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Chit Chat 6

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  • No he's a "Super Aqua Mod"


    • Yeap, about (I can't remember) 18 months ago. I have had some life difficulties, so things are a blur.

      Oh yeah, so is Yvonne, old biker and kzin

      Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


      • :O kzin?!?! my ol german friend!! :} woooowww yaa their suited for the job! They have been around a loonnggg time! I really miss this place,and all my friends...I wish I could post on their walls and it would give them a notification in the heart to come on here ..I really miss some of my buddies from years ago :/

        Aww that dosent sound good :/
        2~28~10 <3


        • Well, just come here more often We are all on FB, but as hidden as we can be, for the most part You will find most of your old friends are still around, or can be found. Mistery has been absent due to business with work (but we still stay in touch), RBS has been absorbed into FB games, Jack has a new position and has been too busy, Funja comes around, but does not post much. There are many who have come and gone. Escape should be along soon

          Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


          • I plan on it!! .Yaaa I miss clank,shooter,lilliputt,funja,heart,lovely,etc etc ETC! everyone who got me through the roughest part of my life(so far) has all disappeared But I can't say much,since I've been gone almost a year as well...but I have more time now since my bf just left for basic...and I'm gonna be without him for 2 months..for the past 2 years he's been my now I'm finding myself alone and rather bored :/ I went searching for games and remembered to come's now bookmarked so I don't forget!
            2~28~10 <3


            • Good, hope to see you around


              • I forgot all about clank, funja was on today, I have not seen lovelyundeadvamp in a long time, since she published her book. Is your BF at Fort Jackson? Don't worry about being with out him, you will be back together

                Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                • WOAH! Did she like...get it legit published?? Like can I go to walmart and buy it?? Noo he's in great lakes...He's in the navy.Ohhh I knooowww I'm just bored and lonely without him haha
                  2~28~10 <3


                  • Oh no we can't tolerate a bored Emo234 pn Chit Chat...grin

                    Hi everyone......

                    A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                    As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                    • Comment

                      • Yeah, she got it self published on the web. Pretty good for a high schooler, but I have not seen too much of her since, but that is understandable, because I have to assume she is in college now and busy, I hope

                        Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                        • Well I'm not currently bored since I have you wonderful people to talk to..(I've also found everything going down the toilet since my bf left and I haz no friends left,just some fresh wounds in my back ;()I'm currently almost zombified with sleepiness! Stupid fall back is getting me >.<

                          Originally posted by tipper75 View Post
                          Yeah, she got it self published on the web. Pretty good for a high schooler, but I have not seen too much of her since, but that is understandable, because I have to assume she is in college now and busy, I hope
                          WOW that's awesome! I didn't know that! I'm so happy for her!
                          Last edited by Emo234; 11-07-2011, 06:48:43.
                          2~28~10 <3


                          • *yawn* All done with laundry. Hello GHers!

                            And a special hello to Ms. Emo!! Long time no see!


                            • Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post
                              *yawn* All done with laundry. Hello GHers!

                              And a special hello to Ms. Emo!! Long time no see!
                              HIYA! OHHHH I missed you escape!!! How are you deary??? It's been forever it seems!
                              2~28~10 <3


                              • It HAS been forever!! That's why it seems like forever!! I'm okay. Sick, but okay. I get to go to NYC this week for a friend's wedding. I can't wait!!! How have you been?? I read your boyfriend went away to basic training. Just think how happy you'll be to see him after the 2 months is up.

                                EDIT: I have to go shower and wash my hair real fast or it'll never be ready in time for bed. I'll be back soon. But just in case.....Big hugs to you guys should any of you have to head to bed!

