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Adventures on GamersHood Planet

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  • The Escape Story

    Morning. Escape was already late for work and still was not finished getting dressed. "Where is that stupid zock??..sock I mean", she thought and smiled to herself for getting that wrong too. Finally she found what she was looking for and hurried into the kitchen. No time for Bread, just some coffee and than off to the office. As she got to the office everybody greeted her with the usual murmurs or nods. Some would actually take the time to stop and say "Hi" properly but not many. The day was hectic and work had piled up. Again. She sat down by the computer and turned it on.

    Morning. Carrot Island is a beautiful place to be. Surrounded by the Sea of Knowledge, it has a beautiful beach. The amazing Google mountains that peaked over the Ever Dazed Forrest, The Butterfly Meadows and of course the Great Carrot Fields where all part of the scenery on the island. Then a little figure emerged who was toddling about and started to wave her hand at Escape. It was Lilliputt. "Hi! Good ta see ya! How ya doin?"

    Escape shook her head and backed away from the computer. It was strange. She could have sworn she had met a character on an Island called Lilliputt and was fascinated by the scenery of that place. It made little sense. Suddenly her boss appeared. ?Have you done those copies like I asked you?, he demanded. Actually, she hadn?t because last time there was a queue for the Xerox machine, and so she wrote some letters instead. It took her a while to get sorted out what needed to get copied and go get it done. There was no queue this time so she started to copy. After three copies the thing got stuck and there did not seem to be any obvious way to get it fixed. Escape grew impatient and kicked the machine with her foot. It flashed and came to life. When that was done she sat down by the computer.

    Lilli thought she saw a friendly face but it abruptly disappeared. ?Odd?, she thought to herself as she started to pick some more carrots. But then there she was again peering through the meadows as if she had never seen butterflies before. "Hello!", said Lilliputt, "good ta see ya Escape!". Finding herself on the island she thought the character before her was familiar. "Hi, Lilliputt!", she said and thought whether she too should pick a carrot for lunch. "Did you beam down from Misterys space ship? She has been a bit odd since she went searching for her inner self in the loony bin. I was there you know, it was ghastly." At that Lilliputt took a bite of a carrot and sat herself down. Then she started to tell the whole story from beginning to end and the further the story got the more did Escape start to laugh. Suddenly she could not stand on her own to feet and rolled on the ground laughing.

    "What is so funny?" asked a collegue who was passing by. Between the laughter and the tears Escape managed to form the words "oh, nothing".
    Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-13-2007, 01:05:39.

    STILL struddling


    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


    • Escape quickly tried to regain her composure as she picked herself up off the floor. Her boss shook his head and tossed more correspondence on her desk. “I need you to send a letter off to the insurance company about this client.” Escape, her smile not yet faded, “Um…sure….no problem.” As her boss walks away, she starts laughing again. Gazing into her computer monitor, she is once again brought into the world of Gamershood Planet. Lilli looks at escape oddly. “My, my….so serious you are. I’ll have to make you roll around laughing again.” The thought for a moment, and then, “Did you know that Mistery has no more room for cats in her tree since you told her that’s where they belong? She’s a very literal alien, you know. “ Escape smiled, “Yes, I know! She thinks her inner self is outside of her!!!”
      “Did you do that letter yet?” Escape’s boss asks, interrupting her conversation with Lilli.
      “Um…you’re interrupting me! Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a conversation with a Lilli about an alien and her inner self!?” Escape stands up and grabs her boss’s arm abruptly. “Come on…” She leads him to the garbage can nearby. “Get in.”
      “Selena! (Escape’s former name) Just WHAT do you think you are doing?” her boss asks incredibly confused and irritated.
      “The alien says that’s where you belong, and I need to help her with her cat problem before she starts eating them for breakfast again. I can’t have my highly overrated job interrupting such important things!” She again tries to push her boss into the garbage can. He falls in. “Good, now please, I have much more important things to tend to than YOUR work!” She marches back to her computer and again joins her Gamershood friends. Lilli is humming peacefully as she is tra-la-la-ing in the carrot fields. Suddenly , Mistery beams down with a flash of light and is standing next to Escape. Sir Theme has joined her, and they begin talking more computer speak. A cat is tied to Mistery’s shoulder. Lilli spots this, and starts giggling hysterically.
      “Mistery! Why is that poor cat tied to your shoulder!?” Escape exclaims!!
      “Oh, well, I ran out of room,” Mistery explains.
      “Selena! What are you doing on that computer?!” The Gamershood world seems to dissolve quickly.
      “Um…like I said, I’m BUSY. Now, Mistery has a cat TIED TO HER SHOULDER! Do you not see the seriousness of this!?” Her boss, now red-faced, stares on…..

      (You’re up Lilli….I have to do laundry!)


      • Preoccupied with her computer, Escape barely tilted her head up to meet the angry glance of her boss. "Yes, yes, I'll be right with you", she said absent minded and waving her hand towards the direction of her boss. "I want you in my office NOW!", said her boss raising his voice in a threatening way. On his way out he said "when you get to my office, bring some coffee, will ya?".

        Mistery thought it odd that the humanoids found it so funny that she had a cat tied to her shoulder. It was of course the most reasonable solution to her problem due to current gathered data on cats. She was tempted to have it as a snack, but it seemed to be very upsetting to some of the inhabitants on Gamers Hood planet for her to treat cats as a juicy lunch. She had discussed this with sir Theme who could only supply her with technical details on cats, such as bone structure and cat hair analysis. It was of little use because it was all already registered in her database. However this cat was different from the rest. It seemed to have taken an odd fancy to her. The cat kept repeating something that did not quite seem like a normal cat sound. "Odd", Mistery though to herself. With the cat on her shoulder she turned to Lilliputt who still could not stop that ridiculous laughter. "What is it that you find so funny?" she said and smiled to encourage the human to give away valuable information. "Buuut, Mistery, that is not a cat. Can't you hear it? It saying "gül baktche?, it's turkish. It means "rose garden". You have CikleT tied to your shoulder!!! Ha, ha, ha!!". Mistery was stumped and Escape, who reappeared beside her eyed the cat carefully. It was obvious CikleT was asking Mistery to find her a beautiful rose garden and so Mistery beamed herself and sir Theme back on the space ship to find one.

        Struggling to leave the computer, Escape made it to the coffee machine and prepared a cup. Her thoughts were all somewhere else and so she was not paying attention to her actions. "WHAT are you doing?", a passing by colleague demanded, waking Escape out of her thoughts. In front of her on the countertop was an empty cup and between her and the cup was a little puddle of coffee. Escape blushed and thought quickly of an answer to get herself out of this mess."Uhm", she said, "I was trying out an experiment, but I think it failed", she said and smiled. "It might be my Coffee Spillitis that made me do this." Frowning at the answer her colleague left her. Cleaning up the puddle, Escape prepared another cup and headed back to her bosses office. As she opened the door to step in she froze. There was something wrong about the office. Everything was in place but she thought that her boss was somehow unfamiliar. She stepped in and placed the cup in front of him on the desk. The boss was hiding behind a case file but as he realised that someone had walked in to his office he put it down and smiled vaguely at Escape. This startled Escape as her boss had somehow transformed into a chimpanzee! Trying to keep a straight face she had a seat as her boss motioned for her to take the chair in front of the desk. Silently Escape listened to her boss rambling on about office policy, rules and regulations. She found it boring and so her gaze wandered off around the office. A glow caught her attention. It was on the file cabinet to her left. "I can?t believe this!" she thought to herself and gasped. But it was true, there it sat: a pink bunny taking notes while chewing silently on a baby carrot. "The virus!", Escape thought to herself, "it's spreading!!".

