Originally posted by Pink
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Escape From 1428 Elm Street
I think this post was about your question:
Or take a look at the walkthrough.
meh. I gave up. I did the stupid rope thing and the red buttons just never appeared.
Oh man. I figured out my problem. Make sure the left rope is up when you pull the right rope down. I am so dumb.
Crap, so you only get one chance at the holy water? Lame.
Alright heres the trick I use:
You know that weed that you can find in the bedroom with the hat on the floor? Well if you look in the drawer you may notice that there is some drugs. Take these, it is the only way to truly beat the game! Now when you get in the room with the TV turn it on and light it up! You will now play an odd little game getting you *drum roll* THE HOLY WATER!!!
1.start the game put in your name and birthdate
2. click on the door to enter
3.take the hammer and lift the floor board that is popping up and if you look at the writing on the skull it says 3x4, 7-6, and 8+7
4.go up the stairs and head to your right
5.open up the top drawer to get the.....drugs
6.go back down stairs and go into to the left door
7.open up all of the cupboards on the bottom until you find a bloody knife
8.open the cupboards on the top until you find a note saying
That son of a b**** named Fred was crazy... He haunted my dreams...Made the thought of sleep terrifying. He nearly killed me, but i got the best of him.. I found that using any kind of Holly or Blessed water seemed to destroy him... At least that's what is seemed...
9.put the note back and walk out of the kitchen and into the door straight ahead
10.turn the lights on by pulling the lamps chain
11.zoom in on the telly and turn it on and use the drugs
12.after that you will be sucked into Freddy's nightmare video game you must stay alive no matter what or its game over for you
13.ones you beat it you will get some holy water at the end
14.go back up stairs into the room and turn into the bathroom
15.zoom into the mirror and smash it with the hammer and there will be a lock box inside
12 15 12
16.ones you do this you will get the basement key
17.go back downstairs and go into the kitchen again and click on the door that was ones locked
18.you will be in the basement now click on the brown rope that is keeping the pipe up and use the knife on it to cut it down ones this is done water will put the flames out
19.zoom into the boiler to pull a lever down and zoom back out to of found you just opened a secret passage
20.ones you go in go into the left door and zoom in on the note it says "pull the rope,opposite room=right,opposite room=left,opposite room=middle
21.get off of the note and go back into the hall and go into the right room when your in there theres just a book shelf and it just shows a picture of Freddy games from game then and an old newspaper article
22.go back into the hall and go into the room straight ahead to find your grave look into the grave to find a skeletons hand popping out of the dirt zoom in on the hand and take the shed key
23.ones you have it don't go know where come back into the hall and reenter the left room and pull the rope know some other ropes will fall in the right room go into the right room and pull down the right rope come out into the hall and back into the left room there will be 3 red buttons click on the left one and go into the right room ones more and there will be 3 more buttons click on the middle one and go into the left room one last time to find the butane lighter sitting on a thin table pick it up
24.now come out of the basement and exit the kitchen and go back into the living room and take the door that leads out side keep going to the shed and ones inside use the butane lighter to light the room up
25.click on the little knob on that machine to turn the power on in the room for the computer click on the computer and click on the red icon and it will say "operate machine" click on that and it will ask for a code
the code is 5023
26.a ladder will come down next to the computer climb up it to be in a dank little spot of the room and you can see a red box with a "T" on it click on it to get the bedroom key
27.come out of the shed and exit the living room and go up stairs but this time take a left and go into the locked bedroom
28. whilst in there you will find a book on the nightstand flip through it and you find a gun flip through it to the end and ones done you will see a light bulb in the middle of the bed click on it to get a option of falling asleep or not you will want to fall asleep
29.now you will face Freddy the only way to kill him is aiming and shooting at him 3 times keep clicking on him until he stops keep doing this until hes down
30.now it gives you an option to either shoot him or use the holy water NEVER USE THE GUN because thats his dream world you always want to use the holly water ones you use it you will see a little skit of you getting the heck out of there in a car and going far far away.I AM A MEMBER OF THE Looney Bin
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemys first law of Equivalent Exchange.
♠play a scary game ♠
☺mysterys games☺