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Chit Chat 2

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  • Originally posted by Lilliputt
    How about making him think da smurfs are leavin' That means he has ta do more work right, dear daughter?
    but the smurfs arent actually leaving right :vO <:v( that would be ruin

    @escapegirl yay im welcome i feel so warm and fuzz-a-mal-y inside


    • Lilli!!! I'm fine! I have to wake up in the MORNING to do the duties in the morning, coz my dad is not home now. How're you?? All the things are settled now?? ohh of course I wanna blossom.

      And... I wanna give you

      Heart, Okie!! I will check that thread now.


      • @ Lili...I did sleep well!! And remember how we talked about watching movies all day. I did that. I rested VERY well. Did da dragons bring back your inner selves yet?

        @ Heart...warm and fuzzy-a-mal-y? I love it!! You are a looney!


        • i like to make up my own words hehe


          • so bored
            the only green fox
            hammer and crystal

            of the
            LOONEY BIN

            Wii came Wii conkerd
            1 year at Games-Hood

            the rat

            hi Cid
            the rat


            • Originally posted by Heartofthedark
              but the smurfs arent actually leaving right :vO <:v( that would be ruin

              @escapegirl yay im welcome i feel so warm and fuzz-a-mal-y inside
              *Thinks da heart is definitly a good loony ta have around* You got it *Thinks da heart might know my sister Charmed* Have ya met da family, Heartofthedark?

              Aww... you really like da smiley, huh? *Hugs back and feels happy* Do you have any buns left, btw?

              Good one *Watches as Tiny starts ta realise sumthin' is really wrong *Thinks da daughtr is very smart and got a good portion of Lilliputtish logic withher catish one *

              Oh look what I found, Hyper. It's a green fox too but sorta darker, ya know Avatar too, maybe?
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Lilliputt; 02-16-2007, 01:54:36.

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • @ Heart..and that's very looney of ya. Ya probably can see we like to do that around here, too. (as I'm sure you noticed in the GH Dictionary. )

                @ Hyper....*tosses him a PSP and three games*


                • in 9 more posts im at 300 yay lol u guys are like at 3000-15000

                  @ liliputt no i havent met your so called family to what extent it can so be called *not sure if that just made sense but oh well*

                  <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)> *dances* YAY THE SMURFS ARENT LEAVING


                  • Escape, That's good!! So you finished watching all the movies now??? Well, I don't know if they come back.... Coz I couldn't wake up if my aunt didn't call me on the phone...


                    • im waching stuff on youtube
                      the only green fox
                      hammer and crystal

                      of the
                      LOONEY BIN

                      Wii came Wii conkerd
                      1 year at Games-Hood

                      the rat

                      hi Cid
                      the rat


                      • Knock Knock knock... YOOOOUUUU WWWWHHHOOOO... Any Bunny here tonite?
                        Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                        Looney GHer!


                        • @ Lili...LOL! Then I'm thinking da dragons haven't left their tropical island yet. You need to tempt them, or bribe them to bring your inner selves back. We need dragon food.

                          And yes, I watched all three movies, and enjoyed them all.

                          @ Heart...Ooh!! Only 9 more posts to your 300th.

                          @ OneBun....ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNEBUUUUUUUUUUN!!! *grabs a handful of carrots and goes running over to da pink bunny* Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig, warm to ya. How are you? *hands her da carrots.*


                          • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONEBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!! I missed you! How are ya? Wanna share a japanese BUN?

                            My "so called" family is an online one and we live all happily on da GH planet. The ones that I am related to are in my sig Ya haven't met ANY of them besides Escape?? Not even Doglover?

                            STILL struddling


                            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                            • hey one bun the only bunerator or are you >_>?

                              @escape 8 posts

                              i think while i was sleeping on valentines day i got Multiple ROFLing Playboyitis induced Insomnia cuz i woke up extremly tired yet with a smile on my face what a phenomenom hmm i will have to investigate this *goes all sherlock homes like* :vO


                              • Lilli, Me LOVE it soooooo much!!!
                                ... Buns??? Wait a sec.

                                Heart, How big is your picture?? Did you resize it to make it small enough??

                                Hyper, Did you find something on youtube??

                                Duties in real life.... BRB!