        -----> to be continued by EscapeGirl
        Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-13-2007, 01:09:59.

        STILL struddling


        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


        • The pink bunny’s nosed twitched constantly as though she were trying to sniff out the smell of insanity in Escape’s boss’s office. Escape looked back at her chimpanzee boss....”What is going on here?“ thought Escape. Finally, her boss was finished punishing her and told her to get back to work. As Escape headed down the stairs, she heard THUMP, THUMP, THUMP....and she turned around. The pink bunny had followed her out of the office; still furiously taking notes, and was hopping down the stairs behind her. Escape sat down at her desk, and the pink bunny plopped down beside her, only pausing from her note-taking long enough to grab another carrot out from the tuft of fur between her ears. Escape shakes her head. WHAT is going on!? She looked back at her computer, DETERMINED to get back to work as she doesn’t want her boss reprimanding her again. After only about 15 minutes of work, she once again clicked on the Gamershood forum that was minimized on her computer desktop. Instantly, she was back at the carrot patch on Carrot Island. Mistery was chasing her shoulder like a dog chases its tail, “CikleT...what are you....stop....will ya just..mmpph..” Sir Theme stopped his computing long enough to stare at this sight! “Surely that is not the action of another logical being, now is it?” Sir Theme computed. Lilli had stopped laughing and was staring beyond Mistery. Escape, highly confused, turns around and sees Doglover carrying drums and marching in a circle. BONG. BONG. Almost instantly, Escape can feel that pull back to “reality...”
          “SELENA! I thought I told you to write that letter to the insurance company, prepare that bill, and set up the recorded statement! Just what do you think you’re doing!?” Escape barely even realized what her boss was saying as he’s only about 3 ½ feet tall, covered with fur, and is currently chewing away at a banana with his enormous mouth. He climbed onto her desk so that he could look her directly in the eyes. “One more time I have to tell you, and you’re fired!” He climbed back down off the desk, and then climbed up the to the top of the file cabinet behind her. He tossed a banana peel on the floor. “I’ll be watching you for a bit so I can be sure you’re working.” Escape, completely confused at the whole situation, stares blankly at her boss. “Er..ya....I was just getting to that...” She looks away from her boss and back at her computer screen and is surprised to see Lilli waving at her from the carrot patch. Escape blinks and rubs her eyes. THUMP, THUMP.... Looking away from the screen briefly, she sees the symptom, a pink bunny still furiously taking notes at her side. “Oh my God, I’m going insane - and it’s spread beyond Gamershood!!!

          -----------> To be continued by Lilliputt!


          • Trying to work on a computer with paws rather then hands turned out to be an obstacle for Escape. It did not exactly help either to have her bosses’ watchful eyes behind her, carefully observing her every move. It was too much for Escape and even though she knew it was a gamble she realised the only way to have things get back to normal was to ask Lilliputt, or actually anyone on da Hood, for help. Once again she let herself enter the realm of the GamersHood Planet.
            Lilliputt did not really get too excited this time when Escape suddenly showed up. “Hello”, she said cheerfully, “nice to see you again…but you look upset. Is anything the matter?”. Escape did not know where to start so she blurted out the whole story. Her boss the chimpanzee, the pink bunny, herself turning in to a furry being. It was all so confusing to her. “There now”, Lilliputt said in an understanding tone of voice, “have a carrot. It will make you feel better”. At the odd notion that a carrot would solve her problem, Escape examined the little orange vegetable. It did look like any ordinary carrot to her and for the life of her she could not understand why it would help in anyway. She took a bite and started to chew. Amazingly it did have a way to calm her down. “Now this is what you are going to do”, Lilliputt said calmly, “next time you see the pink bunny, ask for the serum. It will be injected to you and everything will be just fine.” At this Lilliputt smiled encouragingly.
            “I have seen enough!” a harsh voice from behind her said out loud. The chimpanzee boss climbed down from the file cabinet and hopped on the desk so he could give Escape a good stare. “You are on leave from now on, ‘till you see a doctor about this, this, this……obsession!” With that he left Escape alone with her computer. Escape was taken aback and started to look for the little pink bunny. Sure enough, going through her trash, a little furry tail was visible. She motioned to the wastebasket and coughed. “Hrrrrm!”, she went but nothing happened. “HRRRRRRM!!”. The head of a little pink bunny crawled out of the trash and gave her a curious look. “Hmmm…oh, hello!”, said the bunny. “….errr, hello..?!” said Escape while she realised she was actually talking to a PINK BUNNY! “Do you need anything, dear?”, said the bunny while finding an interesting piece of paper to examine. “Uh…yes. I was hoping you might like do give me some of the serum.” Escape uttered in disbelief. “Oh!”, said the bunny, “really? But of course I will.” Somehow the bunny suddenly had a suringe in her little paw and injected some strange substance into Escape. The room faded and in a moment reality came falling down on Escape with all its usual dullness. Unfortunately it was just a little too late. Her appointment with the doctor, she got to know through a PM, was already set by her boss. So she went home feeling a little gloomy. She had her dinner and while watching TV, the doorbell rang. She opened it and there on her doorstep was none other than Lilliputt the Carrot Islander and Lili the intelligent clay figurine. “Hello!” they said in chorus, cheerful and blossoming together like flowers, “we have come to get you so we can go on our tour in the US and Europe”. At this Escape simply was at loss for words. They joined together in a great big group hug.

            ----------> To be continued by Escapegirl
            Last edited by Lilliputt; 10-09-2006, 22:15:39.

