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Diversity Find Your Way

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  • #76
    How do you grow the carrot?? I'm a bit confuzled

    EDIT: Nvm. I got it.


    • #77
      ahha u can kill that guy with tape record more then once u kill him then give him carrot he come back to life and then u can kill him agin XD
      Last edited by Shadow12; 02-15-2007, 06:21:10.


      • #78
        Nice game! I liked it. I like the music when you go in to the nursery room when it's all dark and stuff.

        *bookmarked for future referance!*
        One Day At A Time


        • #79
          Just to be obvious there is a trick to hearing the tape.... Just kill the little guy and pick up tape recorder then click on it in inventory and you can hear it as clear as a bell !
          Live every day as though it was your last, coz you never know when your time is up


          • #80
            Aw, my family doesn't have any feelings whether I return or not. At least I didn't kill the kitty!
            Tara Thornton: [to Lafayette] Giving V to Jason Stackhouse is like givin' ho ho's to a diabetic!

            "Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart." - Littlefoot's Mother, 'The Land Before Time'


            • #81
              Cool game ! But i dont find more hints to finish !
              • ABC of riddle

              • Around the world


              • #82
                "See you in heaven Son!
                Love, kiss and hugg.
                Mum, Dad & Jacob."

                Awww. That was a great game, loved it.
                sometimes people just need to be rescued.


                • #83
                  second room

                  im in the second room. i found the crowbar and the key, the electrical outlet, the disk with the virus, and ivelistened to the tape. what next?


                  • #84
                    can someone post a walk through?


                    • #85
                      i cant get the tape player


                      • #86
                        how do I get out of the first room?
                        All i have is a knife with ice, a zippo, a magnifying glass, and a dart.


                        • #87
                          Please Help!

                          I am stuck in the bathroom. I have short circuited the machine with the duck filled with water, I cleaned the toilet with the bottle from traqsh can and toilet brush, now the toilet is clean and shiny, I have a flaming rat now and I cannot get out. There is something in the machine and when I open it, it makes a loud ugly noise and jumps around on the screen until I click off it. I cannot reach the rope...what do I do now?


                          • #88
                            Hehe that's a nice game
                            Carrot Scientist of GamersHood Planet
                            Night Owl of GamersHood Planet!
                            1st GamersHood twins - Jenni and I!
                            The Looney Bin Banner!


                            • #89
                              bla wow yall r wierd
                              life is short
                              live it good!


                              • #90

                                one EVERYTHING bad how do you get the key out of the bathroom
                                i know that some guys head is in the dryer but what do i do with it???
                                i r minny

