Am I the only one that can not click on anything? The mouse turns into a hand thingy, but I can't click on anything
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Escape Science Lab
get knife
use it on portrait
get alcohol,powder,beaker and money
use money get acid bottle while the girls bending over
get matches
open locker get tools
combine alcohol,powder,beaker,acid
use liquid on floor lower left corner end part 1
light match
look to upper right corner for rope(cant get it yet)
get petrol then rope then broken plank
combine petrol can w rope light match
click the pipe opening beneath shelves
lvl 2 done
light the plank
use a match on tools
break padlock
end lvl 3
startby entering the manhole and go back to the basement
get gum
go up
get bunsen burner,test tube and keys
combine gum and key
go down the hole
search pockets for change
combine gum change burner and test tube
go back to parkin lot
use key on scooter when guard is on left side(had 2 click on scooter twice)
end of game
thx to jack who provided the solution to the key problem
hope this helps