            STILL struddling


            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


            • “Oh my God! I’m so happy to see your girls!!” Escape exclaims after they hug. “Well, you ready?” asks Lili. Escape drops her gaze to the floor, “I can’t. I have an appointment with a coocoo doctor.”
              “A coocoo doctor? You mean you have an appointment with a doctor from a coocoo clock?” Lilliputt asks, obviously very confused by the slang term. A laugh escapes Escape’s lips. “Oh, no…a looney bin doctor. My stupid chimpanzee of a boss scheduled it, and if I don’t go, then I’m going to lose my job!! He’s complaining that I’m delusional.” Lili, the intelligent ceramic figurine, almost yells in her tiny voice, “Delusional!! He’s the one sitting on top of your filing cabinet!! Not quite delusional, but definitely insane!” Lilliputt snaps her fingers, “I have an idea!” She quickly scans the room and sees a computer in the corner. “May I?” she asks as she heads over to the computer. “Er – um, of course…” Escape stammers. Lilliputt goes online quickly and then shouts back to Escape who is sitting on the couch, “Got it! I have Sir Theme online here and Mistery. Your clone should be arriving right about…!” At that very instant, there is knock on the door. Escape opens the door, and sees a large box, with the words, “THIS SIDE UP” printed on the side. She looks closely at the label on the box and sees it says, “Mistery’s Immediate Clone Service, Just Add Carrot Rum.” Escape’s jaw drops as she reads it. Lili and Lilliputt join her in the doorway. Lilliputt beams at her brilliant idea. Escape, confused as she always is, stares back at the blossoming flowers, Lilli and Lili, “A clone? What am I going to do with a…” Lili stops her mid-sentence, “That clone is one of you, and it’s going to your doctor appointment for you!” And Lilliputt pipes up, “I even have carrot rum left over from Adventure. I know how you and she like to drink it up at the Gamershood hotel.” Suddenly Lilliputt looks frightened, “Oh my God, I almost forgot!!” She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a small container with a beautiful red butterfly. She opens it, and out flutters Adventure. She flutters around the room for a moment before appearing in human form. She stretches, and looks at Lilliputt, “Geez! I was wondering when you were going to let me out!! You’ve been here forever!” “I’m sorry Adventure!!” They hug briefly and the four girls all say their hellos. Escape begins to think back to seeing the pink bunny and when she was being injected with the serum that had felt so strange, but had brought her back to reality with all its “usual dullness.” THIS was not dull, nor was it normal! Her attention is brought back to the present when she spots Lili opening the box that had arrived. A limp cat was in the box along with instructions that only read, “JUST ADD CARROT RUM TO MOUTH.” Lilliputt opens the flask with the carrot rum, and just as she’s about to pour it, Escape grabs it from her. “Oh my… I really need a quick drink of this!” She takes a shot, and hands it back to Lilliputt. Lilliputt stares at her for a moment, and then pours the drink into the limp cat, and suddenly it springs to life. Escape takes a step back, “Whoa…my clone, here in ‘reality’ and drunk on carrot rum…” “Oh, we’re going to miss our ride if we don’t leave right away. First stop is OneBun in Philadelphia!!” exclaims Lili. “I can’t wait!!” Escape, worried about her job, looks at the clone in front of her, “But, how’s it going to know where to go and when…” her voice trails off. “She’s pre-programmed, as long as there is no malfunction, you’ll come off completely sane to the doctor! Only thing that might be a catch is that Mistery, when making this clone, was a little dizzy from chasing her shoulder, so we can only hope there’s no malfunction.” “Um? Is CikleT okay?” asks Escape, wondering if that had all been real. “Oh yes, she’s quite pleased. We found a lovely rose garden at the base of the Google Mountains for her,” says Lilliputt as she heads out the door. Lili grabs Escape by the arm and Adventure by the other arm, “Come on girls, there’s carrot rum in our ride!” Instantly, Adventure and Escape speed up, anxious for that sweet carrot rum, and follow Lilliputt and Lili outside….
              -------------> To be continued by Lilli!


              • The doctor thought his patient seemed like quite a well-behaved and nice young lady, maybe a little distracted at times, but he was sure her boss must have been exaggerating. “So”, the doctor said calmly, “what seems to be the problem?” He smiled so the clone of Escape smiled back. “I don’t know what the problem could be,” the clone honestly replied. “Your boss informs me that you have been preoccupied with activities not related to your work description.” To this the doctor drew a bland look out of the clone. “…he mentioned something about you telling him you know an…errr…alien”. To this the clone said “Oh, yes, Mistery. My creator.” “You mean your mother”, the doctor said helpfully. Another blank. He tried again “Your mothers name is Mistery? That is an unusual name.” “Mistery is my creator, and my original is Escape”, the clone responded. “Huh? Your mother has escaped?”, the doctor asked in confusion. No reaction. “Do you just feel like an original, maybe?”, he tried. “No, I have the normal abilities for a clone. Most of my reactions can be regarded as similar to my original”. The doctor leaned back absolutely baffled by this explanation. “I see”, he said. “and this alien…uhm…Mistery has visited you in the office?”. “No”, said the clone. “Has anyone not work related person visited you at work?” The clone seemed to hesitate to answer this but responded “My original has met OneBun of course, the pink bunny who takes notes.” “Of course” the doctor repeated with a smile. “I think we will need to detain you here, miss Selena, until we can figure this out.” No reaction. And so the clone of Escape ended up in a padded cell at the loony bin.
                The four friends arrived in Philadelphia without too much trouble. The airplane had not been too uncomfortable considering Lili, Adventure and Escape had to go as Lilliputts luggage. Well, at least Lilliputt thought it went well, but the others seemed to have some issues concerning the matter. As they left the airport by buss and arrived to the city they realised they had no idea where OneBun actually lives. “You mean, you didn’t find out before we left??!”, Escape demanded. Her three friends seemed to be very busy doing other things then facing her gaze. “Weeeell,” Lilliputt finally said, “we thought we would solve that little detail when we got here.” She smiled optimistically. “It can’t be that hard”, Lili the intelligent ceramic figurine answered. “All we have to do is find a telephone directory.” Of course this was a reasonable suggestion so the friend set out to find one. Adventure managed to borrow one out of an internet café for them to browse through. Lilliputt and Adventure were more interested in the taste of the coffee, so Lili and Escape took their time to find what they were looking for. Curiously, OneBun the pink bunny was not listed. To this the friends had to rethink their plan. Lilliputt suddenly thought of what in her mind was a brilliant plan. “We’ll just ask for the biggest park and try to find a holes made by a bunny. That’s where she’ll be!” she exclaimed. The others looked at her as though she had lost what little sense she might once had been blessed with. “I think there is an easier way,” Adventure said in thought. “I think I know what you mean” said Lili, and they looked at each other in silent understanding. “Oh, good! Leave us out of it, why don’t you?”, Escape said in frustration. “I’m sorry”, said Adventure in a serious voice, “but it is obvious, isn’t it?”. Lili nodded in agreement. “One of us has to get rid of the serum, that really is the easiest way to get a hold of her”. “Well, yours seems to be wearing off anyway”, said Escape in attempt to joke. Adventure smiled, "“yes, I’ll do it.” So Adventure found herself a computer at the internet café, and soon enough there was the pink bunny taking notes. Adventure was about to burst into tears out of laughter from her visit to the GH planet, so the bunny helped out with a shot. They got the address and after a while they stood outside OneBuns home. They rang the doorbell and were surprised at the alarming noise. “Hello everybunny!”, OneBun cheerfully greeted them as she opened the door to let them in. After a great group hug and stories of what recently had happened, OneBun asked: “So, is there anything you would like to see here in Philadelphia?”. There were plenty of suggestions but they did not seem to agree at first what to do. Finally they agreed that they wanted to see the famous Liberty Bell. “Oh, that!” OneBun said unimpressed, “yes, I have it here”. “Excuse me?” Lilliputt asked in confusion ”you have the famous Liberty Bell….HERE??!!”. “Yes”, said OneBun and looked surprised at the question. “I needed a better door bell since my hearing is not what it used to be because I had to cover my sensitive ears with carrots a while ago.” The four friends stood astounded by OneBuns frank comment. “Uhm…then what is it they have at the Liberty Bell Center?”, Lili asked carefully. “Oh, that?” said OneBun, “it’s a copy. I had sir Theme help me with it.”

                -------> To be continued by EscapeGirl
                Last edited by Lilliputt; 10-10-2006, 17:47:17.

