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DayMare Town

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  • #16
    I still have the lighter , a piece of rolled up paper and the string with hook in my inventory. I think I've found 8 birds. Found the guy in chains and I have all but one of the puzzle pieces in place. Also found the column that shows that all but one of the puzzle pieces are found.

    Anybody further than this. I don't know where to get the last piece.

    Oh, I also found a mask face that when you click on it's necklace it's mouth opens for a moment. Tried to put all of my remaining inventory in the mouth, but, that did nothing.

    Anybody have a clue at this point?


    • #17
      I think that we're at the same point, Michelle.
      As mentioned in my above post, I tried to use piece of paper, but it doesn't work. So I might be wrong.


      • #18
        This one is a bit tricky. I hate not finishing but I am so stuck. Tab most definitely helps in this game. I wonder if there is a walkthough on Matuesz site. I'll have to go and check....


        • #19
          You're on the right track. The trick is

          Darn! I got out, but I never finished the "secret puzzle." Unless you've found all the birds, don't cross the bridge!


          • #20
            Well, I tried at least 40 times, but nothing yet
            I can drag the paper, but not release it. Tried fast, slowly etc.


            • #21
              Woot! Got the square piece. Keep trying Mystery.

              I'm not sure if I've found all the birds or not.


              • #22
                It really doesn't work for me, I tried meanwhile at least 80 times, I can't release the roll of paper.

                OMG, after 100 tries, it worked finally!!!

                Now, the dots show that I've found 8 birds.... Still missing 2.


                • #23
                  There you go!

                  I have one bird left to find. I really want to free the prisoner.

                  On his site Murtaugh says his evil twin created this and so it's incredibly hard.


                  • #24

                    You can see how many birds you've found by looking at the pillar next to the mask dude. (Never did figure out his purpose.)

                    For the birds:

                    I redid it, got all 10 birds, let the little guy loose. Good game!


                    • #25
                      I've found one more,

                      but not the 10th. Ah well.... didn't solve the secret puzzle.

                      Anyhow, again a great game by Mateusz Skutnik

                      And thanks to those who helped


                      • #26
                        I already found the one by clicking on the left side of the rail by the bridge. It's around the corner. I found all but one. Crossed the bridge. I'll try again later and see if I can find them all and free the little guy.


                        • #27

                          Really awesome game!!! I finally finished it with some help from all the posts...Here's a walkthrough for anyone wishing to have it...

                          Last edited by mouthybrat; 07-25-2007, 19:34:15.
                          I'm addicted to escape games!

                          :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye:


                          • #28
                            Thank You, Mouthy Brat!!! I don't know how you managed to find
                            , but, GOOD JOB!

                            Excellent game!


                            • #29
                              Can someone please explain to me how to make a game? I want to try and make a point and click game, a riddle, and an escape the room game, but I don't know where to start or what to do. If you know how to do this, please PM me and give me the exact details on what I need to do and I how I do it. Thank you


                              • #30
                                Really good game Thanx for the walkthrough Mouthy Brat!

                                Well, there are many threads in here for discussing game developement. Did you see this one, for example?

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

