i dont have school as in its vacation!
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Chit Chat 6
~~~Cookies are the best weapon against war~~~
MwahahaEpicc people::Escapade a.k.a. EscapeGirl Jee etch Juan a.k.a. Gh1 Clankity Clank Clank a.k.a. Clank
Elle! a.k.a. uhm.. ElleBronny! a.k.a. Bronwyn Shineeyy a.k.a. Shining Star
and otherss... You Know Who You Are
Stacking Ftw:3-3-3:2.11 3-6-3:2.61 Cycle:7.13!!
Wish me luck for the Six!!!
nope summer vacation~~~Cookies are the best weapon against war~~~
MwahahaEpicc people::Escapade a.k.a. EscapeGirl Jee etch Juan a.k.a. Gh1 Clankity Clank Clank a.k.a. Clank
Elle! a.k.a. uhm.. ElleBronny! a.k.a. Bronwyn Shineeyy a.k.a. Shining Star
and otherss... You Know Who You Are
Stacking Ftw:3-3-3:2.11 3-6-3:2.61 Cycle:7.13!!
Wish me luck for the Six!!!
Best weekind ever!!! ill tell u now this is gonna be long...SAVY? (part 1)
ok so i was at Top Parish (my drama camp that happens once a year) ya so the bus trip there:
ate so much lollys u know ,cola,lollipops,gummys,hard lollies,toffie,fanta,pepsi,and much much more lol ya so my friend stacie,shes like the oldest,so she anted to sleep but me and the guys wouldent let her so she left to the front floor and me and the hyper guys just went crazy down the back and this dude tibias asked me out and i know its said but im like straight up NO.ok so when we go there it was 11:00 excatly so it still wasent lights out,i slep in the small room with like 7 people and everyone else was in the big room togther,ha ha suckers, anyway so zzzzzzzzzzzzz
next morning:i slept for like 3 hours well thats whet my stop watch said, so woke up went...u know...potty lol and had a shower and got dressed be4 breakfast,had weatbix and a juice for food (lol ofcorce i had suger on the weatbix) so ate "yum yum yum" then we went to the games day the sheet said we where faceing "the force" for all the rounds but we lony faced them like 3 times cus someone had to ask >i was fine with faceing them all rounds hhhmmm ok so we left them and did our games when we got to water sport we faced them again (after going on the long waka thingy and by now we where pretty good friends)so we faced them im sad to say they bate us WWWAAAA but ya when we go back i played last card with them and then we went outside and where TRYING to read the newspaper but simon and bruce kept ripping it up lol
satarday night:.Love.Explore.Laugh.Smile.Shop.Live.Rock.Flirt.Discorve.Accelerate.Express.Challange
i go to france in december with my school
ok this is pretty much it
Best weekind ever!!! ill tell u now this is gonna be long...SAVY?
ok so i was at Top Parish (my drama camp that happens once a year) ya so the bus trip there:
ate so much lollys u know ,cola,lollipops,gummys,hard lollies,toffie,fanta,pepsi,and much much more lol ya so my friend stacie,shes like the oldest,so she anted to sleep but me and the guys wouldent let her so she left to the front floor and me and the hyper guys just went crazy down the back and this dude tibias asked me out and i know its said but im like straight up NO.ok so when we go there it was 11:00 excatly so it still wasent lights out,i slep in the small room with like 7 people and everyone else was in the big room togther,ha ha suckers, anyway so zzzzzzzzzzzzz
next morning:i slept for like 3 hours well thats whet my stop watch said, so woke up went...u know...potty lol and had a shower and got dressed be4 breakfast,had weatbix and a juice for food (lol ofcorce i had suger on the weatbix) so ate "yum yum yum" then we went to the games day the sheet said we where faceing "the force" for all the rounds but we lony faced them like 3 times cus someone had to ask >i was fine with faceing them all rounds hhhmmm ok so we left them and did our games when we got to water sport we faced them again (after going on the long waka thingy and by now we where pretty good friends)so we faced them im sad to say they bate us WWWAAAA and we wrnt on this thing called a rocktopus or something with bruce,zackreyyyy,simon and yours truley and zacks like "so girl whats ur name" and im like "Cassidy" him "so cassidy( he sorta said my name harshley on the c) do u like carrots" and im like "straight up YES" and he yells once again weirdley "Witch:" and im all like HUH????ya when we go back i played last card with them and then we went outside and where TRYING to read the newspaper but simon and bruce kept ripping it up lol
satarday night:
well me an stacie where hanging out on there beds and bruce is like
"so Cassidy (once again they stressed the C ) how old are you" and im like good question" and he starts speaking in japinse and i start speaking in freanch it was so funny. ok so Our leader Jermey comes out and hes like lightis out in our room and where like ohh ya well sneak in later so he leaves and when it was lights out in the main room (after a strang leture of cellphones and how this is infinat plantes,galxeys and room for the plantes) we left and we where walking really loudley when we "sneaked in" ok just tell u mat was in the leaders room just cus him and staci couldent stop talking so they where txting and stacies like come in here so he starts walking like and elefant and im like "oh geez matt!!!!" so jermey is like "mat come back and SLEEP"
next morning (sunday):ya so i sat by the boys when i woke up and had gotten to the outer room and bruce was still asking about my age and i just left to get changed at breakfast sat alone (sad realy isant it) ok so at church that morning i was stting there but them and i tryed counting them i think there was 8 and 7 of them where really smart and so funny ok so we got the panflets and we where stelling eachovers and ripping them it was really fun and we also stole the cushions from the seats and wed steel them as the outhers stood up.
ok so i got anoyed with bruce asking ho old i was he thought i was 14 (im younger) and he was like WOW lol then this outher group did this play and our days statement was "mission possable" and they did a play ( i couldent see so vruce and simon had to keep telling me what was going on lol) and it was called misson HYMpossable and where all like "what the hell, serousley dude,what the heack!!!!! so we diddent win anything (my "chain reaction" group) diddent win anything and the foce did so they rubed it in my face not to mention a guy doing a speach and saying TWEENIE so the guys decided they wanted to haunt me with that MEANIS lol so when it was over we had this really horrid lunch pac and said tata to them but man it was so funjust hope i see them next year