                STILL struddling


                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                • Meanwhile, back at the cell with the padded walls, Escape’s clone’s eyes roll to the back of her head, and she starts speaking gibberish. The doctors who are listening to, and watching the clone, are only able to pick up the words, “creator,” “pink bunny,” and the occasional, “clone.” They were completely baffled. “I’ve never seen anything like this!” one exclaims. Right at that moment, Escape’s clone yells out, “AAAAAAWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The howl was just like that of a wolf. “WHAT is wrong with that girl!?” The other doctor replies, “I don’t know….and why is she dressed like a cat!! It’s awfully weird watching all this, and then the cat howls like a wolf!! I think we need to fly in the head of the World Psychological Association for this one!” The doctors agreed and left to call the head doctor.

                  Back in Philadelphia, the four girls follow OneBun down into her den, and she shows them the rather large bell near the stairs. “See? It’s really not all that impressive, but it certainly is a lot louder than my other doorbell.” Lilliputt, Adventure, Escape, and Lili notice that OneBun speaks much louder than she did previously. Lilliputt takes a mental note aloud, “Note to self, carrots DO NOT work as earplugs.” “WHAT?” asks OneBun. “Nothing,” replies Lilliputt. Escape, starting to feel claustrophobic and needing to get outside, says, “Um…okay, we’ve seen the Liberty Bell and gotten OneBun, how about we head above ground?” “Well, we have a lot of places to cover...if we want to visit everyone possible, so we really should get going,” says Adventure. OneBun replies, “HUH?” sticking her long, furry, pink ear closer to Lilliputt. Rolling her eyes and stifling a giggle, she raises her voice, “COME WITH US…” OneBun says, “Um…ok….but let me grab my notepad and pen. I need to observe and be sure the virus never leaked further than Escape’s office.” Lili, feeling very excited runs up the stairs, and says, “We have to visit Darknight…my hero!! Can we head down to Florida next? I have a gift for him.” Lili looks back at them, blushing. “What!?” Once up the stairs and back onto the Philadelphia sidewalk Escape says, “I think Freakshow lives somewhere around here, too….But, we would have to trick his parents in to letting us visit.” Lilliputt answers, “Well, let’s head down to Florida and see Darknight in his bat cave, and in the meantime, we’ll have Mistery locate Freakshow for us.” They gather into the van, and Adventure gets behind the wheel.
                  A policeman had been standing nearby and overheard the girls talking about visiting “Darknight in the bat cave” and “Mistery locating Freakshow.” He approaches the group.
                  “Have you guys been drinking?” Adventure and Lili look the policeman straight in the eye, and answer harmoniously, “Oh yes!” Adventure continues, ”Carrot rum from Carrot Island is the best. We had Mistery, she’s our resident alien, beam us down some carrot rum! You should really go to Gamershood Planet and drink some!” Escape, who is sitting in the passenger seat, already knowing the pitfalls of speaking of Gamershood with “real” people from the dull world, grabs Adventure’s shoulder slightly, and says, “She just had surgery…it’s the drugs talking.”
                  “What? No…really, you should try it! I’m so drunk right now!” Adventure continues happily.
                  “Okay, get out of the vehicle. You are all going downtown to the police station. I also need to have a psychologist evaluate you – all of you!” the policeman says in a firm voice. He glances at all the girls in the car, paying special attention to the one in the back with the long furry ears and who is writing feverishly on a pink notepad with a pen that has a bunny on a spring bouncing about. Lili shouts from the back seat, “But we’re going to go see Darknight!! I am bringing him a new set of ears!!! He just can hear the same with his dolphin ears! You can’t do this!” The policeman calls for back up with his C.B. radio. Lilliputt remains quiet in the backseat trying to think of a way to get out of this situation.
                  ------------> To be continued by Lilliputt.


                  • It was a great honour to have such an esteemed visitor at the mental ward. Amongst psychiatrists this doctor was a legend, a well reputed wizard at treating gravely disturbed people. Her name was doctor Nayna. The doctor had asked for a private session with the patient who was still howling away. The clone had had a coat when walking in to the office, but that had been torn apart by her and now her cat costume was revealed. “So”, the doctor said calmly, “you have been created by Mistery the alien.” At that, the clone stopped howling and eyed the doctor up. She did not seem unfriendly or showed any sign of trying to act as though the clone was an object for observation, so the clone fell silent and her face faded into a blank expression. “Well, you have put me in quite a predicament”, she said and smiled, “I have met your creator”. No reaction. “Do you understand why I cannot let you walk out of here?” No reaction. The doctor sighed, what was she to do? Here she was at the insane asylum with a clone in a cat costume and no idea how to get out of this mess. Or maybe there was still a chance to convince the other doctors that this was a difficult case of, well something. She grinned as she got an idea. If it worked she would be able to transfer the clone to her own clinic until she could get in contact with Mistery the alien or Sir Theme the advanced intelligence robotic humanoid farmer. Finally dr Nayna said “it will be alright, just relax and have something to eat.” To this the clone responded frankly “is there any carrot rum around here?”.
                    The whole staff had gathered outside the clones room and all were trying as best they could to hide their curiosity, when dr Nayna stepped out of the cell. One of the doctors couldn’t hold it any longer and blurted out, “it is a schizophrenia case, right?” in a blatant attempt to ingratiate himself with the famous doctor. The tail of white coated men and women grew as dr Nayna made her way down the hallway. More suggestions followed, all in a tone of great certainty and seriousness. “Manic depression, of course”, a young woman suggested “No, no, you must take into account the dissociation” said an older doctor, “Ah, yes, this is surely a clear case of obsessive-compulsive disorder” a third suggested. Finally, dr Nayna had enough. Reaching the office of the chief physician, she slammed the door shut. Then he entered and motioned for her to sit. “Your opinion would be very much valued, doctor”, the chief physician said calmly and smiled, “now let’s hear it, what do you think about this case?”. Dr. Nayna looked the doctor straight in the eye and said “it is clearly a case of gamer horror ridiculus.” First the doctor chuckled but soon caught it all in a cough. Was there really such a thing, but then again, why would an esteemed doctor lie about a case like this? “I would like to examine her more thoroughly, so I ask you to have her transferred to my clinic.” With that she left the room on the spot with the doctor in great surprise and at loss for words.
                    Lilliputt felt very confused by the policeman. How could he possibly have spotted OneBun? For all she knew OneBun was a symptom and ordinary humans were not able to spot her. Had her glow faded? She gave OneBun a quick glance. No, that was not it. “Uhm”, said Lilliputt to the officer “do you happen to have a computer at the station”. Puzzled by the question the policeman peered inside the vehicle. “Why do you ask, mam?" he said gravely. “Because you can see the bunny”, she said silently. “So?”, the policeman continued. “So you don’t find it strange that you can see a pink bunny in a car taking notes?….What did you tell those people on your radio? That there is a ceramic figurine, a butterfly and strange looking lady sitting in a car that is driven by a cat?”. The policed stepped back and gasped. Escape realised what was happening. “You have been to the Gamers Hood Planet haven’t you?”, she demanded. The shock in his face was unmistakable, yet there was something odd about his ways. The policeman walked back and called off back up, but then he returned to the girls smiling in an unpleasant manner. Slowly the police was transforming, something seemed to grow out of his back. Black hairy legs suddenly appeared and there it stood, sneaky and cunning saying “Slurp, slurp!”. It was a spider. The girls all curled up together in fright, making OneBun tare her attention from her notes and stare the creature face to face. With an elegant leap she jumped at the spider shouting “Oh, shoooo, shooo!”. The creature run away in fear as OneBun angrily watched it sneak in to the patrol car and vanish. “Oh,” she said as she tried to pick up some of her notes, “that is very strange. What are they doing here?”. In amazement Adventure asked, “what was that?”. “Hmmm…?” said OneBun who was more concerned with her notes, “oh just one of those irritating slurp spiders. Nothing to worry about really. Shall we continue?”. And so they did, arriving at Darknights doorstep late in the evening.

