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Eggplant Room Escape

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  • #16
    yeah clear game and perfect end.Thanks guys!


    • #17
      I found the
      to turn on the tv and got the purple code.

      Now I just have to figure out the code. I know it has something to do with the


      • #18
        Door code HINT (not the solution):


        • #19
          got it

          These games are addicting. Played one about 5 years ago, played for an hour and almost broke my monitor at work.

          Got into it again last week and have gone through about 10 of them since
          Last edited by EscapeGirl; 01-12-2009, 19:32:43. Reason: Merged Posts; Please use the EDIT button instead of multiple posting. :)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Michelle View Post
            I have

            What do you do with the phone thing on the floor. How do you turn it on?

            Oh, nevermind..I guess it came on and gave me the solution to the locked box. I already did that anyway.

            I don't know how to interpret the colored numbers...

            Oh. Snap. I got it. Want the solution?

            Ummm...what?!!? Would someone provide clarification please?

            Oh! NOW I understand. Out with perfect end!
            Last edited by slerk; 01-12-2009, 18:31:10. Reason: Answer found


            • #21
              Out with perfect end
              - If we live or we die, it will not be goodbye, If we stumble and fall, there's no end to it all... None can bring us down... -


              • #22
                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                I have

                What do you do with the phone thing on the floor. How do you turn it on?

                Oh, nevermind..I guess it came on and gave me the solution to the locked box. I already did that anyway.

                I don't know how to interpret the colored numbers...

                Oh. Snap. I got it. Want the solution?

                Clarification for anyone that doesn't understand the codes...


                • #23
                  Hmmm - that was good and the code was challenging!!
                  You dont have to be crazy to work here - but it sure helps


                  • #24
                    I'm here - got some eggpllants and something from a box (gum?)

                    4 eggplants so far - wonder how many we have to find?
                    Item on floor I can't pick up .. ? 5 eggplants.

                    I tried and then came back later and got in. Over loaded site. So try back, brainisdead.

                    Last edited by NannaJoy; 01-12-2009, 19:36:08.


                    • #25
                      game wont load at all.


                      • #26
                        Out with perfect end.

                        @Brain.....Keep refreshing the page. I know I had to keep refreshing to get in. Seems to be a popular game right now.

                        @NannaJoy....Still stuck?


                        • #27
                          Out with perfect end too, nice game


                          • #28
                            Escape: I'm slowly moving along. I used liquid so have some things to work with .. and the newest item. I kept posting on my same place. - 24 - so you can see what I just found. Now back to see what I can do next.


                            • #29
                              Why do these games have to be so dimly lit?? Out with help with code - my brain is not working properly. The phone (?) on the floor never came on.

                              In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

                              - Albert Camus


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by NannaJoy View Post
                                Escape: I'm slowly moving along. I used liquid so have some things to work with .. and the newest item. I kept posting on my same place. - 24 - so you can see what I just found. Now back to see what I can do next.
                                Ah-ha! I see where you are. And yes, your last edit about what you found it right.

                                Originally posted by mrsepeel View Post
                                Why do these games have to be so dimly lit?? Out with help with code - my brain is not working properly. The phone (?) on the floor never came on.
                                It wasn't dark on my monitor at all... Are your monitor settings light enough? Anyway, I'm sorry it was dark for you, but I'm glad you escaped.

                                For the phone

