I'm watching Family Guy.
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Chit Chat 6
Lol.I have an idea!Let's play poker!I have cards right now,and I can deal.How about I post the cards and you guys can bet?We don't even have to bet.But if you don't want to bet,then lmao.
Who's in?I fell asleep a long time ago.
There's an E.B.O.N.Y. discord server.
Lol im trying to teach my dog left and right.
but ok ill play pokerLast edited by EscapeGirl; 02-03-2009, 07:16:51. Reason: Merged Posts; Please use your EDIT button instead of multiple posting. It's against the rules.An invisible man marries an invisible woman.
the kids were nothing to look at either
"Spys sapping my sentry!" (I love Team Fortress)
i'll pretend i didn' tknow...
and keep it up with your dog, he/she will still like the attentionmaybe... or maybe they will get it right so many times and wrong a few times and think "why am i so stupid! i should be able to give him the right paw all the time!"
*bloodrain- but then you will know what cards we have... unless it's just heads up between me and stickman lol