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  • Mi amiga LILI!!!! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, warm for you!! You didn't miss me!! *celebrates* I can't stay long myself. I have to put my laundry away still, and get rest. But I am happy to see you!! I think you just missed our invisible amiga. How are you!??


    • @Escape, lol, but you may of course PM me your new addings for the diary.
      Just don't expect directly an answer from me. I will reply at it later today. It is just that I yesterday got two PMs for riddles I didn't even played myself. And of course just when I was about to leave. I don't ignore PMs for help, that's all. It is still early for me ( my appointment at school is canceled) and I like to wake up a bit relaxed. I don't like to be too active in my early morning.

      Hmmm why did you thought I was gone? Oh you counted the members at the list. That is my trick too for invisible members. No I just was looking how I precisely found an answer to a level and grab a bite in the mean time. But how are you feeling?

      Edit: Oh I forgot that too. Email is fine too.

      @Lili, my other amiga!! Huuuuge warm s for you dear sis. How are you doing this afternoon?

      Hurrah the three amigas are together!!

      I really have to copie the link for the amigas smiley.
      Faily of Kzin



      • @ Mi Amiga, must have timed out when you went and grabbed a bit. Normally invisible members sorta show because it says there are more members online, than are listed. At the time I checked, all were accounted for - no invisibles.

        I will email it to you. And no need for a quick response. Take your time. You seem to have the same outlook on mornings that I do. Relax, be lazy, and do nothing. We are amigas.

        And YAY!!! The three amigas!! (even if only for a few moments. )

        EDIT: Just saw you asked how I was feeling. I am tired, but good. I had stuff to do today, and couldn't relax. Am trying to now...but have a bit more to do. My husbun is going to get after me for not being in bed yet, because now he'll have to do the math for our time zones and will see it's after midnight.


        • This time we didn't miss each other!!

          Escape, I missed you sooooooo much!! How're you now.... oh you are resting at home, right?? But I'm sorry I can't stay long this time.

          Adventure, that happenes often when you finish one riddle game. I often got PMs about riddle games and other games as well at the certain period.
          Btw, I almost forget to hug you! How're you dear??

          Here ya go, three amigas!

          I forgot to tell how am I now.. I'm a bit squished but okay... Again I woke up at 3 pm!! I still can't live in my own time zone!!


          • @Escape, timed out!! Yeah now I understand what Lili meant the other day. She just look a pauze.

            @Lili, I din't even noticed that you had a time out, so that was why I was vonfused.

            @Escape, yes that I was the trick I meant. Yep, that is also me in the early morning. Well if it's possible.

            Looks at the clock, yes it must be late for you now, about 2:00 a.m.?? (sorry I always forget the precise time differents ) Sorry to hear that you hadn't had the time to relax. But I hope you have the time soon. And about that laundry why does people always do their laundry at a sunday? I mean I do it just when it's needed, a few times a week.

            @Lili, yes that's right, I just have completed my very first riddle. And yes i had also a certain time that I got many PMs for other games (the time that I was more found in the game sector then here ), even from game sectors I never have played in. (edit2: specificly adventure games, it must be in the name ) It's not That I mind, but sometimes I just think: please no new PMs now.

            Edit3: I almost forgot.. I am good but not fully woke up yet. I have to do some things outside soon. so I also won't be very long here either.
            Last edited by Adventure; 02-05-2007, 09:15:33.
            Faily of Kzin



            • @ Lili...I won't write much since you have to leave. I missed you a lot too, dear amiga!!!! But, yes, I am at home....sorta resting. I do hope you have a wonderful afternoon and do something fun!

              @ Adventure....It's 12:05 a.m here. I hope to be sleeping by 2 a.m., but we will see. I am definitely a night owl myself. Don't like mornings at all. I think you are 9 hours ahead of me.

              I do laundry on Sundays because Fridays and Saturdays I like to do something fun or just for me. The rest of the week I am at work, and then school. I don't have a washer and dryer in my apartment, so I have to go by the hours of the laundromat. That's why I frequently do it on Sunday. If I am not at class, I will sometimes do it in the middle of the week. (Probably way too much information about my laundry schedule, but oh well. )

              EDIT: Haha..this is another edit day!! Create vonfusion via edits!! I am sorry you are so squished, Lili!! I hope you soon can adjust back on your own time schedule!! I know what it's like to feel so squished.

              EDIT#2: @ Adventure....I am glad you are good, and going outside sounds like a good idea!! I hope the weather cooperates with you.
              Last edited by EscapeGirl; 02-05-2007, 09:17:30.


              • Adventure, Oh you didn't notice I got timed out yesterday?? Okay I now understand why you were vonfused.

