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Escape From 1428 Elm Street

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  • Originally posted by Pink
    Good game.Kiwi did you ask how we figure out the code?
    yes maybe i'm just tired i know it sounds stupid or i need some sleep


    • woohooo i won the game you use holy water to kill him don't shoot him holy water only


      • im at the part with the stove and i cut the rope..what do i do now!!?!?!?!?!?

        whats with the red buttons in the room with only one rope?

        *** i got the shitty ending!WHAT THE FCUK!
        Last edited by lili; 06-18-2007, 16:34:21. Reason: merged posts


        • stuck

          Originally posted by Crazee
          You gotta complete the rope puzzle-easy-to get the lighter in the room near your grave.
          How do you do that?


          • tell me how to solve the ropr puzzle

            Originally posted by AFTERMATH
            I figured it out.The game was easy.Need somebody help?
            canbt get the rope puzzle what m i supposed to do??
            Last edited by Mistery; 06-25-2007, 16:45:11. Reason: MERGED POSTS. DO NOT DOUBLE POST, USE THE EDIT BUTTON


            • I think this post was about your question:

              Or take a look at the walkthrough.


              • meh. I gave up. I did the stupid rope thing and the red buttons just never appeared.

                Oh man. I figured out my problem. Make sure the left rope is up when you pull the right rope down. I am so dumb.

                Crap, so you only get one chance at the holy water? Lame.


                • Alright heres the trick I use:
                  You know that weed that you can find in the bedroom with the hat on the floor? Well if you look in the drawer you may notice that there is some drugs. Take these, it is the only way to truly beat the game! Now when you get in the room with the TV turn it on and light it up! You will now play an odd little game getting you *drum roll* THE HOLY WATER!!!


                  • super easy!!!!!!i beat it in less then 15 mins, wasn't great though...
                    DIE FOR PIE


                    • I AM A MEMBER OF THE Looney Bin

                      "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemys first law of Equivalent Exchange.
                      play a scary game

                      mysterys games


                      • mega e z i beat it in like 5 min lol


                        • long walkthru lol
                          I've got a riddle for you guys.
                          PM me or just tell me in chat what comes next in this uhh, well, (how to describe it?) Saying. (I guess)

                          What does the scouter say about his power level?
                          (hehehe I love this part)


                          • I escaped the room like 1 month a go.The only thing I remember is that I fell asleep and fred is tring to defeat me.To defeat Fred you have to fire at his glove then fire at a some kind of meatel stick.(when Fred is below the stick) and use the holy water


                            • this game is so easy you get the holy water by smoking the joint by the tv


                              • I Figured Out How To Get The Holy Water: When You're Playing That Freddy's Videogame Keep Space Bar Constantly Pressed, You'll Win For Sure.
                                [FONT="Arial Black"][/FONTSTEIBUP]

