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Chit Chat 6

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  • 15 hours cool

    it's really nice, we're only about 5 mins away from everything even our school. the only annoying thing is we have no tables or chairs i don't have a bed. we pretty much have no furniture we've still got like another 2 weeks before our furniture comes. but i don't really care about that.

    we live right across from a lake which is dried up now but there's a big park by it and it's really nice to walk through at night and you can hear all the animals around you

    didn't you say u were moving somewhere soon or u had moved somewhere?


    • Oh! No furniture! I think that would really bother me. I must be too picky, or too used to being pampered in that aspect. I have a bad neck and bad back from a car accident when I was 12 (not like it's super bad or anything), so I don't do well sleeping on floors and such. But it's not like you'll never have furniture or anything. It'll come. And for now you can eat outside in the grass or something. The walk in the evening sounds SOOOO relaxing. I miss that terribly. I miss the sounds of crickets and Mockingbirds an things at night. I grew up in the country, so living in a "city" (not a huge "city." More like a town. About 164,000 people...) all I ever hear outside are cars and people. I hate it. Oh, and the sound of the beeping thingy for the crosswalk I can even hear traffic with my windows on doors all closed! (It's a busy street.) I bet when your winter comes that lake will get some water and it will be even better. Really sounds nice.

      I will be moving in the Springtime. I'm really looking forward to it, however, it won't be as beautiful an area (as far as nature is concerned) that I'm moving to... I'm moving to the high desert. I'll have to learn to deal with snow! And lots of it!


      • well if you have a bad neck and back sleeping on the floor would be awful so i don't think your picky.
        my sister's been sleeping on an air mattress for 2 weeks now but my parents got their bed today so she got the bed they were sleeping on before and i'm sleeping on a sofa bed until my bed comes. it's ok but not the most comfortable thing on earth.

        yeah it's a really nice walk not many cars come along and the train doesn't make a very loud sound so it's really peaceful yeah i love the sounds the kookaburas make in the trees. i really miss the tui's singing each morning though they were really nice to listen to. now there's only the crows that wake me up and they make the most awful sound

        awww that doesn't sound very nice with all that traffic . well i bet your new place will be a bit nicer/quieter then?
        cool, snow!!! that'll be fun...well maybe for a while anyways


        • Oh, I'm sure I'm a little high maintenance as far as that's concerned. But if you at least have air mattresses and sofa beds, that's better than just sleeping on a hard floor. That's doable.

          Where my mom lives you hear a train off in the distance. But it's far enough away that it's not disturbing. Kinda neat. We don't have a lot of trains here in my area. None, actually. I have never heard of the two animals/insects you mentioned. But it sounds like one is a bug, and the other is a bird. I'm just guessing.

          Yeah, the traffic sounds are bad. The place I will be moving into is a gated community of apartments and condos. It's very nice and far enough away from loud roads that I won't have to hear traffic. And yeah, the snow will be cool as long as it's not tons of it and constant. It will be a cool change for me. I'm just really nervous about driving in ice.


          • this is a kookaburra

            and this is a tui

            they're both birds

            that sounds much nicer yeah driving in ice is quite scary so have you driven in it before or will this be the first time? at least your not living in britain where it's been the coldest it has been in like a century or something like that


            • Wow!! Those birds are so cool! I really like the look of the first one, especially!

              Well, I have driven in a snowstorm that made the curvy roads of the mountain icy and at one point considered jumping out of my moving car because I was sliding toward a cliff. I had been going VERY slowly, but still, my tires weren't made for it, and I wasn't sure how to handle the sliding. (Luckily it stopped sliding before it got to that point and I was headed OFF the mountain, so conditions got better as I drove. And then, this past Christmas in Missouri, I drove on icy roads, but they were mostly straight, and it wasn't an issue. This will be new for me, for the most part.

              EDIT: Well dear Choc, I'm glad we got a chance to chat. But it's almost 3 a.m. here, and time for some much needed sleep. Have a nice and relaxing evening. Sweet dreams for you when the time comes. Night night.


              • have a nice sleep
                it was great chatting with you too
                and wow! that would've been scary


                • Hello

                  Whats going on?
                  Never Spam Never Will.

                  Members of: Gamershood, Newgrounds, Kongregate, YouTube, JustinTV and Eddsworld

                  Im in the Looney Bin!

                  Me like the modeling!

                  Fan to Eddsworld
                  Go to Eddsworld Because Its Awesome!


                  • what you all talking about?
                    to all fairy tails fan, animax asia gonna air fairy tail in 30 september. see you in 30 september to watch fairy tail in the animax asia in front of tv.


                    • hello

                      aww forget it


                      • Hello! I think you ran out of frustrated/angry smilies.


                        • i think there were more lol its funy


                          • Any more and we'd have to go after you for spamming! LOL

                            So how are ya? Did it warm up a little where you are?


                            • lol oh nooo

                              well a little almost freezig supposed to get to the 40s tomorrow then the 50s yea


                              • Woohoo!!! Heat wave!

                                We're having a little rain. Not much yet, though. They said it would be heavy rain all's barely sprinkled.