                    --------> To be continued by Escapegirl
                    Last edited by Lilliputt; 10-11-2006, 03:35:45.

                    STILL struddling


                    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                    • As Dr. Nayna left the Chief Physician’s office she felt relieved. The doctors who had followed her to the office were lined along the walls as she left. She didn’t have to explain her diagnosis of “gamer horror ridiculus” to the other doctors as she walked past them; they just stood in silence as she held her head high with a slight grin on her face. Just after she rounded the corner of the hallway, the doctors rushed into the Chief Physician’s office. Dr. Nayna couldn’t concern herself with them. She had to get Escape’s clone out of there, and she had to do it now. She went to an empty office to attempt to contact Mistery from there, but the computer was disconnected. She quickly went to the cell where the clone was being held. She grabbed the cup of water out of the clone’s hand, “Come on, now, follow me. We have to hurry.” She was afraid that the other doctors and the Chief Physician would look up her diagnosis and wouldn’t find it in the ‘real’ medical books. She had to be sure she could get the clone out of there before that happened. “Why won’t anyone give me any carrot rum?” the clone asked, confused. “Ssh…follow me.” She ushered the cat out of the room and down the hall when an office door opened and out stepped the Chief Physician. She had taken too long, and now had to face him and all his questions. “Uh..Dr. Nayna, I have a question for you,” he said. “I’m sorry Doctor, but I need to get this clone, er – uh – I mean patient to my facility right away. You may contact my office should you have any questions.” She began to quickly head toward the back door, the sound from her shoes echoing through the corridor. “No, Dr. Nayna, you don’t understand, I have a clone, and I know Mistery, the alien…” He paused waiting for a reaction. Dr. Nayna stopped, turned around and stared at him. “Look,” he continued, “I only couldn’t let on to anyone because of what they would do to me. They’d commit me, and I’d never get back there.” Completely confused, Dr. Nayna forgot her hurriedness and asked, “Who are you?” The good doctor stared at her for a moment, and then with no warning, reached under his neck and pulled. A neck/face mask lifted up to reveal Miss Holland. She cleared her throat, “I’m so glad I don’t have to speak like a man anymore. Do you have any idea how hard that is!? Look, I was accidentally given too much serum, 20 mg instead of 5 mg, so that I wouldn’t get too ‘looney’ and it took away all my creativity and my ability to laugh. Since then I have tried every ‘therapy’ out there. I have tried ink blots, journal writing, introspection, everything…and I haven’t been able to return to Gamershood Planet. The real world has been hard on me – it’s so boring! If I am right about who you are, Dr. Nayna, then please, take me with you and return me to the laughter, the fun, the sheer looniness of that place.” Tears began to well in her eyes. Dr. Nayna, stood in silence for a moment, taking it all in, “Okay…hurry up. They’re going to catch on any minute and they won’t let us out. They’ll commit us all.” The trio hurried out the back door and out into the light of the day.

                      Lili was the first at Darknight’s doorstep, excited to see her hero and to give him a new set of ears. She pushed the doorbell, and heard nothing. Then, Escape called out from behind her, “Look!” She pointed to the sky and Darknight’s symbol appeared in the sky, a black bat backlit by a bright light. Within moments, Darknight appeared behind them. “Ladies,” he said as he bowed slightly. “It’s a pleasure to see you all.” They all looked at him, puzzled. Adventure, still inebriated from the carrot rum began to giggle, “Darknight! Why on earth do you have carrots up your nose!?” Blushing, Darknight quickly removed them, “Oh, uh…yes, excuse me…I haven’t been feeling my best.” He tossed the carrots to the ground, and briefly OneBun considered picking them up…then thought against it. Lilliputt, who had remained fairly quiet since they arrived, said, “Darknight, can you show us your bat cave before we leave? And then, will you come with us? We’re touring the U.S.A and then off to Europe, but we’re in a bit of a hurry. These creepy slurping spiders are the U.S. and we’re afraid of running into them again!” Before he could answer, Lili walks up to him and hands him a new set of ears. “I thought you might need these,” she says coyly. “Well, I can’t show you my Bat Cave – it’s highly classified, but I will show you this…Follow me.” OneBun, Escape, Adventure, Lili, and Lilliputt follow Darknight into his house. They immediately step into a very large room with a disco light hanging from the ceiling. Tango music blares off the surround sound system. He tosses his cape back gallantly, “Ladies, would one of you like to dance? I’ve been practicing.” The girls looked at his bat ears, and Lili was the first to say, “Oh, yes, please!” OneBun frantically takes notes at this new development. “A bat who’s entire house is a dance studio…interesting…” she mumbles, intrigued. Escape slips over to the corner to watch the dance; her mind preoccupied with her job and how the assessment of her clone was going…
                      --------> To be continued by Lilliputt
                      Last edited by EscapeGirl; 10-12-2006, 18:30:32.


                      • Getting back form his vacation, the Chief Physician was amazed that nobody seemed happy to see him again or to say something like "welcome back!". His desk was not so loaded with work and seemed organised in a way he found strange because he was sure he had not left it that way. As the day went by, he had met his staff and the patient and thus had come to the conclusion that there had been an impostor taking his place at the hospital. Yet it seemed that little damage had been made and he did feel relieved that his workload was less than expected so he let the matter fall into oblivion.
                        Dr Nayna and miss Holland arrived at the private clinic safely, the clone had not been much trouble with its blank glance and half open mouth. During the trip it had only asked for carrot rum. The clone was placed in a locked up room while Dr Nayna and miss Holland went to get some coffee before deciding what to do. It turned out however that miss Holland only just learned to drink coffee and so when she grabbed the mug it was too hot so she doped it, and made a little mess. The first symptom of her Coffee Spillitis was showing. They cleaned up, made a new cup and headed back to the room. As they entered they realised that something was wrong with their patient. The clone seemed somehow smaller. "Is it me or has the clone really...well shrunk?!" miss Holland said in confusion. Dr Nayna took the clone by the arm and she did so she could feel the arm literally shrinking in her hand. The clone had her mouth open and was making a squeaky kind of noise and resembled a balloon that was running out of air. Then there was nothing more of it but a pile of rubber like bundle on the floor. "We should have brought it some carrot rum, I suppose. Oh, well at least nobody saw us getting her here so hopefully she won?t be missed." Suddenly miss Holland noticed something, it was small and yet familiar. "What is that?" she exclaimed, making Dr Nayna turn to where she was pointing. Hurrying away it looked like...but it couldn't have been. And yet she did thought she had just seen a little frantic pinkie crawling off to hide in a corner.

