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Chit Chat 6

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  • Originally posted by RBS View Post
    Gotcha. I am a little bummed. Had to turn down a casino party job that was gonna pay 100 bucks. Its a 2½ away (5 total) and nobody wants to go with me.
    Aww, thats too bad. I'm going to be busy this weekend, a weekend which I would have liked to be relaxing and benign.
    Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


    • Only slightly busy for me. Just one Casino night on the calendar. What's keeping you so busy?


      • what is benign.

        hi RBS


        • Hi gh1. In Yorick's context benign means calm.

          Edit: gtg, back later.


          • ah nice. calm is always good

            comma ca va RBS


            • Calm is good, party is better!!


              • you're having a party davleen?


                • I wish I'm just about to go to bed.

                  Do you know that in Scotland we get an extra hour's sleep tonight. The clocks are moved back one hour at 2.00am and this changes us from british summer time to GMT time. How daft is that!!


                  • How's the extra hour sleep going for ya!

                    So no party tonight it's Sunday!


                    • The extra hour's sleep was great but now I'm all confused with what time it is.

                      I've just thought about something - If we are changing time in the UK does that mean we are time travelling?

                      Anyway no party for me tonight - work tomorrow.


                      • That's why i said no party on Sunday

                        well you are an hour behind, now will you go an hour ahead again? They call it day light saving time here. I'm not sure if they stopped doing it or not though


                        • The clocks go forward again in the spring time by one hour. I don't know what good it does. Perhaps somebody, somewhere knows?


                          • i don't know what good it does either besides add to the sunlight at end of the day. That's pretty much the only reason probably, more light so you can see what you're doing lol


                            • they do it to shake up our bio-ritme i guess
                              and like the name in USA ,saving daylight


                              • OMG people in the chat

                                sorry i havent been here for a few days, its because on friday i was out all day and yesterday i went to katie price's book signing with friends so ive been busy

                                how is everyone
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