye, and -7.50 in the other! And that's from my exam over 2 years ago.


      • @Choc....LOL. Is there chocolate in front of you? *tries to peek over Choc's shoulder* Chocolate!

        I'm good Just very tired. It may be Friday night, but I won't be up late. So exhausted. School officially out now?

        @Crimson.....Aww.....You have vision like one of my brothers! He says when he isn't wearing lenses or glasses (mine are cracked, btw. ), that he only sees shadows and colors and such. Light and dark. (I don't remember his exact prescription, though...but I THINK it was similar to yours. )


        • @Escape...Yep, i bought a block of it on Wed, now it's nearly gone
          i was supposed to by one for my secret santa and they were 2 for $6 i couldn't resist getting one for myself.

          Yup cept' now i hve to find a place for all my books to go, my room is so small. if u hve one bag on the floor it gets hard to move around

          *gives Escape kitty a nice soft pillow and a big paddock of sheep *


          • I can see a bit more than he can, it sounds like... but I can't recognize people who are more than 3-4 feet away from me when I'm not wearing my contacts. At night, I have to put my watch about 1 inch from my eyes to be able to tell what time it is.


            • @Choc...Nothing wrong with buying yourself a little Christmas goodie, too, right? Hehe. Well, hmm...that's 3 days. And you love chocolate, so I'd say you're okay. Not like you ate it all in one sitting *cough*Like I would have *cough*

              Well, have your parents keep your books in their room. Beg them.

              Pillow! YAY! Sheep, huh? *feels crowded* I am not sure I need THIS many!

              @Crimson...Wow! Still sounds like it's pretty bad for you, too. Have you ever thought of the laser surgery?


              • I'd love to get Lasik... but it's too expensive for me. I have other... "corrective" surgeries I'd prefer to get first.


                • @Crimson....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Hehe Okay. Yeah, it's too expensive for me, too. Plus I'm sorta scared to death of it. What if it went wrong?


                  • @Escape ... hee hee
                    all at once

                    awww, but u could shear them and make nice cosy blankets to lie on, or another santa hat

           that must be hard. my vision's + something and then normal which i think is 0, but it's changing so it will soon be - something in the normal eye and then 0 in the + eye


                    • @Choco....How much chocolate did you say it was again? LOL

                      Ooh! A nice new Santa Hat and Comfy blankets? I'll need a nice soft cloth to fill the with wool - as wool is itchy. LOL *goes to get some shearers*


                      • @Escape--I know what you mean! My grandmother (the one who's still living) had eye surgery a few years ago... she had stitches in her eyeball for a LOOONG time, had to have just a few removed at a time. Once, the doctor made a mistake and the stuff inside started coming out. She can still see fine (with glasses), but that's just such a crazy, scary thought!

                        @Choc--I hope your eyes stay healthy. It's a pain to be so blind!

                        @Both--my eyes won't stay open anymore... I'm typing this with my eyes closed, head back on the couch....... Goodnight!


                        • @Crimson...Stitches in her eyes!!
                          that sounds horrible

                          thanxs, and i hope u can improve ur eyesight a bit more

                          haha, u must look like a zombie
                          hve a good sleep

                          @Escape... it was a 250g one
                          *sends Escape the best shearer in NZ *


                          • @Crimson..... Your poor grandmother! Wow! That would be so scary! Well, I'm glad she didn't have any permanent, long lasting problems.

                            Goodnight my dear puppy friend! Sweet dreams.

                   that's roughly half a pound.... Okay, I might not be able to eat that in one sitting...maybe two or three, though. I love it. That is why you can check my cupboards and not see much chocolate.

                            Ooh! Thanks!


                            • haha, i haven't been eating that much chocolate and then all of a sudden i'm eating a lot
                              ahh, there's nothing wrong with that! if my mum bought chocolate, it wouldn't be around for very long


                              • Hehe....At least I know I'm not the only chocolate lover. Hehe. I just decided not to buy much of it, or I'll eat too much, then get too big, and well, I don't want that. Not even for chocolate. LOL

                                I might disappear. I'm getting REALLY tired.

