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Chit Chat 6

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  • oohh yeah my mum had them i was supose to take two i took the rest MW HA HA HA HA


    • hello? anyone here?
      SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

      young pickpocketer

      sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
      neices: Emo234 &

      nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
      Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


      • Me here, but just swinging by. I'm doing lots of homework. Good morning to you, though!


        • hey AD


          • hi 'scape and choc
            how r u?
            SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

            young pickpocketer

            MY FAMILY
            sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
            neices: Emo234 &

            nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
            Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


            • Hi Choc! How are you today? Any paint on your paws?

              @Animal..Very tired, but okay, thanks. And you?


              • AD - good, just listening to da radio. my sis finished skool for the year today


                Escape - hey nope not today
                though i did have ink on me before, i was doing a carving for my art class

                hey so wat did u do about ur cat?


                • still asleep but waking up... eventually
                  wotcha all been up too?
                  SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                  young pickpocketer

                  MY FAMILY
                  sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                  neices: Emo234 &

                  nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                  Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                  • @Choc...I love art classes. So relaxing. *whispers* But I'm not good at it. My mom and brothers all have talent, though. If you're comfortable with it, you should take pics of your artwork, and post them.

                    I had to find her a different home. She got a loving home. And I paid a lot of money for her vet care...

                    @Animal....Hehe. You'll wake up in another 1/2 hour or so. And I've just been doing homework all night. Though I did take a nap after work.


                    • @'scape i hope i wake up sooner, i need too head too school in 11mins, then i'll sleep there till 8.30am when the trains come in

                      at least u know she's healthy
                      SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                      young pickpocketer

                      MY FAMILY
                      sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                      neices: Emo234 &

                      nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                      Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                      • Escape - hey, good idea! i might do that
                        ooo, i have to show u my sis's pictures, they are sooooo amazing!!

                        awww *gives Escape a big hug * , u can share my kitty if u want
                        hey and at least she's in a good home, at least she's not still at that neighbours place where she wasn't looked after properly


                        • @Animal....Sleeping in school!? Hmm...I like that idea. LOL Someone in my Thursday night class started to fall asleep (it's from 5 pm - 9 pm) and the professor COMPLETELY embarrassed him, and then lectured all of us about how she doesn't want to waste her time teaching students who aren't paying attention. (But I take it you're not in class yet. )

                          Yeah. Exactly. I don't regret it, but I am short on money now.

                          @Choc...You should ask her if she's okay with you posting them. And I'd love to see your artwork. I'm always in awe when I see others' work.

                          Aww....thank you!


                          • @'scape well i would sleep in school but i wait outside the library in our school cause there's a nice view (if i was any good at art i would draw it) but i cant sleep there cause there's a teacher walking past every 5 mins

                            *gives 'scape £10, then does some quick maths based on the old rate, $20*

                            @choc i bet ur awesome at art

                            @both gotta go, c ya later.
                            SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                            young pickpocketer

                            MY FAMILY
                            sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                            neices: Emo234 &

                            nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                            Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                            • @Animal....Have a great day at school. And thank you for the money. *feels bad taking Animal's money and goes out and buys loads of chocolate and gives it to Animal before she leaves*

                              Bye dear.


                              • AD - thanxs
                                bye AD, hve a great day

