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  • #16
    Originally posted by Elni
    I already have done that and the only problem is WHERE ARE THE BLUE THING????
    o.O? Blue? what blue thing? you mean the paste?
    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue.
    I'm so glad that
    colors weren't wasted on you.



    • #17
      The cute chicken of LooneyBin
      With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
      Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
      Daughter: Emo234
      Proud member of GFARDTO
      Carrot Explosion Expert
      I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


      • #18
        The man on the table says: With a pop! Good sound does. when you click on the head?

        And apparently there are more decorations to add to the bamboo too if you read the text with babelfish.


        • #19
          hmm a bit confuzeld I click on the fruit thingy and nuttin happens and you said something about da bamboo thingy mine is stuck in the safe
          DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

          Lost in a room trying to escape

          Beam me up scotty!


          • #20


            • #21
              oh okie dokie but still cant get the yellow fruit thingy open

              Ah ha I got the other one on it
              DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

              Lost in a room trying to escape

              Beam me up scotty!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Neener
                oh okie dokie but still cant get the yellow fruit thingy open
                After you click on about item for it click all around the picture. It will open.


                • #23
                  oookay maybe I'm retarded but when I click all over it around the pic and everything it just says this "The ふ - it is, it probably is some instrument? ? Piling up the paper, but those which it made we would like to see?"

                  edit ah ha I figured it out I had to do the book thingy first
                  DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                  Lost in a room trying to escape

                  Beam me up scotty!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Neener
                    hmm a bit confuzeld I click on the fruit thingy and nuttin happens and you said something about da bamboo thingy mine is stuck in the safe
                    Bamboo as in the plant outside. Anyway keep clicking the left should open.
                    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                    Roses are red,
                    Violets are blue.
                    I'm so glad that
                    colors weren't wasted on you.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jeral
                      Bamboo as in the plant outside. Anyway keep clicking the left should open.
                      already found that out Jack told me but mahalo for the answer n-e-ways
                      DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                      Lost in a room trying to escape

                      Beam me up scotty!


                      • #26
                        YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THE PASTE!!!!!!

                        WOOOOOOOT! I'm OUT!
                        A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                        B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                        Roses are red,
                        Violets are blue.
                        I'm so glad that
                        colors weren't wasted on you.



                        • #27
                          holy cow you beat us ha ha ha
                          DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                          Lost in a room trying to escape

                          Beam me up scotty!


                          • #28
                            Good job

                            The end, that was fun.


                            • #29
                              WD Jeral Thanks for the hint
                              The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                              With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                              Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                              Daughter: Emo234
                              Proud member of GFARDTO
                              Carrot Explosion Expert
                              I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Neener
                                holy cow you beat us ha ha ha
                                =DD That's a first...I was shocked too. Didn't expect to beat it.
                                A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                                B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                                Roses are red,
                                Violets are blue.
                                I'm so glad that
                                colors weren't wasted on you.


