i have a huge complaint against some of you! the game has only been up for not even a day and you are already posting a walktrought what is people's problem i come to the forum seeking for help and noone is on because they are all using a walktrought posted 20 minutes after the game is!!!! STOP POSTING WALKTROUGHS RIGHT AWAY! give it like a week or something. this game hasnt even made it into the front page and a walktrought is already posted! the point of the forum is to interact with other users and sometimes work together, it's kinda hard when you post a walktrough right away because then people just look at the walktrough and you are left all alone because noone else is on and then you are forced to look at the walktrought! so please people wait a while to post it!
i have a huge complaint against some of you! the game has only been up for not even a day and you are already posting a walktrought what is people's problem i come to the forum seeking for help and noone is on because they are all using a walktrought posted 20 minutes after the game is!!!! STOP POSTING WALKTROUGHS RIGHT AWAY! give it like a week or something. this game hasnt even made it into the front page and a walktrought is already posted! the point of the forum is to interact with other users and sometimes work together, it's kinda hard when you post a walktrough right away because then people just look at the walktrough and you are left all alone because noone else is on and then you are forced to look at the walktrought! so please people wait a while to post it!