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Chit Chat 6

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  • Alias: Really, that's awesome. He is so wonderful! Also, every time I go to log off I see another message from you, so then I stay on. lol But this time I'm really going to bed. lol Goodnight! See you all later.

    Nighty night escape.
    Last edited by EscapeGirl; 09-20-2008, 05:59:17. Reason: Merged Posts; Please use the EDIT button instead of multiple posting in a row. :)
    We're the apple of His eye


    • oh i should get off to bed soo tired see yuou poples lateeeeeeer
      and i usually out smileys here but i am too tired


      • Heart> Hmm, gas giants eh?...push em into those!!(just don't get 2 close) lol

        Adally> Sure is1 ,okay good night then

        Funja> good night!

        I'm not in the business of faking to please vain opposers

        "It's better to be hated for what you are...then loved for what you're not" -Kurt Cobain

        "Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away".

        "Dream as if you'll live forever..and live as if you'll die today". -James Dean


        • @Funja....Aw...goodnight, then. Sweet dreams!


          • Funja - Goodnight!

            Escape - Well I give up then *Joins Escape on the comfy couch*

            Of course but I was thinking that if you chat with her more you would gain more Lilliputtish Logics than Alienish Logics

            *Yaaaaaawn* I'm going to be tired in the morning I know it
            My grandmother is staying till tuesday so I have to sleep on the couch and this is the second time in a row I forgot to grab some PJ's before she went to sleep so now I have to sleep in my uncomfortable clothing

            Alias - Wish I could but sadly I can't push planets into other planets


            • @Heart.....*scoots over and makes room for Heart* *whispers* Ever heard of a fear of death? That makes me be scared of coffin ANYTHINGS! *sticks nose up high* But I'm BatCat, so I'm okay!

              Yes, that is so true. However, recently in my profile the alien said I was sounding like my mother!

              Aww....Stuck on the couch AND in your clothes? How uncomfortable! *thinks I should go shower and get into PJs now. *


              • Escape - I've only heard of a fear of sausage wielding slurp spiders but I guess that is ... Logical for a cat
                Oh right! Must remember that Batcat is afraid of nothing!

                LOL! Maybe you need to find a balance between Lilliputtish logics and Alienish logics!

                Ah well I will suffer
                Well For a while if you are


                • @Heart....LOL! Thats cuz you're a vampire, and that's YOUR fear! Silly vegetarian vampire. LOL I will protect you from those, if you protect me from coffins.

                  Yes, BatCat fears nothing! *shakes nervously looking at the coffin couch*

                  YES! I think I do!

                  Poor Heart. I would think your parents would at least have set up your coffin in the living room!

                  Yeah, I think I will. Be back in about 10 - 15 minutes. (My neighbor has his TV so loud. )


                  • Escape - Oh yes of course I will protect you from coffins but if we get into a really big coffin fight don't expect me to protect you from all of them! I mean I can only sleep in so many!

                    *Drags the Coffin couch into my Alley* What about now

                    Kinda like a Ying-Yang thing but Alien-Lilliputt

                    Well I guess they just don't realize how much I enjoy coffins yet

                    Okay but also goodnight! I am very tired for some reason and I think I am going to get an early rest


                    • @Heart....ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL!! *spits llama fur* Well, if we get into a really big coffin fight, I think I will just crawl under my sofa and hide with the dust bunnies! (You made me LOL for real. )

                      *stops shaking* Oh, but now your favorite couch isn't in da chat! *goes out, and bravely drags it back in* There you go! *goes back and hides on own couch*


                      Apparently not. They should know by now.

                      Goodnight dear Heart. I might go to bed earlyish too. Sweet dreams!


                      • Heart> well,I suppose that sucks

                        All>I'm off for now,Good Night!

                        I'm not in the business of faking to please vain opposers

                        "It's better to be hated for what you are...then loved for what you're not" -Kurt Cobain

                        "Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away".

                        "Dream as if you'll live forever..and live as if you'll die today". -James Dean


                        • Goodnight Alias! Sweet dreams!!!


                          • Hello any1 wanna chit chat
                            New York!
                            Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
                            There's nothing you can’t do,

                            Now you're in New York!
                            These streets will make you feel brand new,
                            These lights will inspire you,
                            Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York



                            • hey guys
                              If you want to rebel against your parents, outlive them, outearn them, and know more than they do. -Henry Rollins

                              If anybody has the ole Xbox Live, be sure to add me: ArchaicBread


                              • @PCM-HI never got to talk to u yesterday lol
                                2~28~10 <3

