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Chit Chat 6

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  • What are you talking about Ma


    • *looks out window* there is nothing outside!*continues to hide*
      I am and will always be a timetraveler


      • no!

        *paints self to match wallpaper* *blends*

        *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

        The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
        June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

        *~a proud Mommy to be~*


        • no i'm serious look!*points to window and there is only black*
          I am and will always be a timetraveler


          • Captains Log, star date 1. 23 Nebulons from Eurakia.

            "The continuing success from the revival of 1momomo124 is near, she will soon be beamed back onto the motherboard of planet Gh1 express. However, the time gap for her return is closing so it is the "now or never" of the trapping."


            • *sighs and finds new hideing spot*
              I am and will always be a timetraveler


              • time warps to 1momomo124's new hiding spot

                "Hello momoko, are you coming?" It's time to begin what is was i could have done long ago
                you as well as i know it is 3-1 in your favor, but I know something you don't know"


                • !! captains log

                  if anyone reads this they're going to get a good laugh

                  *continues to blend*

                  *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

                  The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
                  June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

                  *~a proud Mommy to be~*


                  • *time travels to random time* i know everything!!
                    I am and will always be a timetraveler


                    • *scratches head* You're good!

                      Does anybody like.... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Donuts!?


                      • me! sprinkles!!*looks around new time*
                        I am and will always be a timetraveler


                        • *found a handkerchief on the floor, noticed it has stars printed all over...*

                          I smell Star....I smell must have forgotten to paint your hanky...
                          Proud Member of the Dunce Hat Society


                          • O________________O

                            Everyone to the exciting time travelling abilities of 1momomo124, oh wait a min. News flash to 1m IT'S NOT POSSIBLE, but if it is could you please build yourself that machine i was making you for your b-day lol.


                            • ! *sneaks in steals doughnut, runs out*

                              * Checks pocket*oh no! my hanky!*checks to make sure completely painted*

                              *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

                              The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
                              June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

                              *~a proud Mommy to be~*


                              • Srum dolo............... Voom boom soom foom eoom qoom

                                What the heck are those clankity noises???? hehe clankity

