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Escape From 1428 Elm Street

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  • #61

    Originally posted by AFTERMATH
    I figured it out.The game was easy.Need somebody help?
    can you tell us how to figure out the rope puzzle!

    PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!11


    • #62
      Page 5 - #48

      Go into the room on your left. Read the sign, then click on the rope in the room. Leave the room. At the intersection, go into the room on the right. For fun, click on the two red books with yellow dots on them in the bookcase. Click on the rope on the right, then leave the room. Go back into the room on the left, and you'll see 3 red buttons where the squares were. Click on the left button, and leave the room. Go back into the bookcase room, and there will be three more buttons. Click on the middle one. Go back into the sign room, and where the brown coffin used to be, there will be a table with a lighter on it.


      • #63

        Can someone please explain the rope thing to me as if I was 5 years old?



        • #64

          Originally posted by AFTERMATH
          What's to do with the ropes?
          get the knife and cut them


          • #65
            Originally posted by Unregistered

            Can someone please explain the rope thing to me as if I was 5 years old?

            You pull the rope in the room with the paper on the wall how to solve the puzzle. Then go to the opposite room, there will be 2 ropes, click on the rope on the right. Then go back to the room where you've pulled the first rope. In the squares there appeared three cirkels. You click the most left one. Then go back to the other room on the right. There are also three cirkels in the squares. Then you click on the middle one. Then you go back again to the very first room and you will see the lighter!! Tataaa... Got it? I think this is for five year old kids...


            • #66
              turn on the tv,smoke your joint infront of the tv,you haveto play a game, if u win u'll get the holy water;-)


              • #67
                Originally posted by AFTERMATH
                1.pull the rope in the room where the paper is
                2.go out and enter the opposite room. click on the books withe yellow dots.
                3.Click on the rope on the right, then leave the room
                4.go back in the first'll see 3 on the left one. then go in the other room.
       this room are 3 more on the middle one.go in the first room and you'll find the lighter.

                tnx ya! you help me too...i finally do that ****in' im go on...


                • #68
                  i did it!!! :applause yeah...and im trying to solve that game for about 3 years =) with all mya friends...but not every day we didn't solve what was the code in bathroom...and now,whit your help i did it!!! tnx :hug :love :O if any1 need help,im here 4 you bye... :fingers


                  • #69
                    rope puzzle

                    where is the rope puzzle?????


                    • #70
                      to get the holy water

                      Originally posted by Unregistered
                      here's a complete walthrough:

                      1)Grab the hammer on the floor in the first room, click on the plank, and read the inscription on the skull. Then head upstairs and go right.

                      2)Open the drawer in the bedroom and grab the weed. Head right into the bathroom.

                      3)Click on the glass, then click on the hammer to break it open. The lock combination is 12,15,12. Grab the basement key.

                      4) Head back downstairs and take a left into the kitchen. Open the cabinents until you find a note and a knife(they're in seperate cabinets). Click on the knife to get it, then read the note. Head straight to the basement.

                      5) Go into the room on your left. Read the sign, then click on the rope in the room. Leave the room. At the intersection, go into the room on the right. For fun, click on the two red books with yellow dots on them in the bookcase. Click on the rope on the right, then leave the room. Go back into the room on the left, and you'll see 3 red buttons where the squares were. Click on the left button, and leave the room. Go back into the bookcase room, and there will be three more buttons. Click on the middle one. Go back into the sign room, and where the brown coffin used to be, there will be a table with a lighter on it. Click on the lighter to obtain it. At the intersection, head straight. Click on the tombstone to read a creepy message (if you bothered to put in your name and birthdate correctly), and then click on the open grave. You'll see a skeletal hand poking out of the dirt. Click on it, then click on the yellow shiny object in its hand. You now have the tool shed key. Leave the basement.

                      6)From the first room(has the plank), head straight. The room will be dark, click on the lamp to light up the room. Head straight. Follow the path until you reach the tool shed. Enter.

                      7)The tool shed is completely dark, and an onscreen message reminds you. Click on the lighter to fix this problem. There is a book under a computer, read it. Afterwards, click on the red switch on the right. A green light comes on. Now, click on the computer. A fake version of windows(winblows) loads. Ignore the my documents, my pictures, and important crap folders(clicking on them just gives you an error message anyways)and click on the machine works program icon. It'll ask you for an access code, type in 5023. A ladder will drop down. Climb the ladder and click on the chest inside. Grab the bedroom key. Leave the tool shed.

                      8)Head back upstairs, and go left. Enter the master bedroom. Read the diary on the drawer, then click on the lightbulb to go to sleep. (NOTE: you can't go back after you go to sleep, so if you want to mess around more, don't go to sleep when prompted)

                      9) It's Freddy Time!! Watch the cheesy cutscene, and fight him. He is completely invulnerable to your gun(don't worry, you have infinite bullets). His glove is the only exception. He tries to rush at you and slash you, first from the left side and then on the right side. If he gets too close for comfort, shoot his glove. He will be knocked back, and appear from the opposite side. You can shoot his hand all day long, but it won't kill him. The trick to beating him lies in shooting a particular background object. Notice the pole with the pipe hanging off of it on the left side? When he appears on the left side, shoot the pipe. If you shoot too early or too late, the pipe will shake, but not fall. If you time it right, the pipe will fall on him, trapping his arm. You now have the option of using holy water or shooting him in the head. If you followed this walkthrough, you won't have the holy water, so shoot him in the head. This will give you the "crappy " ending. To get the good ending, you need to get the holy water.

                      10) I haven't figured out how to get the holy water yet, but I suspect it involves using the weed(and no, you can't light your joint with the lighter, I've tried many times to no avail). When I figure it out, i'll update it wit
                      h how to get it. Hope this helps everyone!

                      To get the holy water all you need to do is play the mini-game that will appezr when you smoke the weed in front of the T.V. Follow the instructions and if you survive the mini-game you'll get the holy water but if you don't you won't get it. Well good luck.


                      • #71
                        Thanks for da walthroughs

                        Thanks for da walthroughs guys they helped alot!!!!
                        A hook in the ceiling
                        Did I spell 'ceiling' right?
                        Don't know if people will understand
                        Who cares anyway?


                        • #72
                          Thanks for da walthroughs

                          Thanks for da walthroughs guys they helped alot!!!!?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=15673#[/url]
                          A hook in the ceiling
                          Did I spell 'ceiling' right?
                          Don't know if people will understand
                          Who cares anyway?


                          • #73
                            little help...

                            im in the basement....and what now....?


                            • #74
                              How do u get the lighter>>

                              I need help. I am in the base ment but it wont let me in cause it is too dark. What do i do???


                              • #75
                                Ok.... I am, as many of you are, baffled by the simplicity of this game....

                                The graphics drove me nuts more than anything else though.
                                My Love Is Like To Ice And I To Fire