                        The dance was going on the whole night and they all had a wonderful time at Darknights dance studio. Of course, the carrot rum did help the friends to loosen up and enjoy themselves even more. Adventure might have gone a little too tipsy and so she told a lot of jokes that everybody laughed at, although nobody understood that well what she was saying. Lili swung around the floor in Darknights arms while Lilliputt stood by and watched with a sort of blissful smile on her face. Suddenly it dawned on Escape that Lilliputt had become very quite since the incident with the slurp spider. Come to think of it she did have a smile on her face the whole trip to Darknight and was still smiling that way. It was as though her smile had frozen on her face. As she thought about this OneBun let go of her notes and joined Darknight and Lili on the dance floor. The bunny had her own little dance moves leaping and shaking about while at times stopped to sniff on some smell she just caught. It was a sight to watch and Escape couldn?t help but find it funny. She glanced at Lilliputt whom she thought would appreciate the humor in the scene but Lilliputt still had that blissful sort of smile on and just slowly moved her head from one side to the other. Then Escape realised that there was something wrong with Lilliputts left hand. A finger was missing, her little evil pinkie was gone. The floor seemed to quake under her feet as it dawned on her that the evil pinkie was missing and her clone was stuck in a loony bin. "Wait!", she shouted, "there is something wrong with Lilliputt!" The dancing and the laughter came to an end. OneBun looked wide eyed at Lilliputt while wondering where she put those important notes. Darknight, Lili, and Adventure joined together and so Escape explained the situation. "No need to worry", said Darknight calmly, "I can take care of this. Make your selves comfortable while I investigate the matter." He left and the friends who were feeling very tired, they had a good nights rest. They woke up early the next morning and realised that Darknight was still gone. "So what do we do?", said Adventure who had a banging headache after yesterdays events. "I suggest we go see Freakshow", Lili suggested. "Darknight knows we are going and he can find us there". "Oh, look at all the beautiful gadgets", Lilliputt uttered in her blissful state of mind, "is that a rose?" pointing at a batman sign that was on one of the gadgets. "No, dear", Escape said while moving Lilliputt away from the electronic devices, "that is a bat". "Aaaaah", said Lilliputt still in a blissful state, "I think it is nice". "Yes of course you do, dear" said Lili and took her by the other hand. They prepared themselves to leave and soon they were on their way to meet the toy gun master and the only living zombie of Gamers Hood Planet: Freakshow himself.

                        ----------> To be continued by EscapeGirl
                        Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-13-2007, 01:15:44.

                        STILL struddling


                        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                        • The group of friends traveled quickly up the interstate…not completely clear as to where Freakshow lived. Escape had mentioned she was quite sure he was on the ‘east coast’ and they had contacted Sir Theme to pinpoint his exact location. The drove up to the lovely two-story home nestled on a cul-de-sac at the end of a quaint tree-lined street. “Well, here we are,” said Escape as she pulled the van alongside the curb and parked it. “You know, I would never have guessed that Freakshow lived in such a normal suburbia-type home. I always pictured something more, I don’t know, unique.” “But, look…there is nothing ‘unique’ about it,” Adventured said, surprised. They walked up to the front door, surprised by the blossoming flower garden nearby and the brick walkway. Lili knocked on the door.
                          Miss Holland quickly chased after the “evil pinky” that was scurrying across the floor. The pinky was dodging her left and right, and Nayna was watching from her seat, completely confused as to how a pinky was scurrying across the floor without being attached to anyone, and why Miss Holland was chasing it. Miss Holland jumped and slid on the floor, just missing the “evil pinky” as it darted into a nearby mouse hole. Miss Holland slid forward and hit, head first, the unforgiving, very solid wall, with a THUD. “Omph,” she snorted as she hit it. “I can’t believe this!! Do you know what this means!?” she asked in disbelief as she looked at Nayna. Nayna shook her head. “It means that Lilli lost her “evil pinky” and it could go anywhere, attach to anything, and cause mayhem wherever it goes! And in the meantime, Lilliputt won’t be complete!!” Movement off to the side, low to the floor, caught Miss Holland’s attention. A small mouse darted out of the hole, only it did not look normal…it’s tail was not that of a normal mouse, but that of an “evil pinky.” It briefly stopped its scurrying to glance in Miss Holland's direction. She swore she saw an evil glint in its eye, and maybe, just maybe, it even winked at her. “Oh God...what are we going to do...?”
                          When the door opened so abruptly, it startled the girls. There, in front of them was Freakshow. “Hurry up, get in…come on….hurry it up… What are you waiting for, Christmas!?” he demanded, ushering them inside. The girls let themselves in to his house quickly, stumbling over one another. “Why are you dressed like that, and what is wrong…?” Escape asks as she takes in her surroundings. The girls stare at Freakshow who is wearing camouflage from head to toe. He has ammo draped across his chest, and is wearing a hard helmet, also covered in camouflage, and combat boots. His face is painted in army green and black, and his eyes dart nervously at each of his visitors. In his left hand he holds an automatic weapon, and OneBun takes note of this…was it really a toy!? Her nose twitches… The entryway immediately on the inside of this “normal” house is painted black and lacks furniture. Freakshow goes over to a panel on his wall, enters a code, and the floor opens just in front of where Adventure and OneBun are standing. “Hurry up, head down to my bunker…it’s safer there, and they won’t be able to hear us with their…devices,” says Freakshow abruptly. He heads downstairs to the army-like bunker and the girls say nothing, but follow. Lilliputt, as she heads down the stairs being led by Lili, the intelligent ceramic figurine, says, “Oh, this is pretty. Very lovely. I like it a lot,” smiling the same odd smile she had since leaving Philadelphia. Escape, worried about her job, the clone, Darknight, and Lilliputt’s sanity, nudges Lilliputt softly forward. “Down the stairs, dear…one at a time…that’s right…” They are all shocked at what they see at the foot of the stairs as they enter…the Bunker.

                          -------------> To be continued by Lilliputt
                          Last edited by EscapeGirl; 10-12-2006, 18:29:49.


