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DayMare Town

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  • #31
    Excellent Game - best ive played for ages - but i couldnt have finished it without your walkthrough mouthybrat - i was searching for ever for those last two birds
    I'm Hungry, let's get a taco, Thirsty? drink moloko
    Gamershood Online Paradise is now on Facebook!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Mistery
      Well, I tried at least 40 times, but nothing yet
      I can drag the paper, but not release it. Tried fast, slowly etc.
      Hi Mystery,

      it is about the game "paper, stone, siccors", I actually don't know the
      precise name of that childhood game. But with that hint in the game you
      know you have to use the

      Hope that helps?

      EDIT: Oh righty, without the walktrough I'd never ever had the chance
      to find all those *clickinglikeamaniac* birds...


      • #33
        Well, as you can see from one of my previous posts, finally - after 100 trials - I succeeded. I don't know why it didn't want to work for me for so long
        Anyhow, I appreciate you trying to help

        I want to replay it later, so that I can find the 10th bird aswell - I finished with 9


        • #34
          Finished!!! Great game!
          Last edited by Carmel; 07-26-2007, 17:49:10.


          • #35
            need help only have coin!
            I've got a riddle for you guys.
            PM me or just tell me in chat what comes next in this uhh, well, (how to describe it?) Saying. (I guess)

            What does the scouter say about his power level?
            (hehehe I love this part)


            • #36
              @ derek: there is a hook string and key out in the courtyard also.
              Today is where your book begins
              The rest is still unwritten


              • #37
                awsome games!!!!!!

                difficult game but very enjoyable.


                • #38
                  can someone help me find the yardkey?? i have finished everything else found 9 birds and i know where the 10th one is... but i dont have the key to get to him!!
                  oh and i know it is somewhere in the courtyard but have i clicked everywhere and still cant seem to find the darn thing


                  • #39
                    im stuck at the same place. the walkthrough has done nothing to help me with this. grr.


                    oof! I found it! its :



                    • #40
                      I love a challenge

                      I love a challenge, and this game was certainly a challenge.

                      Thanks for the walkthrough. I even found all the birds and freed that dude.
                      Don't forget you are awesome.


                      • #41
                        hey i cant find the square puzzle piece with the hole in it i have tried to use the forum and retrace my steps but its just too hard i set up a user name just for this game i think its great please post me back i need to finish before i get out of work


                        • #42
                          It is, maybe, most beautyful game I'm played ever. Perfect!
                          "Catch 22"


                          • #43
                            GIjoe have you found the string and the hook?

                            Just laugh!

                            DO IT!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #44

                              yes i have done everything i can think of

                              all i need is that final stone i have all the birds and everything else
                              Last edited by Mistery; 07-26-2007, 23:29:36. Reason: MULTIPLE POSTING IS NOT ALLOWED, PLEASE EDIT YOUR POST INSTEAD


                              • #45
                                well, you have to make a torch by the combination of clothe and screw driver, then you have put it in the hole when you zoom in pasage on main screen.

                                then use the lighter on it, and a little guy will make visible,give him the small coin and he will give you that piece.

                                Just laugh!

                                DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

