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Islands In The Stream

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  • #16
    about order of books

    there is the paper with heroes of books of Hem. Search to in Google.
    Sorry for my English)))


    • #17
      I broke down the fishing rod and

      Got out, eventually. A difficul game, at least for me, but a great one too!
      Last edited by kirahvi; 05-27-2009, 19:30:47.


      • #18
        Am stuck, hard game, got loads of things still keep finding more.
        Up the Villa !!


        • #19
          where is this alleged knife??

          NVM......found it.


          • #20


            • #21
              I can't translate the names of the books and things. Giving up which is a shame because it's been a challenging game.


              • #22
                I can only fin 3 or 4 books and how do I give the cat the fish?

                my order is
                1. Richard Cantwell
                2. Ford Madox Ford
                3. Major Rinaldi
                4. Francis Macomber
                5. Roger Davis
                6. Robert Cohn
                7. Santiago
                please help
                Last edited by flagalstan; 05-27-2009, 22:45:39.
                ( •ᴗ•)b


                • #23
                  ROTFLMAO - the antlers
                  Well, made lots of progress and used some things I found and others I'm still playing with. Need to hit the hay though. So I'm wishing I had made better notes along the way. Maybe try to get an early start on this tomorrow. I'm enjoying it!!
                  12:10 a.m. in my neck of the woods.
                  Last edited by NannaJoy; 05-28-2009, 05:09:31.


                  • #24
                    This one is good game. I've played it yesterday and it took me for 3,5 hour.


                    • #25


                      my order is the same
                      1. Richard Cantwell
                      2. Ford Madox Ford
                      3. Major Rinaldi
                      4. Francis Macomber
                      5. Roger Davis
                      6. Robert Cohn
                      7. Santiago

                      I googled like a horse and found out:

                      2. Ford Madox Ford is named in the book A Moveable Feast
                      3. Major Rinaldi is named in the book A Farewall to Arms
                      4. Francis Macomber ist named already in the title of the book The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber
                      5. Roger Davis is named in the book Islands in The Stream
                      6. Robert Cohn is named in the book The Sun also Rises
                      7. Santiago is named in the book The Old Man and The Sea

                      only Mr Richard Cantwell is missing....
                      I tried also trial and error - but no chance!!!

                      PLEASE HELPPPPP!!!


                      • #26
                        I think the name Richard Cantwell is from the book Across the river and into the trees.

                        I'm still stuck with the door code. I know that its the code behind the picture but i can't see the numbers! Help me please!


                        • #27
                          Here is what I have so far about the book characters

                          And I'm not even sure if that's all of them! Aggh.
                          Last edited by lovexhurts; 06-11-2009, 15:37:19.
                          lovexhurts (aka Rachel)

                          Everythingyoucanimagineisreal. ~ Pablo Picasso


                          • #28
                            I am really needing help w/the sudoku puzzle. Please?

