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Chit Chat 6

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  • *clicks "LIKE"* Yay, KOKO! She's a cutie. And hello dear.


    • hello


      • Hi there funja. Looks like we have some Saturday night homebodies this evening. What's up?


        • nope i just got home actually from the movies


          • Hi Funja!! How was the movie?


            • Awesome!!!! we thought it would be stupid but it was great M.Night shamalan did a great job with this one we all had a great time, 8 of my friends went with me we got popcorn thrown at us lol we had our rows floor covered in popcorn it was sooo funny the movie had a great plot with just enough horror


              • That's awesome!! I'm so glad you had a great night out!!! I know that sometimes horror flicks come off stupid, and not scary. I always like it when I come across one that is ACTUALLY a horror flick and not some corny attempt to be one. (I don't scare easily with movies. ) And LOL about the popcorn. Did the people throwing it at you know you?


                • well it wasnt incredibly scary but it was entertaining defnetly i loved it well no but the movie hadnt started yet nd every time a preview came on we all kept yelling we have to see that next for like 15 mins lol but the popcorn on the floor was every person spilled their popcorn it was so funny


                  • Ah, okay. Well, I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the review.

                    Ah, yeah. I hate how you have to watch 10 minutes of commercials, and then 10 minutes of movie previews, and THEN the movie will begin. And LOL sounds like you guys couldn't hold onto the bags of popcorn very well.


                    • it was so funny haha this is the first time this many of us went nd everyonne last minute decieded to come it was just going to be 4 of us than i get tehre and 7 people are already there lol very eventful eveinging

                      how are you


                      • Sounds like a great night. I love nights like that.

                        I'm alright. Lazy - as a cat. Lifehouse tickets went on sale today, and I'm trying to find money to buy them. LOL I am soooooo excited to see them again. I swear, I feel 12 all over again. How've you been?


                        • it was a good night

                          haha i hope you get to see them i know how you love them, lol arnt you twelve \

                          Edit: im good good week alot of fun
                          Last edited by funja; 09-19-2010, 04:09:11.


                          • Gonna leave it with you youngsters. This old man is turning in. Have a great rest of the weekend.


                            • LOL. You're not old RBS. An old guy wouldn't have played lumberjack all day. Goodnight dear.

                              @Funja....I just found out my friend bought the tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm GOING!!!!!! So I called my other friend and let him know. The four of us will go on November 21st. And Lifehouse is headlining, so I'll get to hear a lot more of their songs than I did when they were touring with Daughtry. I can't wait! Glad you're doing well.


                              • Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post

                                Better keep up the hugging while I gets them *Hugs lil' kitten *

                                Old man? What old man? I don't see any old men. I did see this hunk that calls himself RBS ^_^

                                STILL struddling


                                PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!