                          • "What do you mean? What are we going to do?? It is only a little mouse?" dr Nayna said in disbelief, "I do not see a problem other then the fact that I need to call an exterminator". Miss Holland took a step back, "please don't do that, it will set Lilliputt at a state of confusion that will last...well, for ever." They both stood for a moment in silence. "I think we do need help however", miss Holland said, "but I don't know who could help us now...Darknight maybe?", she added thoughtfully. "You rang?" a dark voice uttered behind them. There in the doorway the hero of the night stood leaning at the door post crossed legged. He had one of those mysterious grins on his face when faced with the utterly surprised ladies. Without any hesitation he grabbed a spray can out of his utility belt and moved quickly towards the space where the mouse had last been spotted. He sprayed the floor and soon enough the mouse showed up with eyes glowing red. Darknight caught the mouse and separated the evil pinky from its back. He put the pinky in a little black box with a lock and put it back in his utility belt. "There", he said with the mouse still in his hand, "I will leave you now to return the finger to Lilliputt." Still amazed at Darknights sudden appearance, miss Holland said, "uhm, what was that you sprayed? Cheese smell maybe?". "No" Darknight answered, "it was computer scent. Had to do with a certain virus. Well, ladies, have a pleasant evening, good bye!". And with those words he was gone.
                            ************************************************** ***************************************
                            Everyone but Lilliputt stood frozen at the sight of and old parchment that looked all but too familiar. "Uh, Freakshow", said Escape, "WHAT is the Bill of Rights doing here? Tell me it is a bad copy of it." Freakshow simply raised his eyebrows, "Oh, that", he said while toying with his gun,"no it's the real thing. I got it for a school project". "SAY WHAT??!!", said Escape. "COME AGAIN??!!", said Lili. ?Oh, "The Bill of Rights?? Really?", said OneBun, "very interesting?" and she made another note. "Are those flowers?" Lilliputt asked completely unaware of what was happening. "No, dear", Lili said while guiding her friend to a chair so she could sit, "those are guns". "Guns? But I don?t like guns so much?" Lilliputt said quietly. Freakshow picked up his handheld playstation, and started to concentrate on one of the games. To Escapes astonishment he seemed pretty unconcerned with the gravity of the situation. "You don?t think something should be done about this?", she asked frankly. "Meh", said Freaksow tearing away from the game "it'll blow over". "I would also like to know what should be done about this." The growling voice made the friend turn and out of the shaddows a wolf appeared with a blue foxed curled up on it's head. Most would probably have been startled or at least surprised at the sight, but Becky and Hyper were greeted with cheers and hugs. "What are you doing here?", said Lili. "Well, when Freakshow got into this mess he called for help and so here I am, although at the time I was trying to persuade Hyper here to please get off my head. He refused and so I had to bring him too." She growled slightly at the thought. "It's a cute blue dog", Lilliputt exclaimed and motioned to pet Hyper. Lili stopped her gently, "No, not a dog, a fox and you should not pet Hyper". "What is the matter with Lilliputt?" Becky asked while eyeing the islander up with concern. "It's a long story", Escape said with a sigh, "but we really need to get the Bill of Rights back where it belongs. Freakshow, are you going to do it". "I don't think that is our biggest problem", he said carefully. "Really? You don't think so?", Escape demanded, "then what is?". "Well I sort of called the FBI a while ago and told them about a terrorist organisation called GFARDTO". He tried to avoid at the others as they stared at him. "Yeah, so that's why they are staking my place out. The Bill of Rights thing didn't really make things better". "Now there's a shock! It didn't help, huh? I...well,I ....don't now what to say, oh, I don't feel so good", Escape had to sit down. "Do you need anything?", Adventure said in a helpful manner. "I think you should have a carrot", Lilliputt said smiling. "I think we should call Mistery and have her beam down sir Theme. He could make a copy of the Bill of Rights for your project Freakshow and then we can have him beam the real thing back to where it belongs", Becky suggested. It was the best idea so far and soon enough there was sir Theme greeting the others in his usual polite robotic way. He had a copying device slightly to the lower left side of his metal torso, where he put the parchment in to be copied. There was a little buzzing sound, then a beeerp and then a few beeps. As it kept beeping sir Theme said "uh-oh!", and then started to manipulate the copy gadget area. "What is the matter?" asked Adventure. "Yes, is anything wrong?", Lili said in concern. "Well", said sir Theme slowly, "I think it is stuck". "Oh", said Lilliputt encouragingly, "then you should really have a carrot".

                            ----------> To be continued by EscapeGirl
                            Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-13-2007, 01:31:57.

                            STILL struddling


                            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                            • “Logically speaking, Lilliputt, a carrot would do me no good at this moment. A carrot is good for nutritional value only, not solving technical difficulties,” Sir Theme said matter-of-factly. “Oh, geez, this can’t be good…” moans Escape from her chair in the corner, holding her face in her hands. “Remmy, Sir Theme, that’s an original,” says Freakshow hardly paying attention to the situation, his PSP making tinny electronic sounds as he plays. Sir Theme unscrews his left index finger and takes off the tip of it, exposing a small screwdriver. “Now this is a logical solution,” says Sir Theme calmly, as he uses the screwdriver to remove the jammed Bill of Rights from his electronic abdomen. While everyone waits in anticipation, Hyper lifts his head and looks around, “I’m bored.” Then he yawns, and curls back up comfortably on Becky’s head. “Okay…this should do it,” Sir Theme says confidently as he pulls out the original Bill of Rights and a copy for Freakshow. “Here you are.” A series of beeps and flashing lights appear on the Sir Theme’s monitor to the left of the “copy” mechanism. “Mistery needs me, is there anything else you need?” OneBun looks at Sir Theme, “Well, I guess not right now. Not unless you can find Lilliputt’s pinky.” “Well, my GPS tracking system is in for repair, so I will not be able to help you with that.”
                              From the shadows of the bunker, comes a deep voice, “I believe you are looking for this.” Darknight steps out of the shadows, his arm extended toward the group, and he is holding Lilliputt’s evil pinky. “How did it not affect you? How come it didn’t attach itself, and transform you? And where the heck did you come from?” asked Escape as she stood up and headed over to Darknight. As she does, a beam of white light lights up the room, and Sir Theme disappears from the bunker. Hyper stirs slightly in his sleep. Darknight glances at Escape, “It’s the suit,” he says and winks. He hands Lilliputt her pinky and it suddenly reattaches itself as Darknight backs into the shadows once again. As it does, Lilliputt regains life in her face, and the odd grin dissipates. “Where are we?” she asks with a weak voice. “We’re at Freakshow’s house,” answers Lili as she watches her hero fade into the shadows. She looks back at Lilliputt, “Are you okay, dear?” “Yes, I just need some carrot rum, I think.” Escape and Adventure immediately appear next to Lilliputt, “No problem, let’s go…See ya, Freakshow!” Escape yells as she starts running back up the bunker stairs. “Carrot rum!! We’re going to the bar!! Come one everyone!!” hollers Adventure as she scrambles up the stairs behind Escape. The F.B.I. and GFARDTO, temporarily forgotten, the group leaves Freakshow’s house, and scramble into the van. Darknight is nowhere to be seen. Freakshow, carrying his PSP, decides to join them, and meanders slowly to the van. “Hurry up!!!!” Adventure yells, hanging her head out the window. “Ya! We’re going to the bar!!” Escape exclaims annoyed. They arrive at the bar and Escape and Adventure push their way to the bartender. Simultaneously they say, “Carrot rum, please!” The bartender looks at them, “What?” “CARROT RUM” Escape says very loudly and slowly, showing her annoyance. “I heard you the first time. We ain’t got it,” the bartender says. “Don’t you order from Carrot Island!? That’s where it comes from….Oh, forget it,” Adventure says, “I’ll just have Mistery beam it down to us. “We don’t have a computer,” says Lilliputt, “we can’t get a hold of her.” “Fine, then let’s just drink rum!” Escape exclaims. Adventure agrees, and they order two barrels of rum from the very surprised bartender. They all begin to drink, except Freakshow, who’s more interested in his PSP, and only mutters, “Meh…a bunch of lushes.” Hyper remains a decorative hat on Becky’s head. About an hour later, after much laughter, chatting, and rolling on the floor laughing (which got some odd looks from the other patrons), Adventure asks, “So whoos wee gonnna *hiccup* see neeexts?” Escape giggles histerically, falls off her chair, and rolls under the table and answers, “Murph, of couuurse…..the high *hiccup* seasssz of Cincinatttii…” She rolls over chewed gum on the floor and a partially burned cigarette butt. “Eww…” Her laughter gets stronger, and people don’t hide their stares as she tugs at the bright blue bubble gum stuck in her hair. Becky growls with laughter. Then, as everyone is enjoying themselves and watching Escape struggle with the gum in her hair on the floor, the bar door opens up and suddenly the room is raided by the F.B.I. Freakshow looks up, “Meh…we should get outta here…”

