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Chit Chat 6

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  • We're goin' to the Fiery Foods Show today to get our taste buds seared off
    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

    Mark Twain


    • Anyone here?
      GH's Gaomon Fanboy from Boston, MA!


      • anyone here?
        I am and will always be a timetraveler


        • Hellooooo...

          I'm in a biiiig trouble and I need your help
          I have to get a gift for a 13 years old girl, and I have no idea what a 13 years old girl wants.

          This girl is so shy (either that, or she just simply doesn't like me ) and she doesn't tell me what she wants. All she says is "whatever" "stuff" "whatever you think is good"...

          What do you think I should get for her?
          Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


          • hi smidget honey, how are ya. I guess i just read, lol, i might give you an ideas soon okay?


            • PLEASE
              I thought I was gonna get her what I a nice digi-cam, some CD's, books, purse...this girl (she is actually my younger cousin) doesn't give me any hint.

              By the way, she doesn't like Hannah Montana, or Jonas Brothers.
              Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


              • geez you're buying her an expensive gift eh! lol why not some funky stuff at the dollar store

                Welcome to, the ultimate destination for gifts and keepsakes for every occasion. Shop now and get free personalization.


                • Hi Smidget!! Hi GH1!!!

                  I can't stay long, but I saw your post, Smidget. Well, I have a 13 year old niece... And well, she's really into High School Musical 3. If not, many kids that age like MP3 players. (You don't have to get an expensive ipod and make it a pricey gift. Any would work for that age.) Or, if you're REALLY unsure, you could get her a gift card for a store that sells a wide variety of things, or to a music store, or a gift card for a movie cinema. Enough for her and a friend. If she's a jewelry girl, you could get her a simple necklace. Or, you could even just get a gift bag, and mix and match different things in it like: a lip gloss (not lipstick), pens, diary, gift card, stickers, lotion, etc. Just a few ideas.


                  • hi and bye EG

                    hope the link that i sent helps Smidget .... i didn't look at it, i just asked someone else and they sent that to me ( so i can't take the credit )


                    • Thanks, EG and GH1!!!!

                      I'll go hunting for gift with you two's advise in mind.
                      GH1, the site you gave me is really cool! I'm gonna use that for MYSELF, too
                      Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


                      • dang i can't take the credit! lol

                        ok can you use it for me too and see what i'd want? lol i'm lazy


                        • I didn't see "Green" "Dinosaur" in recipients' category... How about nice fluffy mittens and boots and scarf for a green dinosaur who has to survive the Ice Age? Oh, somebody maybe even makes a dinosaur size poratble space heater!
                          Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


                          • Smidget I'm a person not a dinosaur!

                            i could tell you a very short e-mail and an error explantion, can I?


                            • Originally posted by gamershooder1 View Post
                              Smidget I'm a person not a dinosaur!

                              i could tell you a very short e-mail and an error explantion, can I?
                              Oh... I thought you were a sweet green dinosaur...

                              email explanation? sure
                              Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


                              • sent dent tent lent went gent

