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Chit Chat 3

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  • I had an ISP that did that once.... the connection would go down completely for 3-6 hours at a time, once every 3-4 months (and once, it happened twice within a 3 week period) and when I'd call to complain, no one could ever give me an answer about why it was happening. I was also locked into a contract with them (so I could get a lower rate), but I finally called enough and complained enough that they gave me 2 months free.

    Mkay, this place is getting a little quiet now. I think it's a good time to slip off to bed. Goodnight!


    • wow you got free connection for 2 monthsthat a really took a lot of complainsdid they tell you what was the problem?
      never trust someone who lies to you, never lie to someone who trusts you.


      • arrg its late the sun will be coming up soon! seeya later!
        *jumps ontop of building* *jumps up again*

        *grabs onto bottom of blimp*

        *blimp leaves*

        seeeeee you tomorrowwwwwww!!!


        • bye you two..
          see ya!
          never trust someone who lies to you, never lie to someone who trusts you.


          • hello? HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?
            Thank you Gamershood forum for teaching me proper English without realizing it.


            • Why am I not sleeping yet?


              • because you want to chat with me

                heyy escape, im sorry to here about your heatwave

                "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                • JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNI!!!!! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig

                  LOL. You must be right!! Maybe I'm learning some of your psychic abilities and knew you were coming oline!?

                  And stinks!! Anyway, how are you?


                  • escape - maybe i think you are learning some of my skill
                    im not very well
                    my throat hurts really bad now and i have headache and a runny nose
                    how are you ?
                    OMB what is the time there ? 2:50 am ?

                    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                    simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                    • You're sick!?!?!?! I guess that sore throat that started on Friday turned into a cold. I'm sorry, dear. Many warm and caring hugs for you!!

                      Maybe it's just my BatCat skills. Not a psychic ability.

                      And I'm okay. Trying to get tired. Hehe. Funny, I was exhausted all day long, and NOW, when I'm all ready for bed, I'm not all that tired. And,'re right about the time.


                      • yep that's exactally what i think happend i wasn't really that sore on Friday just a little now it hurts so much i took some throat soothers but they havn't helped much thanks for the 's

                        i hate when that hapens to me, tired allllllllll through the day then at night when your going to bed you can't fall asleep

                        stupid internet keeps cutting off again

                        "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                        simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                        • Bummer. Try a bit of your favorite hot tea, add a bit of honey and lemon. Those are good for a sore throat. And if that doesn't help, you can always harass your parents. Just tell them you need ice cream cuz it's the only thing that will help your VERY sore throat. (Even if dairy stuff is not so helpful to ya when you're sick with a cold. )

                          I do hope you're feeling better soon, though.

                          Your internet is being a.....a....meany!!!! I can go BatCat on it again if you like. Sometimes that has helped ya.


                          • yep "mum i NEED ice-cream 'cause...'cause..that is the ONLY thing that wil help " that sounds a good excuse

                            aww yeah please go BatCat on it it actually did help the other times

                            "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                            simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                            • Hehe....PURRRFECT!! I think your parents will most definitely accept that as reason to eat ice cream all day. And feel free to give me the ice cream cone that you don't use.

                              *rolls up sleeves and goes over to your ISP* Let me at 'em....let me at 'em!!! ()

                              So what do you have planned for today? Just resting cuz you're sick?


                              • Gooooodmooorning!!!!

                                Aaaaw stuill a sore throat? And topped of with a headache now Maybe it's the *whispers* champagne we've had last night

                                sweeeeeeety!!! hug2: *blows really hard in escapes direction* Hope that shoos the heatwave away! Maybe you're just too tired to sleep

                                GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                                Fly by the seat of your pants


