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  • lol fun but hard.......
    we were at the beach everybody had, matching towels! somebody went, under a dock, and there they found a rock!!! but it wasnt a rock, it was a rock LOBSTER!!
    Peter Griffin


    • Middle Basement Room

      I've entered the middle basement room but I'm at a loss with the 3 puzzles inside. (disc, fuses, and levers) Could someone at least give me an idea about what I need to be doing? What do the puzzles trigger? Any info at all would help me.

      Also the circular word puzzle, am I suppose to be spelling out a word or what? I've got all the letters and I found the book with the picture of the goblet that matches the table to the puzzle but I can't make out what the book says. Once again, HELP!


      • Basement Room

        The middle basement room is based on the dinning room 1F East. You have to look at a close up of the table. There are items missing from some of the settings. (Seat to the right - a plate is missing, Top right seat glasses, and bottom left a fork). Also take a note of the plate locations in the cupboard in the room next to the dinning room. (Top 2, Middle Right, and Bottom Left)

        Now the code to the door corresponds to the cupboard plates

        Think of the seating once in the room, Puzzle to the right corresponds to the glasses, Puzzle to the left to the fork, and the front puzzle the plate.


        • Circular Letter Puzzle

          This one was hard because there was no logic to finding out how to work the puzzle. However it has nothing to do with the goblet from the book. Clever though. Anyway, After completeing all puzzles in the basement the elevator in 2F North is powered up and working. The elevator will take you to 1F North. Zoom in close to the cupboard and click right to view a package. Open it with your knife to recieve a paper with twelve blank cirlces.

          Now take the paper back up the elevator to 2F North, zoom in straight ahead to the water bowl under the mirror, and the letters to the puzzle are revealed. Take a note they change with each game. Using your letter key and your reaveled letters to enter the code on the table in 2F East.


          • Bear,fish,Human,Bird

            Originally posted by Unregistered
            Me again.. Just correcting myself... I have all the triangles for each shape, but the levers in the basement won't move... and I cant seem to find anything else that would have to be completed... other than the door with the little squares with bear, bird, fish and stick person..


            BIRD BEAR

            FISH HUMAN


            • for the sun room in basement see below for the clues :


              • walkthrough

                Is there a walkthrough for this game cageling?
                If there is could I possibly have the link to it or .... much appreciated


                • Walkthrou

                  I Need Walkthrou NOW!!!!


                  • Thank goodness I can save! Didn't think I wanted to pull an all nighter! Great game - at last in the basement.


                    • How frustrating... after all this maths and joining puzzles together,
                      I have to give up because of the language and seemingly a bug. *grrrrrrrrr*

                      I have all the knowledge pages except one but (due to a hint) I am not
                      able to talk to that girl on 2F/SW...

                      and the guy in the mirror in the basement doesn't work also, though I
                      just copied the Japanese Phrase into the line...

                      Days of work for nothing almost at the end of the game...

                      any clues?


                      • I've played this game 2005 when it came out, so I have no memories of details.
                        Have you tried to check the walkthrough?

