Originally posted by Adventure
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Originally posted by Hollandgirlhaha that's true, never even thought of that actually!!
Here's some common ones I know, just for examples:
addy: address
cuz: because
d00d: dude
h4x: WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE!!! "hacks," or what a computer hacker does.
joo/j00 & u: you
kewl: cool
m4d sk1llz or mad skills: Refers to one's own talent. "m4d" itself is often used for emphasis.
n00b, noob, newbie, or newb: new user ("n00b" is usually an insult & "newbie" is a more kind term for new users.
ph: replaces "f" examples: "phear"...for "fear"...or a more elaborate one... "phat" which stands for "pretty hot and tempting."
peeps: people
pic: picture
prolly/probs/probly: "Probably"
roxx0rs: rocks (that rocks!) means that's impressive.
sig: signature
w00t: yay or woo-hoo!
Thats all I can think of for now.Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
Looney GHer!
well, as adventure said, btw stands for: belasting toegevoegde waarde; taxation added value, which is just a 'slang' (if i explained the word well) for stuff you buy in the store, something like that. i use slangs for stuff on messenger in dutch, but there aren't any really common ones, but most of the slangs i use are for saying goodbye or if you like someone, like this ones:
nwly: never wanna lose you
wjnmk: wil je niet meer kwijt (same as above but in dutch)
hvj: hou van jou (love you)
and the rest i use are just as i pronounce them (mostly in my dialect)Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today
Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est
Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !
With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!
Text messaging on cellphones is so popular in America. I think the next generation won't be able to write in complete sentences because just about every word has a slang/shortened version. lolSeeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
Looney GHer!
haha yeah!but it's way easier to write in short stuff, takes less time
by the way, does w/ means with?? why the / in the end, i don't see the connection and i'm curious
Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today
Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est
Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !
With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!
You're welcome! Englishcan be such a weird language to get used to because it is forever picking up new slangs. It makes those trying to learn it have a difficult time. I also speak fluently in American Sign Language...that too has it's own slangs used only among the deaf which makes it even more difficult if you speak both... to keep up and not switch over. lol!Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
Looney GHer!
i usually get them, and i saw the 'w/' a couple of times before and i knew what it meant, but i didn't get the '/'. but i like enlglish, i dunno why, but i like itDream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today
Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est
Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !
With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!
Well, let's see, Hollandgirl. You like English, adn speak dutch. I dislike Engligh, but want to learn Dutch. lol
A Little Ferret Thief
OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
OHOHOH!! Check it out:
My city: http://taesana.myminicity.com/
Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*
haha that's funny!! what d'you wanna learn?
ps. ask it on the language threadDream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today
Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est
Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !
With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!
NVM my mom's first language is Dutch.
A Little Ferret Thief
OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
OHOHOH!! Check it out:
My city: http://taesana.myminicity.com/
Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*