ok heres a big spoiler as what to do
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D's Room Escape 2
*~The Shining Star of GH~~*
The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!
*~a proud Mommy to be~*
Originally posted by nin_man View PostI'm assuming you have seen the hintson the back of the cat poster
The only doll in the room is Santa, so that's one password (but in lowercase, like the locker says). The other is the cat's name, which you have to work for.Put together the puzzle to get it
They'reinside the box that Santa is standing on
Where is this puzzle that everyone is talking about? And which present are you supposed to use the scissors on?
For anyone having trouble
First take middle candle from the candle stick then take news paper from under the carpet at the crimbo tree next you need the poker this can be found by clicking on the locked box. you should then see the poker slightly poking out from behind the shelf. when you have these things go to the fire and place on the newspaper next light the paper with the candle and use the poker on the resulting fire a key will fall onto the floor pick up key and go back to the locked box to recieve the present
First follow the advice of shinigstar about the magic square so you get your 4 number code. Next go to the code box that the santa doll is sitting on and input the code press the big white button and hey presto SCISSORS
Go to the stockings on the fire and click on them on the fire place above them you will discover the cats paw next select the cats paw and view item keep clicking on it until it is revealed as a bottle opener next go to the magic square and use the bottle opener under the arrow on the board it will fall to the ground revealing the card
Ok here is where the game branches off in 2 directions for a red pen you need the name of the doll on top of the code box which im sure you all know is santa. Next you go to the crimbo tree on the wall to the right of it you will see a strange box click on this box and eneter the name santa in lower case (or half alphabet as the game puts it) and whammo the red pen is yours!! for the slightly trickier blue pen you will need the present from the locked box and the scissors from santa's code box when you have both of these items examine the present and use the scissors on it to get the ??dried bonnito?? (guessing it is some kinda cat food lol) put this into the basket under the photo of the cat to get puzzle pieces examine these to go to jigsaw game and reveal name of cat (I could tell ya but where is the fun in that????) next enter the cats name in the box near the tree (remember lower case only) to recieve blue pen! *please note you can only use one pen so choose wisely lmao
Hope this helps everyone oh and big thanks to shiningstar for theMAGIC SQUARE
tip i was racking my brains for ages over that oneWest Ham Till I Die!
Rufus The Stunt Bum!!
Thank you gizmoweb, this was helpful. Now the only thing I have is the cristmas card on which I used the pen. Now I'm stuck. Any help?
NVM...I was just stupid...I'm out...Thanks for all that helped.Last edited by Mistery; 12-19-2007, 10:27:16. Reason: MERGED POSTS. MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS AGAINST THE RULES, EDIT YOUR POST IF NECESSARY.The best things in life aren't things...
so far I've got everything except for the scissors...which means I can't open the present, and I still need one piece of star!!!
Can any1 please just tell me exactly what to do with tha magical-something-turning-people-crazy-thingy?????
nvm got the code!!!
what am I supposed to do with the star???
I'm out!!!!
out the 2nd way!!!!! how cute is that!?Last edited by muffin_fairy; 12-19-2007, 19:15:40.-Elen sيla lumenn' omentielvo-
-Frodo, im Arwen telin le thaed lasto beth nîn tolo dan na ngalad!-
-Nîn o Chithaeglir lasto beth daer. Rimmo nîn Bruinen dan in ulaer!-
-Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi crimpatul!-
"Courage is found in unlikely places."
I'd love to get a pm if you're Tolkien obsessed as well!
Good game, had to restart because I couldn't find a way through the door:
I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.
2 riddles made so far.
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