                LOL!! Coz of your name?? I can agree with them ! With "Adventure", I can easily think that you're very much fond of adventure games. Btw, you get that many PMs??

                Escape, Thanks dear!! Yes I will have fun this evening. I will go out to have dinner with my x co-workers. I hope I won't drink too much..

                Dear amigas, I'm sooo happy I could see you two again!! I now have to go. Talk you soon and have wonderful night and day!!


                • @lili, OMG poor sis. That is not fun. I really hope yu get used at your own times soon.

                  And I edit my post above twice. Edit: Ah, you have noticed it.

                  @Escape, I really do hope you are deep in sleep at 2:00 a.m. Can you take a day off from work? Just for one day? And yes to know the times. you are correct.

                  Oh that is why, you don't have a washer. That explains it for me and yes sinces you are at school again you don't have time in midweek for going to visit a laundromat. Btw we also haven't a dryer, I don't even wants one, it eats clothes.

                  @Lili, no didn't get that much PMs. I think I got yesterday about 10-12 PMs for riddles, but not only for help also PMs that they thanked me, but I send more then 12 PMs for help with riddles. It's my own fault, if i see that someone is stuck I PM them or ask them to PM me.

                  Have a wonderful afternoon and evening Lili. Huuuuge warm s for you sweet sis and of course also..
                  Last edited by Adventure; 02-05-2007, 09:35:29.
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • @ Lili....Enjoy your dinner!!! Don't drive yourself back home. Get a ride.(You know what I mean. ) Huuuuuge Hope to see you again soon!!

                    @ Adventure...Yes, I can take time off work should I need to. Especially right now because the doctor has told me, too. The monkey boss, though not happy, would be forced to deal with it, as would my co-worker who hates all the work that gets added to her stack when I am gone. But I have already told them I may need to take time off from time to time to rest as that's the doc's orders. I want to be all better so I can help da husbun save the world.

                    Dryers eat clothes! I have heard that in the past. Especially socks, huh?

                    Btw, I also edited my previous post!


                    • @Escape, well it is grey today, so it could be better. Yesterday and the day before we had lots of sun, so my hubby and I went out yesterday for a good walk.

                      And about your work you know how I think of it. It's not yours of your colleagues responsibility. Stupid monkey boss, I don't like him!! He is probably just like scrooge that he don't arrange a temporally replacement for you when you are away.

                      Yes you must get better asap. Not only to help your husbun to save the world but just for your own good.

                      Btw congrats with your three month anniversary of your first date!!

                      No I mean that after everytime when you have used the dryer you have to clean the filter of it and every time you get a huge piece of textile out of it.
                      Faily of Kzin



                      • Well, I hope that the grey sky doesn't start pouring down rain on you. (That is more like Selena weather. ) I'm glad da hubby got out for a nice walk while the weather was so nice.

                        Yes, my dear Adventure is much nicer than da monkey boss.

                        And, yes I definitely will get better for my own good, of course.

                        And thank you for the congrats of my husbun's and my anniversary of our first date! I didn't know....guess what they say about girls remembering all da anniversaries doesn't hold true with da BatCat!

                        Ah...yes...da lint filter. Amazing how much lint collects after just one load. It's crazy.

                        Anyway, I need to get going my dear. I hope you have a wonderful walk outdoors and that it doesn't rain on you. Enjoy your day and I hope to see you later your day. Biiiiiiiig, warm 's to you.


                        • @Escape, I went with my hubby for a walk. I only forgot to write that I joined. Already fixed it.

                          LOL, well it not hard to be nicer then your money boss. But thank you Escape, I know what you mean.

                          Thanks Escape, I hope that it stays dry too.

                          I also have to go and do my things for today. Hope you are soon done with your laundry and wish you vigorous sleep with some beautiful dreams. Huuuuuuuge warms hugs for you sweetheart and of course also
                          Faily of Kzin



                          • one here?

                            I just finished the riddle!!...
                            GACKT is the best
                            I love GACKT


                            • Originally posted by EscapeGirl
                              Just saw you asked how I was feeling. I am tired, but good. I had stuff to do today, and couldn't relax. Am trying to now...but have a bit more to do. My husbun is going to get after me for not being in bed yet, because now he'll have to do the math for our time zones and will see it's after midnight.
                              My wifey pooh bunny bear better get more rest than that (Looks at time of last post....3:59 my time thats 1:00 your time.) The funny thing is thats about 7 hours of sleep (if you fell asleep right away) And I only get 6 hours a night myself.

                              BTW I just found out that when your replying to the thread (in advanced mode) and you can scroll down and see the posts and the time they were posted. learn something new every day!!!!!
                              Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
                              "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."


                              • I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!
                                has retuned!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

