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Chit Chat 6

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  • i like cold food it tastes better"


    • Alias: Are you there?
      We're the apple of His eye


      • @Heart....*thinks the vampire is too into coffins (no pun intended )* I prefer to stay out of those for as long as I can!!! Not at all anxious to go hop into one!

        Ooh! I know! I think it has something to do with the sauce/flavoring having more time to absorb into the food. Just my thought.

        @Funja...Hey! That's great! I think it's wonderful that you and your neighbors have stuff planned like that. Any idea what movie(s)?

        @Adally..... She times out sometimes.

        My guess is a higher power, or God.


        • Adally> I'm guessing it refers to God

          Heart> did you know what I meant by blue dwarves?..cuz' your smilies looked confused

          Escape> Aw,you too? seems everyone is getting sick lately I agree about the weekend thing though,

          I'm not in the business of faking to please vain opposers

          "It's better to be hated for what you are...then loved for what you're not" -Kurt Cobain

          "Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away".

          "Dream as if you'll live forever..and live as if you'll die today". -James Dean


          • Escape - (Lol!) Well I guess a cat wouldn't be too excited Maybe if there was some nice cattish things on the couch..
            *Grabs a bunch of cat pillows and stuffs around the coffin couch*


            That's a very logical thought Are you sure you're not one of Mistery's clones in disguise

            Alias - Er no


            • Your right! I thought at first you meant my name adally. lol I was thinking how does she know what it stands for? lol But after I posted then I realized what you meant. Yeah, I love God.
              We're the apple of His eye


              • my aunt has that pillow except black


                • awwww i want that pillow


                  • @Heart...*rushes over, grabs the cute pillows, and brings them back to my sofa* sofa is just so ..... comfortable, yes. (those are funny! )

                    Well, I think maybe I just chat too much with Mistery. I'm picking up some of her alien logics.

                    (Eek. There are people fighting on the street outside my house. *locks doors*)

                    @Funja....She does? How cute.

                    @Adally.....Ooh! We were right. That's great!

                    @Choc...Hi my dear! It's cute, huh?


                    • Adally> OH MY GOODNESS!!!! guess what!?! ME TOO!!!

                      Heart> I believe it's a term for a star after it has exhausted most of it's hydrogen fuel supply...they're kinda unstablle too,

                      I'm not in the business of faking to please vain opposers

                      "It's better to be hated for what you are...then loved for what you're not" -Kurt Cobain

                      "Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away".

                      "Dream as if you'll live forever..and live as if you'll die today". -James Dean


                      • @Escape, oh dear. Do people usually start fights on your street? I know! Barricade your door with your kitty pillows


                        • Alias - Ah no there are none There are gas giants though (You can't go on them or your ship explodes )

                          Escape - I see.. (Yes !)

                          *Thinks of another way to make the couch more "Cute"*
                          *Throws the cat blanket over the couch*

                          Aha that could be it Maybe you should start chatting with Lilli more then

                          (*Suggests shutting off the outside light if you have one* )


                          • Well everyone I'm really off to bed this time. Have fun, talk with you later ! I'll probably be on in the morning for a little with my coffee!
                            We're the apple of His eye


                            • Adally - Good night again!


                              • @Choc....No, not normally. It's pretty uncommon, and it was apparently short lasting. I don't hear them now. But there are apartments across the street that often house college students. Luckily they went back inside or something. *takes new kitty pillows from Heart and puts them in front of the door.* Good idea!

                                @Heart......Awwwwwwwwwwww! (SO CUTE! ) *melts but still won't sit on the coffin couch* *sneaks over like a cat stalking a mouse, grabs the kitty blanket, and quickly turns and hops back on own couch* Thanks for the blanket!

                                I chat with da Lilli every day!

                                (*goes to shut off light* )

                                @Adally....Sounds good! I'll probably be asleep. Sweet dreams, and night night!

