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Chit Chat 6

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  • Hello my lovelies
    The cute chicken of LooneyBin
    With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
    Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
    Daughter: Emo234
    Proud member of GFARDTO
    Carrot Explosion Expert
    I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


    • Hi Elni, we've been missing ya
      Hope you've seen your b'day greetings

      How are you doing?


      • Hello Mistery

        I missed you all so much. Apart from having internet problems, sometimes I come back home after work and I sleep for hours LOL
        I am just serfing arround to check what I had missed so far

        How about you dear alien ??
        The cute chicken of LooneyBin
        With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
        Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
        Daughter: Emo234
        Proud member of GFARDTO
        Carrot Explosion Expert
        I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


        • Awww, internet problems? That's bad
          I'm good thanks Just very busy with work, so not much time for foruming lately


          • Mistery I loved the clip you found. Three ruster singing for me, what can I say
            Time is not enough in our days I wish I could loggin from work but they are so serious and they don't like talking to forums
            But I will be in more ofter I hope, even for few minutes
            The cute chicken of LooneyBin
            With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
            Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
            Daughter: Emo234
            Proud member of GFARDTO
            Carrot Explosion Expert
            I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


            • Hehe, glad you liked the clip

              I can't come here from work either. That's why I just log in in the late evening, but then I'm usually pretty tired
              I look forward to my Christmas vacation though
              No worries, just come online when you can
              How is work going?


              • Chrismas vacations? I hope you are going somewere nice, ore you are going to spend it with your family? In either case have a great time my good friend

                Work is nice. The other Greek people I am working with are greate and we have some laughs. But the last 2 weeks (especially this week) is horrible. Everyone is yelling at as, even if it is not our fault. ANd 8 hours are more like 16. Yesterday I fell ashleep on the bush,nearly missed my stop LOL

                How about you?
                The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                Daughter: Emo234
                Proud member of GFARDTO
                Carrot Explosion Expert
                I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                • We won't go away, we can't afford it at the time being. Our kids will possibly spend a couple of days at their grandparents' house during vacation.
                  But I'm going to have some time for relaxing and maybe for making a small game.

                  Oh, no! Why did it change?!? Did anything happen?
                  Working so many hours is not fun I can imagine how exhausted you are
                  Will you have some days off over Christmas?

                  Work is going well for me, thanks The tasks are very interesting, and I got promoted from next January on But I got a heavy workload, so that I'm usually pretty tired in the evening. And this Saturday we need to clean out the office, so only 1 day off over this weekend


                  • *screms at top of lungs*
                    TWILIGHT IS OUT TONIGHT !!!!!!!!

                    GH's own Princess of Non-sense.

                    so polished, you're gleaming with light, too tempting, resisting with all of our might, blinded sould, our misguided flight, silence the demon's lethal appitite.


                    • Another game from you I can't wait to see the plot Spending time with the family is the best thing. I will go home for 2 weeks for xmas. I haven't been in Greece exactly 1 year from Xmas. I missed them all

                      There were some stupid agents that were yelling at us, and they know that some things are not done by us. We are the technical support and we are transfer the requests they ave to the other departments, like financial, authorising etc. For about 3 weeks we are dealing with one agent. Today she was rudder than ever, and at the end she had done the mistake. She said different things to me and different things to my calleagues.
                      And there is this girl from the Italian department which helps all the departments with technical problems that we cannot solve. Everytime I stand up to bin some rubbish (as the bin is behind her) her eyes following me from the moment I move from my desk to the bin. And If we dare to ask the manager something she answers like I had asked her. She is rude. Worst part is that were I am seating behin me there are about 15 ppl that they are shouting, and I leave the office everyday with hudge headacke.
                      But I don't care. I have met some very lovely people.
                      The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                      With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                      Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                      Daughter: Emo234
                      Proud member of GFARDTO
                      Carrot Explosion Expert
                      I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                      • Great news oxamiraxo

                        I'm so happy for you that you can go home over Christmas
                        Wow, doesn't sound like a good atmosphere at work It's just crazy how much unnecessary stress can put on you by rude colleagues or bosses
                        But I'm also glad that you've also met nice people at work
                        Enjoy your time in Greece, and relax a lot!


                        • Well... hellobe?

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • hI oxamiraxo

                            Thank you hun
                            That is one of the reasons that I want to fell asleep as soon as I go back home. Because of the stress sometimes I only have few hours sleep. The money is good, but not enough with all the thing we do. Ow well we can;t have everything
                            The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                            With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                            Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                            Daughter: Emo234
                            Proud member of GFARDTO
                            Carrot Explosion Expert
                            I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                            • Hi Lilli, how are you?

                              Well, I hope that this job is just for a certain time to earn money, and not forever
                              Btw, are you still studying?


                              • @Lilliputt
                                LILL How is our granny

                                Still the same. Looking for my supervisor, he missed one of our meeting (he was ill but failed to inform me). I left him my printed version outside his offece (which never receieved) and again failed to inform me. I went to our last meeting and he asked me where is the printed version and I said I inform you that I left it outside your office (papers are lost), so the next meeting is next week (I HOPE) Nice way to spend the minimum free time I have
                                The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                                With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                                Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                                Daughter: Emo234
                                Proud member of GFARDTO
                                Carrot Explosion Expert
                                I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me

