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Chit Chat 2

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  • Hey Adventure

    My mother is leaving byes

    A Little Ferret Thief
    OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
    Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
    OHOHOH!! Check it out:
    My city:
    Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*


    • Welcome back Naruto. I am still good, but getting tired. It's here 0.48 a.m.

      Hi Jes!! *leaves Lilli's shoulder for a moment to flutter quickly to jess and give her a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge warm * Wow that is a long time ago. How are you doing ad how is your book going?

      Btw when your mom left she said she would be back later, so there is a good hope she is warm front very soon.

      @Lili, OMB you called your boss? And what did he said? Uhmm, wrong department? Sorry. Did he do difficult or was it okay?

      @Naruto, well I am in the looney bin for a reason.
      Faily of Kzin



      • Hi Jess!! It's been a long time. How are you??

        Hi narutolover!! Nice to see you.

        Adventure, YES!! You're looney at all!! But only the English programs are good for you. I'm pretty sure it helps you to improve your language skill.
        But I will never have the English programs... I gonna make a big mess. So when you gonna have that new desktop??


        • My PAAAAAAAARTNER!! HI!! HUUUUUUUUUGE Good ta see ya and happy ta share some strength Here ya go

          Blossoming is good for both of us I think... *Hands da partner a carrot* How are ya feelin', dear? *Feels worried*

          Aww... da grand daughter!! HIII!! HUUUUUUUUUUGE How are ya?

          Hello! I dunno if we have met but nice ta see ya on da Hood. Howz it goin'?

          *STILL feels happy ta have da favourite butterfly on da shoulder* I was told ta sit cuz walking with crossed toes doesn't work so well....

          STILL struddling


          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


          • I am good, adventure

            Hello my grandma. SO much has happened which i do not know

            A Little Ferret Thief
            OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
            Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
            OHOHOH!! Check it out:
            My city:
            Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*


            • good morning everybody!~~~
              nice sleep I had.....!!
              GACKT is the best
              I love GACKT


              • Hi everybunny good to see ya's
                HEARTOFTHEDARK, MITTY,
                and the twins
                JENNI & ELECTROGIRL

                Me In The Coffin

                The Witch who Misspells


                • Heya

                  A Little Ferret Thief
                  OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
                  Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
                  OHOHOH!! Check it out:
                  My city:
                  Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*


                  • Escape, We're missing each other lately... I hope to see you very soon, if I have one whole day off today, I may see you here or in the white light later. Bye!!

                    Adventure, Yeah... He might be my boss.... I'm not sure.. Because the company I work at now is kinda big and there's many phone lines. I didn't know what number I was supposed to call before our worktime starts. Then I just guessed the numbers to call directly to the department I'm in, but that was wrong... Well, I don't even know who I called, so it should be okay..


                    • I just.... my SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTEEEEEEEEEE ER!!! *Jumps up, falls cuz of stupid crossed toes, then lingers clumsily to da amazin' sis* I missed ya! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE WARM

                      Hi! How are ya? Good ta see ya!

                      Aww... you'll soon get da better part of it Just stick to da ooooold grand ma Here, have a carrot *Hands grand daughter a carrot*

                      Aww... my poor daughter! And ta think I almost missed her post. I hope we can chat some more laterz, dear. Bye! HUUUUUUUUUGE WARM

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • hey every one im pretty good lilli how is every one else nice to see every one
                        dont mess with me

                        1 To Spread the ROFL Virus

                        already taken.... seriously i really am in life

                        wish i had super powers
                        one thing i do is rock :git:


                        • Lilli, Yay!!! Carrots too help me to gain my energy back!! *nibbles the carrots*
                          I'm not good. I have sore body, probably because of fever, but now it settled down coz of the medicine I took.

                          Hi!! Pokka!! Morning!

                          Hi charmed!! Nice to see you here again!! How're you today?


                          • Spoiling the grandkids again, dear sister?

                            @lili..I'm good. Sounds like you are not feeling too good though.
                            ONLINE SISTER TO LILLI AND MURPH
                            HEARTOFTHEDARK, MITTY,
                            and the twins
                            JENNI & ELECTROGIRL

                            Me In The Coffin

                            The Witch who Misspells


                            • im pretty good just chilling
                              dont mess with me

                              1 To Spread the ROFL Virus

                              already taken.... seriously i really am in life

                              wish i had super powers
                              one thing i do is rock :git:


                              • @Escape,
                                OMB poor Batcat with bad luck. I really hope we have the change to see you a later otherwise I hope it will be tomato. Huuuge warm energetic s to get your work done quicker.

                                Originally posted by lili
                                Hi Jess!! It's been a long time. How are you??

                                Hi narutolover!! Nice to see you.

                                Adventure, YES!! You're looney at all!! But only the English programs are good for you. I'm pretty sure it helps you to improve your language skill.
                                But I will never have the English programs... I gonna make a big mess. So when you gonna have that new desktop??
                                Yes, that was what I was thinking and it maybe also helps me to understand some computer giberish around here.

                                Well, the programs are the same, only names of all the functions and tools are different (I have seen that on my hubby's laptop). So I must get used to it in the beginning but I will manage. Btw I probably gonna mess up in the beginning aswell. And I always can peek on my old desktop. I am sure you would manage yourself too, it just would take some time.

                                I am getting the offer tomorrow by mail and if I agree with it, then I call to ask how long it will take. I am not sure, but I think a week or maybe two weeks?

                                @Jess, good to hear. And how are your books going? Or are you taking some rest from it for a while?

                                Hey Pokka and Charmed!! Wow it's getting crawded in here. How are you gals doing?
                                Faily of Kzin


