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Chit Chat 6

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  • hehe, well what subjects did u have or pick?

    see? u shoulda thought of that yeen?
    SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

    young pickpocketer

    sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
    neices: Emo234 &

    nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
    Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


    • @Animal - i'm good, just finished doing my homework. we had to research 5 things that happened on our birthday's

      how r u?


      • @choc err.. eat cake, open presents, turn a year older, etc.
        i'm alright 'cept for my sore throat
        SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

        young pickpocketer

        MY FAMILY
        sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
        neices: Emo234 &

        nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
        Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


        • @Animal....Oh, we didn't really get to pick our classes much until we were 15 or 16, I think. And even then we only got to choose if you wanted to take Spanish or French. Otherwise, they pretty much placed in you in certain classes based on your abilities and such. (I do also remember that I could have chosen between autoshop, woodshop, and photography. I chose photography. ) We never even had a choice, nor had to learn, physics.

          Hehe. Yes, I really should have.


          • @Animal - awww...have a lemon honey drink, it works and it tastes really good


            • @choc thanks,

              @'scape u's never gotta choose? i've chosen my 3rd and 4th year classes already, i chose:
              admin, geography, history, auto mechanics, chemistry, biology, and u have too do RE, english and maths, they choose who ur teacher is and who ur in with though
              and there may be more but i can't remember
              SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

              young pickpocketer

              MY FAMILY
              sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
              neices: Emo234 &

              nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
              Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


              • @Animal...Well, MAYBE we got to chose a couple classes in our Junior and Senior years....come to think of it. Cuz I remember I was a T.A. in a kindergarten class one semester, and I had photography, Spanish, art, and drama. And I got to choose all those classes....Oh, and Chemistry... Yeah, I guess we did. It was quite awhile back.


                • wow, we only get to choose three things for our classes next year


                  • @ 'scape hehe, kindergaten is like nursery isn't it?
                    which year is junior and senior?

                    @choc we got to choose all or subjects except english, maths and RE but we can drop them in 5th and 6th year
                    SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                    young pickpocketer

                    MY FAMILY
                    sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                    neices: Emo234 &

                    nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                    Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                    • @Choco....What year/grade will you be in? (It's so hard because schools in other countries are so different than ours were. ) Of, if you don't mind saying, how old are you? (Then I know what grade you'd be in here. ) But of course, you don't have to answer.

                      @Animal....Well, that would be 11th and 12th grade. 11th grade you are 16 and 17 year olds, and 12th grade you are 17 and 18 years old. And Kindergarten you start when you're 5. Before that we have pre-school, or nursery school.


                      • Animal - we have to take english, maths, RE, science and PE. and we get streamed in Science and Maths. i got to chose history, geography and german for next year
                        and in year 7 to 10 we get to choose some people who we want in our form classes, but next year they put us in alphabetical order for classes only about 2 of my friends will be in my class

                        Escape - nah i don't mind. i'll be in year 11. i'm 14 now. 15 in January. i no it's real confusing with the whole grade/year thing
                        Last edited by Chocbubbles; 11-02-2008, 09:41:03.


                        • @'scape it's dead confusing cause i'm in 3rd year (10th year of school) and we do nursery when we can walk (probably when ur 1) then u start primary when ur 4-5 u do 7yrs of that but u can move to high school after the 6th year then u go too high school when ur 11-? (depends) then u can do 4-6 years of high school

                          @choc, we have to do maths, english, RE, PE, for the first 4 years then we can leave them, and u need atleast 1 science
                          SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                          young pickpocketer

                          MY FAMILY
                          sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                          neices: Emo234 &

                          nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                          Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                          • @Choco.....14....15 in January? You'd be a freshman in High School. 9th grade if you were here in the States. I think you and I had a similar talk before. Isn't your sister going abroad to study? Actually to the USA?

                            @Animal....*looks at animal with blank eyes* Say what? LOL. That's confusing. We have pre-school aka nursery school that can be from, like, age 1 - 4. Then age 5 is Kindergarten. Then you have "primary school" which is 1st - 3rd. Then "grammar school" which is 4th grade - 5th or 6th grade. (Depends on your school.) Then Junior High (aka Middle School) is from either 6th grade or 7th grade through 8th grade. (Again, depends on your school. ) Then, high school is 9th grade - 12th grade. (Aka, Freshman=9th, Sophomore=10th, Junior=11th, and Senior=12th.) And you can't pick how long you go to high school. If you don't finish, you don't get your diploma and are considered a "drop out." Hard to get a job, then. After 12th grade, it's up to you. You can go to college or not. (But that costs lots of money. )


                            • @'scape *looks at her blankly then just nods and smiles * i haven't a clue

                              @choc is ur school system simplier?
                              SCOTLAND!! Alba gu brath!!!!!

                              young pickpocketer

                              MY FAMILY
                              sisters: Elni & Chocbubbles
                              neices: Emo234 &

                              nephews: Funja, Isaiah, Clank & 2 tails
                              Best Cousins:~GH Dog~ and LovelyUndeadVam


                              • @Animal...LOL! Seems to me we need more chocolate to get un-vonfused. *eats more peanut M&M's. I'm sure things will be more clear now. *chomp, chomp*

