At the place where you see the dock and the little black critter runs off (in Fog Haven), I can't go right to follow the critter. I looked at the walkthrough, and it told me to, but I can't. I'm restarted the game three times.
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Daymare Town 2
Originally posted by Archontic View PostAt the place where you see the dock and the little black critter runs off (in Fog Haven), I can't go right to follow the critter. I looked at the walkthrough, and it told me to, but I can't. I'm restarted the game three times.><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm so glad that
colors weren't wasted on you.
"To err is human; to forgive is divine."
Err...I don't see where they say you need to follow the black figure. Anyway, it's a one way can you not find the way back? >.> There's no forks or what.
Anyway, I really don't know where you're stuck at. Tell me what you have or where you are. You might not even have what you need to reach the Artist's house.><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm so glad that
colors weren't wasted on you.
Afternoon - well, did everything I did last night and I've 9 coins - found another from last count. Going to have to recover my my ground again as I evidently missed something. Giant won't go, hairy dude just sits there, ... no boat for a trip. tried to use my last item here and there. *sigh* may have to resort to hunting a hint.
That's the guy! LOL
Thought I might need some fluid for it or a wick or flint
Silly me! I got it and came back to post - see you have also. Thanks Mistery. Watch out for low flying craft!
Oh dear! Someone is getting a time out - stuck in the corner.
Is the museum worth the price? Doesn't even say what is in there!!
What to buy? or not buy?
25 coins, maggot, cheese
Maybe I can find item asked for - water.
30 coins, maggot, cheese, pearmain
Mainly wonder what I must buy and can I sell back if I don't need it later. Saw the "runner" again but couldnt' follow. Been to Wall Street and Butchers Market. My mom is the only one I know that wants that cheese.
30 coins, cheese, pearmain & lionfish
Guy no longer asks for water and gatekeeper growls at me.
Big spender! that's me. Seems like someone wanted something. Two growling guys - most of them need a barbar.
23 coins (spent 8 so far) cheese, medalion, egg, pearmain, knife
Will just leave this running - I have to fix dinner and eat. Hubby likes to eat every night.Last edited by NannaJoy; 06-03-2008, 22:13:19.
What to buy:
Everything offered, except for the arsenic
That is the only thing you don't have to use, as you'll get nothing in return for it anyway. You will need everything else.
The gatekeeper:
he wants something shiny (an item you will purchase), you can give it to him from the other side of the door. When you do, he drops something you'll find very useful!
Dinner over, coffe on the porch and a smoke. Been back for a bit and now
25 coins, pear, knife, medalion, cheese, & 4 eggs - chicken, wooden, golden & FabergeI found another item but can't pick it up - I'm full? So need to use some things or store them someplace. Another person with a bad hair day and squeeky voice who needs something - not anything that I have, of course. Have not toured the museum yet but hate to go unless I can pick up stuff!
Thanks, Ilikecheese, I did give away the item and got nothing for my trouble and I did business with gatekeeper from inside which worked.
I usedpeach on yawning picture and got medalion!- Think I know what to do with that. ... yep - that worked. Yippee!. I'll check hints when I get to a snag again.
Well, you would think they would have cleaned up before opening the museum again! Do I have to pay to go in again? I missing at least one thing.Last edited by NannaJoy; 06-04-2008, 01:46:11.
Yeah, I had the problem of full inventory, too.
If you have
museum ticketyou can enter, give it to the guard, and put the eggs there.
click the face on the right wall of aquaduct, and stuff pear in its mouth to make one space free in your inventory, then buy museum ticket and get rid of the eggs you got so far
cut it, and find bread to make sandwich
I still can't pick up chalk .. so guess I need something first or it is just a tease.
I feel like a thief! Just walked in and took it! Headed back to squeeky talking person.
have last egg and a balloon .. no one seems to want the balloon. Only 22 coins with all that spending *sigh*
LOL They should refund my money since I"ve been so nice to them - and have such weird art.
23 coins & knifeThought that would be it but evidently missing the secret escape door. The rascally runner zips off where nobody can follow. Him and Bugs Bunny! I gotta check email and get the pup out!
Left - .. who are these people with 41 coins!!! I'll start again and see if I can do better.Last edited by NannaJoy; 06-04-2008, 03:43:38.