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  • #61
    What is the letter code for the big cabinet?
    And what abt flashes in the mirror?
    And strange signs at the coffee table?

    So far I got 3 medalions, cheating a lot...
    Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.


    • #62
      mmagia, the flashes in the mirror tell you that the pattern has changed. After you press one of the mirror buttons, go back and check the machine. Draw the pattern the lights make. When you have all four, you will be ready to tackle the coffee table.


      • #63
        Can't find the green medallion. Only puzzles left unsolved currently are the shape puzzle in the coffee table, and the square circle star page in the book that you combine with the piece of paper. These two don't seem to relate to each other, but I can't find anything else that they relate to in any of the rooms. Have inserted 4 medallions into the spinning thing under mirror, can't find green medallion.


        • #64
          Skeptic, have you used the toolbox yet?


          • #65
            ok, so I have found and solved three of the math problems. I have the
            ...where is the last one!?

            also I can't figure out the word puzzle. Am I daft? I don't even see a hint...

            Never mind, got the word puzzle -- gave up on the last math one--just narrowed it down.

            Now trying to figure out second stage of medallions.

            HOLY CRAP! i'm finally out. took a while but I did it with very little help.
            Last edited by Evita; 06-22-2009, 09:08:54.


            • #66
              ZoMayor, you're a creative genius with these games! Please keep crankin' 'em out, you make my day when I play!


              • #67
                This one's pretty crazy....

