walk through
actually, you don't have to find all the thing
1.turn left, turn on the light
2.open the pink cupboard got half an access card in the diary, and a battery in the bottom(just click the back of the cupboard)
3.turn left, click on the garbage can several times and a foot will appear, a remote control inside the garbage can; the painting, click on the left, right and the bottom, a barrel of toxic waste behind it; click on the ceiling, found a blade on the left side
4.turn to the bedroom, found a wire and plug under the bed, and the second half of the card in the bed, the other battery in the ash tray
5.turn right, put in the batteries and click on the remote, a card reader machine apppear
6.back to the door, plug in the wire and the blade, put in the toxic(drag it to the top of the blender),click on the pink button and got a key
7.go to the living room, open the drawer by the key and got a brick; broke the tv with the brick, get the cello tape
8.click on the tape, put cards together, drag the tape to it; drag the card to the card reader mashine, click on it and get a key; open the door with key
hope you understand my english
actually, you don't have to find all the thing
1.turn left, turn on the light
2.open the pink cupboard got half an access card in the diary, and a battery in the bottom(just click the back of the cupboard)
3.turn left, click on the garbage can several times and a foot will appear, a remote control inside the garbage can; the painting, click on the left, right and the bottom, a barrel of toxic waste behind it; click on the ceiling, found a blade on the left side
4.turn to the bedroom, found a wire and plug under the bed, and the second half of the card in the bed, the other battery in the ash tray
5.turn right, put in the batteries and click on the remote, a card reader machine apppear
6.back to the door, plug in the wire and the blade, put in the toxic(drag it to the top of the blender),click on the pink button and got a key
7.go to the living room, open the drawer by the key and got a brick; broke the tv with the brick, get the cello tape
8.click on the tape, put cards together, drag the tape to it; drag the card to the card reader mashine, click on it and get a key; open the door with key
hope you understand my english