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Tipping Point (Chapters 1-4)

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  • #91
    Thanks for the hint.

    Now I'm stuck on making device ... grrr.

    EDIT: FINISHED! that was a cool game. want to see the fourth chapter!
    Last edited by Evita; 03-26-2008, 08:03:35.


    • #92
      How do you catch the beetle i've been chasing it for ages
      sigpicProud Lincolnshire Yellowbelly!!!


      • #93


        • #94
          Thank you!!! i finally done it
          sigpicProud Lincolnshire Yellowbelly!!!


          • #95
            Yay. Just got out! A little tougher than the previous chapters, but not too difficult.
            A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
            B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
            Roses are red,
            Violets are blue.
            I'm so glad that
            colors weren't wasted on you.



            • #96
              I teleported to another time when the endgame of Ultima III or IV (Lord British) popped onto the screen. Thought it was 1986 and I was on my old apple iic playing that game again. Really enjoyed it.


              • #97
                yea i finished last night it is a good game cant wait till 4 comes out
                Trust in the
                Heart of the Cards


                • #98
                  please! Can anyone help me with the code to the thing that the lion has in his mouth? I know where to find the clue but I can not figure it out. Please!

                  never mind. my son helped me. But can someone please write down a walkthru?
                  Last edited by jack; 03-27-2008, 15:26:02. Reason: please use the edit button instead of posting twice in a row


                  • #99
                    Sure...I'll add it to the Chapter 1 & 2 walkthrough. Check the main post for the link =)

                    Edit: Walkthrough has been updated. Chapter 3 added.
                    Last edited by Jeral; 03-27-2008, 15:22:56.
                    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                    Roses are red,
                    Violets are blue.
                    I'm so glad that
                    colors weren't wasted on you.



                    • The pink casset doesn't work. What can I do? How to remout it? Please help


                      • Originally posted by Aliona View Post
                        The pink casset doesn't work. What can I do? How to remout it? Please help
                        Have you played it before? Or is it the first time, if it's the first time, enlarge the radio, then move the cassette around until it starts glowing. If you already used it, then you won't need to use it again.
                        A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                        B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                        Roses are red,
                        Violets are blue.
                        I'm so glad that
                        colors weren't wasted on you.



                        • The black casset was playing annoing music. The pink one inserted but not moved


                          • Well, sadly you have to listen to them for awhile. Did you hit the play button? It's on the top right.

                            Anyway, if you're still stuck, look at the walkthrough.
                            A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                            B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                            Roses are red,
                            Violets are blue.
                            I'm so glad that
                            colors weren't wasted on you.



                            • thank yor jeral! I'm out!


                              • Thank you. It was a lag. I have restarted the game. It's ok

