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Chit Chat 6

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  • Oh, but I'm glad it's not strep. Two of the students in the class that I T.A. for turned in their papers at the beginning of class, along with doctor's notes saying they had strep. (They're roommates.) I'm glad you're feeling better.

    I'm alright. So tired is my big complaint tonight. LOL. I even left class about 1/2 an hour early again.


    • well thats not good is it lol im glad to hear your not sick i have coughed all day i cant quit


      • Awww... That's awful. When you go to bed tonight try to prop your head up a bit. It will help keep you from coughing as much as you woud lying down flat. Do you have a humidifier? Sometimes that can help a cough, too. And of course cough syrup. Or Mucinex. (Though I've never tried that.). Anyway, I hope you feel better!


        • thx im so glad if i just dont feel goo i have a place i can go to talk about it with people who care about me


          • Of course you can come here. Loads of people care about you on here. And I'm sure loads of people care about you in da real world, too. But I know what you mean. And being sick is just miserable! That Zicam (I sound like a walking advertisement. ) really worked for me with that head cold. Other than a little sniffle, I'm all better!!!


            • product may cause (nausaue ,heartburn ,indesjestion ,loss of appatite irartability ,confusion drowsieness ,dyareah, higher mortgage rates, addiction, miserableness, death, old age, etc....) lol


              • ROOOOOOOOOFL! At first I was reading that and thinking, "Really? I didn't have any problem...." LOL. Then I got to the end of the list and was ROFLing.


                • lol i got that from

                  this along time ago his list is alot longer tho
                  i love comedy yeah i hope you didnt have some of those symptoms


                  • Originally posted by funja View Post
                    product may cause (nausaue ,heartburn ,indesjestion ,loss of appatite irartability ,confusion drowsieness ,dyareah, higher mortgage rates, addiction, miserableness, death, old age, etc....) lol
                    Wow. Sounds like LIFE in general! I may be out of work, but at least my house and car are all paid for! I am DEBT FREE!

                    Here's milk and cookies for your headcold, Funja!
                    Old Age and Treachery Will Always Overcome Youth and Exuberance

                    Best Granny in the WORLD! "Hugs and Slugs Dispensed as Needed"


                    • lol hey granny peggy


                      • LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! You know, I'm not normally a fan of Jeff Foxworthy. But THAT was funny!! And you know, last Sunday I was just talking to a friend about those stupid, annoying commercials for all the pharmaceutical drugs every two minutes. *rolls eyes* I mean, the start of the commercial says how they might help a skin condition. The rest of the minute long (I think they're longer than the usual 30 seconds - gotta fit in all the warnings ), is describing these horrible side effects. And ending with a woman in a calm voice saying, "sometimes fatal." LOL. Yeah, I'm gonna try that stuff. LOL

                        @GrannyPeggy....Hi dear!!! You're VERY lucky to be debt free!! That's GREAT!! Wish I could say the same!!! But my car is paid for!


                        • Hey, hard work and scrimping paid off. Every extra dime we made we paid against the principal. Paid it off in 14 years. Woohoo! Now if we could just sell it to move into a rambler or something without knees are killing me!
                          Old Age and Treachery Will Always Overcome Youth and Exuberance

                          Best Granny in the WORLD! "Hugs and Slugs Dispensed as Needed"


                          • this one is really funny the first part is a commercial i remember but then it cahnges and continues in the side affects lol and the last one is what it was suppposed to prevent



                            • 14 years?! Not bad!!! (I still rent. )

                              Awww.....Bummer!! Maybe you could just save now to put an elevator in your house. Or, maybe one of those chairs that rides the railing! Oh what fun you could have! (Hehe....kidding) Or go stay a month on a warm tropical island and rest those knees!

                              @Funja...*goes to watch*


                              • Well, I was looking at a month long cruise from Chile to Alaska to least part of it would be warm! Now I'm going to go start filing my taxes so I can afford to! See ya later, y'all
                                Old Age and Treachery Will Always Overcome Youth and Exuberance

                                Best Granny in the WORLD! "Hugs and Slugs Dispensed as Needed"

