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Chit Chat 6

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  • gh1 -- NOOO!!!! *faints, then regains consciousness, only to find that her favorite pair of shoes have gone missing* THAT SCOUNDREL! He stole my favorite shoes!!

    blood -- Hm, all this time I thought they were pixie sticks.
    GH Family (possibly the coolest )
    Brother: ~GH Dog~
    Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
    (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
    Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


    • dead people can't talk............unless you're undead

      YES i've stolen your fav pair of RED shoes... hahaha! and i'm wearing them now!


      • Whoops,I lost my train of thought and I put that instead by accident.

        LUV,your shoes disintegrated.George Bush didn't want to get out of office,so he's on a rampage and learned magic from drifters.GH1,those aren't shoes.THhey're snakes.

        OMG there he is!!!*George W. Bush shoots some weird beam shaped like Bill Clinton's head*noo......*falls to ground*

        *wakes up*Oh good,it was only a dream.I'm going to my couch room.*lies on green couch*
        I fell asleep a long time ago.

        There's an E.B.O.N.Y. discord server.


        • maybe you should stop riding the train eh!

          * I'm tired.. i'm going to go to bed


          • gh1 -- YES! I am undead! And always will be, AHHHHAHAHAHA!!!

            NOO! Gimme back my shooooooooooessss!!!! *runs after gh1 and tries to get favorite red shoes, which was a gift from her LovelyUndeadGrammy*
            GH Family (possibly the coolest )
            Brother: ~GH Dog~
            Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
            (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
            Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


            • here.. have your shoes back: *throws them in an icecold river*


              • HAHA! I'm undead! I don't need air to live! *jumps into river to get shoes back, and finally gets them, but is soaking wet and colder now* Y-y-y-you f-fiend. Y-y-you th-though you c-c-c-c-c-could g-get the bes-s-s-st of m-m-me?
                GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                Brother: ~GH Dog~
                Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                • yes Vampires hate the cold!

                  ok i have to go now lol.. see ya!


                  • Yeah yeah...*grumbles to herself*

                    Okay, night.
                    GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                    Brother: ~GH Dog~
                    Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                    (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                    Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                    • Aww...bye Gamershooder.

                      *lays on blue couch and grabs remote control*I'm going to watch Two and a half men.
                      I fell asleep a long time ago.

                      There's an E.B.O.N.Y. discord server.


                      • *grabs phone and calls boyfriend* I'm going to blab to my boyfriend for a while. He likes it though. lol.
                        GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                        Brother: ~GH Dog~
                        Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                        (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                        Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                        • *Grabs phone from LUV's boyfriend,and says in a deep voice*"I have your boyfriend hostage.The ransom is $100,000.If you don't pay the ransom I will...wait...WHAT?Okay,I have your girlfriend hostage.


                          LUV:what was that?

                          ???:That was me shoving hot wax down [?]'s throat.
                          I fell asleep a long time ago.

                          There's an E.B.O.N.Y. discord server.


                          • what a sec... you grabs it from "LUVS bf" so either he's a girl or a hermaphrdite lol


                            • HAHAHAHAHA!!!! How did you know that he's GIRLY?! I think that he really is a woman! OMG I can't stop laughing! *pays the $1,000,000 and takes boyfriend back*
                              GH Family (possibly the coolest )
                              Brother: ~GH Dog~
                              Cousins: Chocbubbles, Animal Dragon, Yoshifan19, Emo234, 2 Tails, funja
                              (highlight the text, there's someone hiding. )
                              Ghost Robot Cousin: Clank


                              • since you only asked for 100 thousand bloodrain may i have 4500 of the million?

