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Chit Chat 6

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  • Thank you dear Mistery!

    Hi Bige!


    • Ummm, how did you spell my name? If Mystery, then it's fine as I use it as well (on other sites and for my games)


      • hey escapegirl ^.^
        i noticed the site was down today for a while.. all i notice different is the oicture at the top left of the forum
        put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
        1 To Spread the Virus


        • We can customize our profiles again.


          • we couldnt b4?
            Last edited by bige92; 12-03-2010, 00:24:44. Reason: :/
            put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
            1 To Spread the Virus


            • Nope. Not since the major upgrade that made the forums look all different. You've been gone awhile. LOL

              Sorry for my slow replies....busy work day. :-/


              • np im doin homework atm
                have to wright about diversity in my society where i live.... BORING -.-

                i must go customize my profile 2moro then
                put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                1 To Spread the Virus


                • LOL. Well, long does the paper have to be?

                  Yup. I will work more on mine tonight. I just want to tweak some of the colors a bit. I like the background image.


                  • like 2 sides but its so boring and my teacher says if i fail the big test i have 2 repay for another 1.. im like ...

                    wbu? enjoying your work?
                    put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                    1 To Spread the Virus


                    • Just think, once it's over, you're done. No more writing it. And if I were you, I'd study hard for the big test then.

                      Me? Enjoy work? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! You're a funny one, Bige. LOL I DID have someone sleeping in my office for about 2 hours, though. Creepy client. Just fell asleep in the chair and we couldn't get her to wake up. Geez.


                      • was she like snoring? *XD*

                        oh and btw can mods appear offline and if so is it only mods?
                        put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                        1 To Spread the Virus


                        • Bige, if i understand you right, I will disappear :poof:

                          Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                          • so is tht a no?
                            put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                            1 To Spread the Virus


                            • No, you can do it, go to settings (top right), the general settings (on left) check "invisible" mode, and save settings. But Mod's will see you

                              Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                              • She was groaning for a couple minutes, then a quiet little snore, yeah. LOL

                                And you should be able to appear offline as well. Everyone should be able to. (But mods and admins can see everyone, even when they are appearing offline. ) Go up to SETTINGS>>GENERAL SETTINGS. Then mark the APPEAR OFFLINE bubble and click SAVE at the bottom.

