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Chit Chat 2

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  • Originally posted by Lilliputt
    ( How ya do that? ) Oh, where did ya find it? Why it must be da rare Gnome Carrot I have heard so much about. A very unique example. Have ya made any tests, dear alien?

    Have you ever heard of a piٌata? Juuuust askin'
    No, I haven't done any experiments. You are the carrot scientist and so I would like you to do the experiments.
    *Beams down Gnome Carrot to Lilli for further examination*

    No, I haven't heard of a piٌata. Is this a new species?


    • lilliputt - ok sounds like a plan

      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


      • I will examine da Gnome Carrot with my team. Thank you, dear alien for beaming it down to us

        *Feels happy ta know da alien never heard of a piٌata * No, not a species, it's more of a ... uhm... whacking target for blunt instruments. Here, I'll show you how it works *Goes and stands under da hippo/turtle like piٌata* ... uhm... never you mind what the shape of the target reminds you of *Whacks piٌata but nothing happens* Maybe da jenni is better at this.

        Ok, you try

        STILL struddling


        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


        • *takes the blunt instrument*
          whacks the piٌata
          no nothing happened

          "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
          simply didn't know where to go shopping."


          • Originally posted by Lilliputt
            I will examine da Gnome Carrot with my team. Thank you, dear alien for beaming it down to us

            *Feels happy ta know da alien never heard of a piٌata * No, not a species, it's more of a ... uhm... whacking target for blunt instruments. Here, I'll show you how it works *Goes and stands under da hippo/turtle like piٌata* ... uhm... never you mind what the shape of the device reminds you of *Whacks piٌata but nothing happens* Maybe da jenni is better at this.

            Ok, you try
            A whacking target for blunt instruments? So you mean a piٌata is a kind of pc that our Wolf God is often talking about? ->


            • Ahem.. yeah..sorta..he, he... *Looks at alien* it's just a little tough at first *Whacks but nothing happens, whacks again and again and again* I might be a little short for this *Goes ta get a bigger blunt instrument* Now... lemme see *Jumps, whacks and da piٌata breaks, showering this little islander with little cookies* YAY! Thaz whaz supposed ta happen. Would you like a nice cookie, dear alien? *Realises da alien looks very confused* Whaz da matter?

              STILL struddling


              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


              • well done lilliputt you done it!!!!!!!!

                "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                • Originally posted by Lilliputt
                  Ahem.. yeah..sorta..he, he... *Looks at alien* it's just a little tough at first *Whacks but nothing happens, whacks agian and again and again* I might be a little short for this *Goes ta get a bigger blunt instrument* Now... lemme see *Jumps, whacks and da piٌata break showring this little islander with little cookies* YAY! Thaz whaz supposed ta happen. Would you like a nice cookie, dear alien? *Realises da alien looks very confused* Whaz da matter?
                  Well, I thought that a pc contains chips and not cookies...
                  *Sits on the floor and stares at the cookies*


                  • ()*Thinks da alien must be very confused ta mistake the ground of the outdoors for a floor * Uhm... da piٌata is more like a target for anger management purposes you see Ya whack your anger away, yes

                    STILL struddling


                    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                    • lilliputt - but you can have them at birthday parties aswell ?

                      "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                      simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                      • Shh... don't make da alien even more confused. Ya think she will understand why pplz need anger management on their birthdays? ()

                        STILL struddling


                        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                        • Originally posted by Lilliputt
                          ()*Thinks da alien must be very confused ta mistake the ground of the outdoors for a floor * Uhm... da piٌata is more like a target for anger management purposes you see Ya whack your anger away, yes
                          Aha, anger management? I see, but... This is the most effective way:
                          *Gets some tomatoes and throws them on the floor*


                          • lilliputt - good point !

                            "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                            simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                            • Okay i'm here...finally! I was just reading back. .... & was reading all the Lilliputtish & Alienverbatim & thier meeting to try to understand each other's worlds. I must say it's left this bunny quite confuzzled...

                              LOL Hi every bunny

                              Warm, cuddly, fluffy, bunny hugs to all!
                              Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                              Looney GHer!


                              • Hi my favorite furry sista OneBun!!!!!!!!
                                *Runs around in circles, then grabs OneBun, gives her an alienish sista-kiss, and puts her on her shoulder. Then starts to dance*

