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Tipping Point (Chapters 1-4)

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  • #31
    This is one great game. Took me awhile, but I wanted to see how far I got without any hints. Love the graphics.
    Don't forget you are awesome.


    • #32
      Totally stuck. I can't find
      anywhere. Suggestions?

      Duh...nevermind. found it.
      Last edited by Bylena; 11-30-2007, 07:22:12. Reason: silly me.


      • #33
        I'm sooo stuck on the island.
        Got the
        and put it in the
        . I can also pick up the
        but I can't take it with me nor have I found the
        that is needed.
        EDIT: Nvm, somehow it took me ages to see that one direction I need to go in ...
        Last edited by scarface-joe; 11-30-2007, 09:51:42. Reason: my own stupidity
        Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose


        • #34
          This game is talking ages to load for me
          I'll always think of you and smile (",)


          • #35
            Me too


            • #36
              help...stuck in the cave...followed code.

              what do i do when i get to the end of it? tried using the metal detector...nothing.


              • #37
                Hi! Would someone please tell me how to


                • #38
                  @ Starblu

                  @ smalltowngal


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by smalltowngal102 View Post
                    Hi! Would someone please tell me how to
                    Sure! you just

                    im still stuck in the cave!!! i
                    am i an idiot? lol! any help? gotta go 2 class. ill get back 2 this later...
                    Last edited by Sinitalela; 11-30-2007, 19:49:46.


                    • #40
                      ummm... i'm having a problem. i have gone to the tv channel and i have called the number but i have no idea what to do..i don't have any sound I read the hint about putting in the channel number but the screen cuts off under the 7 8 9 buttons i can't see the zero or a pound key. please help me.
                      "Popular. I know about popular. And with an assist from me to be who who'll be, instead of dreary who you were, well are. There's nothing that'll stop you from becoming popular." --Wicked


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by cricket View Post
                        ummm... i'm having a problem. i have gone to the tv channel and i have called the number but i have no idea what to do..i don't have any sound I read the hint about putting in the channel number but the screen cuts off under the 7 8 9 buttons i can't see the zero or a pound key. please help me.
                        dunno what to tell u. if u have a pc, try pressing f11 to give u a full screen on the game's window.


                        • #42
                          OH thanks sinitalela...the F11 thing worked.
                          "Popular. I know about popular. And with an assist from me to be who who'll be, instead of dreary who you were, well are. There's nothing that'll stop you from becoming popular." --Wicked


                          • #43
                            does anyone remember the code to jump to chapter 2?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by dedodel View Post
                              does anyone remember the code to jump to chapter 2?

                              This is a cool game, but it moves waaaaay to slow for my taste!
                              Thanks anyway!


                              • #45
                                i know this kinda sounds stupid but i set the watch to 11:15 and pressed the botton on top of the watch... but now i dont nkow wut to do

                                never mind

                                did anyone find the key to the box chest thing?
                                Last edited by Mistery; 12-01-2007, 01:14:33. Reason: MERGED POSTS. MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS AGAINST THE RULES. PLEASE USE THE EDIT BUTTON
                                I Told Y'all i was gonna bump like this... Y'all didnt think that i could bump like this