                              ----------> To be continued by Lilliputt


                              • At the office of dr Nayna the phone rang and it turned out to be Escapes boss. “So, will she come back to work?”, he demanded, “she has been gone too long if you ask me". “I’m afraid miss Selena is indisposed at the moment sir”, dr Nayna answered calmly although panic grew inside of her, “she is held here for an undetermined period of time due to some unforeseen complications. Therefor, we will need to run some tests”. “What do you mean? What “complications”?” the boss asked harshly. At this dr Nayna had to take her time to answer. She couldn’t very well say that her patient had evaporated and was lying like a heap of rubber in a closet in an empty locked room. “The patient has gone through a deep emotional trauma”, she improvised, “that has caused her to feel very empty”. It was at least close to the truth she thought to herself. “So whadda ya need testin’ for?”, the boss asked impatiently. “We would like to make sure that her bodily functions are of a normal status. These tests may take some time, but can accurately determine that she is still physically stable.” Abruptly the boss slammed the phone down and the conversation was over. Dr Nayna didn’t really mind because she had no idea how she would have continued further since she had not ever met the real Escape in person. Miss Holland had left and gone back to her horse on Carrot Island, so Dr Nayna was now responsible for this mess.

                                The phone rang and the Chief Physician answered. “Where is my daughter?” a female voice demanded. Puzzled the doctor answered “Excuse, me but…who are you, madam?”. “Well, I am NOT going to tell you my name because I do not want to be admitted too, now where is my daughter?”. The Chief Physician had honestly no idea what the lady was talking about so he tried again “Madam, I cannot help you unless you tell me who it is you are looking for?”. “I just told you who I am looking for” the angry voice replied, “my daughter, Selena!”.
                                Finally the doctor got some useful information. It had something to do with a patient that the impostor had been in charge of. He got the file and read. “Ah”, he said, “so Mistery, I see now that your daughter have been with us.” “What are you talking about? Who is this Mistery person?” the voice blurted out in anger, “my name is Alyx if you MUST know, and what do you mean my daughter has been with you? She is supposed to still be there, now where is she?!”. At this the doctor was taken aback. He fumbled with the papers as he tried to compose himself about this unexpected turn of events. His clinic might get sued for malpractice, his career and reputation all down the tubes. He felt slightly dizzy, but then he noticed something that made him feel less agonised. “Madam your daughter seem to have been an unusual case and has been sent to a private clinic. The Chief Physician there, dr Nayna, a very well reputed doctor, insisted she should be transferred. I’m sorry, madam, that is all I can tell you at this moment.” A long and unpleasant silence followed until Alyx finally said “where is this private clinic?”. Happy that he could finally help, the doctor gave directions.

                                The bar became very quiet as the FBI took over and pointed all their gun power directly at the drunken GamersHood friends. Freakshow yawned and hardly gave the agents as much as a glance. Escape was still rolling on the floor, so unsteadily Adventure staggered her way to try and help, but stumbled and fell on top of her friend. Both where laughing and did not bother about FBI or guns or anything but a gum stuck in Escapes hair. Then, an agent leaps forward and tries to grab Lilliputt, but this only makes Freakshow act on instinct. Nobody really understood how all the agents where suddenly on the floor or how Frekshow was on top of the last one saying “I’m bored”. Finally the girls realised the gravity of the situation and gasped at the sight. What would happen next? The FBI team leader cried out and called back his people with the words “Ok, boys and girls, it’s over. The bill has been returned.” Becky took this in and smiled, “the work of Mistery”, she thought “the Bill of Rights has been returned”. “You!” said the FBI team leader, “have you ever considered to join the FBI? We could use someone like you.” And that is how Freakshow became an FBI agent.
                                The GamersHood gang were laughing and singing merrily as they somehow got back to Freakshows house. They had a good nights sleep and the next morning they said their goodbyes. Becky the wolf thought she might join them later on but said she really needed to finish something. It turned out to be another one of those annoying riddles that had been lurking about her pit of late. “Uhm, Becky”, said Lili in confusion, “how can a riddle lurk.” “If it is attached to a slurp spider it can”, said Becky without as much as a blink. With Hyper still on her head she entered the world of GamersHood and disappeared.
                                Next stop on their travel was Murph in Cincinnati. Now Escape was supposed to drive but since she was sort of indisposed, Lilliputt had the questionable honour of driving the car. Suddenly everybody was helping her out. “No you should go that way!” “What do you mean?! It must be to this side?” “Are you really sure you are keeping the speed limit?” “Look out, the car is getting too close”. Lilliputt was a carefree islander who didn’t really bother with such trivial details as to whether or not she was on the right side of the road, if she was driving with appropriate speed or even if she was going in the right direction. Somehow the other girls did seem to be very bothered about that. “How strange”, she thought to herself. Finally they reached the city of Cincinnati. As they drove into the city, Lilliputt let go of the steering wheel and cried, “LOOOK!! A bridge of food!”. Now letting go of the car during rush hour seemed to be a problem for the other girls. Lilliputt took hold of the wheel still excited “but look. That yellow bridge looks like MC Donald sign”. It really did and so Lilliputt got the girls to the bridge, though she was under the impression that it might be edible. Lilliputt stopped the car in the middle of the bridge and ran out to get a good bite. She managed to hurt her teeth badly before Escape could stop her to say the bridge was not made of fries or anything else edible for that matter. As Escape and Lilliputt returned to the car there were a strange noise coming out of the car. They opened it and Hyper jumped out. “But didn’t you go with Becky?”, Escape asked in disbelief. “I jumped at the speed of light and got myself in here. I’m such an unlucky fox”, he said unhappily. “There now”, said Adventure who came to see what was going on ”you can come with us and see Murph!”. She smiled. Hyper then jumped on Adventures head and settled down quietly.
                                Murph lived a bit outside of the city, in a quiet neighbourhood. As Murph opened the door her friends went “SURPRISE!!”. Happy at the sight of them all Murph welcomed them with a big hug. “So what are you doing here?” she asked. “We are going to see one a those games with them famous Bengals”. “Sure”, said Murph with a smile “anything for my friends, uhm but you might wanna get Hyper of Adventures head. I dunno if they will let us in otherwise”. To this Lilliputt had an idea and so they all went to the game with a blue hat that looked like a fox on their heads. “What’s that?” the guard at the door demanded. “It the Bengals blue charm.” Murph said innocently “you haven’t heard of our new charm?”. She looked at the guard as though he had lost his common sense. “Uhm, yes of course, you can pass.” Lili then whispered in Adventures ear “that clone service of Mistery sure can come in handy sometimes”. Adventure nodded and they all giggled as they went to take their seats.

                                ----------> To be continued by EscapeGirl
                                Last edited by Lilliputt; 10-14-2006, 00:16:23.

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

