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Chit Chat 6

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  • Hi dear Butterfly....I am already very used to the new smileys I really do love to see those arms moving

    What a very nice thing to look forward too I hope the weather will be acceptable but I hope it will be great

    Signing off now
    Good all
    From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


    • I am still not used to the updated hug2 smiley, but I am okay with it.

      I hope the weather will be great too. Sunny with a little breeze and not too hot would be perfect!
      But when it rains and isn't too cold I am happy too.

      Sweet dreams, sleep like a rose.

      edit: I am off to bed, too. Goodnight everyone.
      Faily of Kzin



      • Good afternoon
        Yeah, that's what I was talking about...some nice, dry weather and you'll be fine on a boat
        From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


        • We are finally painting the bedroom and boy it does look very white!!!!!
          That was not our intention so we are now brainstorming about some color to add...
          I had some Chocolate Brown left from the livingroom so now we'll have the wall where the bed is standing against in a lighter version because we added some "white" to the brown...
          Hubby has the idea to put some light brown squares on the wall where we're gonna hang our that will bring some color to the white
          From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


          • Do you mean exactly where the pictures are going to be or all over the wall? The first things that springs to mind with the all over option, is that it will look like a big checkers board.


            • You are right about the checkers board so we will probably only do it where the pictures are going to be....but I'll first wanna see how it looks when everything is back in the room
              From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


              • I would go for one solid wall, what you are suggesting now has no purpose because you won't see it anyway with the pictures hanging. And with age the wall will lighten anyway which leaves you with shapes on the wall.


                • What about an accent wall, and leave the rest of the room white? I always love accent walls.


                  • Well there is a small part as the accent is behind my bed
                    I haven't decided yet on the squares...we will see
                    There is one wall next to the window that isn't big so maybe I'll will paint that brown too
                    From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                    • So how goes the wall painting

                      Getting my exam marks back this week


                      • Oh no Chocbubbles...will it be that bad????

                        A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                        As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                        • Originally posted by Chocbubbles View Post
                          So how goes the wall painting

                          Getting my exam marks back this week
                          We are done with the painting and it looks nice...
                          Thank you for asking...

                          I hope that you did well
                          From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                          • Yay so how did you decide to paint it?

                            i did very well in maths, good in chemistry and human bio but just failed my english by a couple of marks, which i suspected i would anyway


                            • Congrats, dear Choc!! I'm sorry about the English, though. I suppose you will be a scientist and not an English teacher. Nothing wrong with that, right? Anyway, I'm glad your exams are over!


                              • Originally posted by Chocbubbles View Post
                                Yay so how did you decide to paint it?

                                i did very well in maths, good in chemistry and human bio but just failed my english by a couple of marks, which i suspected i would anyway
                                Well, it does look very white but we painted the wall behind our bed, it looks okay now

                                Gongtats for the marks that were very good and sorry to hear about the English...what is it with looks like we always seem to fail our native language...
                                I didn't fail Dutch, barely, but my German and English marks were way higher then the Dutch one
                                From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me

