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The Unforgiven Room

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  • walk through

    actually, you don't have to find all the thing

    1.turn left, turn on the light the pink cupboard got half an access card in the diary, and a battery in the bottom(just click the back of the cupboard)
    3.turn left, click on the garbage can several times and a foot will appear, a remote control inside the garbage can; the painting, click on the left, right and the bottom, a barrel of toxic waste behind it; click on the ceiling, found a blade on the left side
    4.turn to the bedroom, found a wire and plug under the bed, and the second half of the card in the bed, the other battery in the ash tray
    5.turn right, put in the batteries and click on the remote, a card reader machine apppear
    6.back to the door, plug in the wire and the blade, put in the toxic(drag it to the top of the blender),click on the pink button and got a key
    7.go to the living room, open the drawer by the key and got a brick; broke the tv with the brick, get the cello tape on the tape, put cards together, drag the tape to it; drag the card to the card reader mashine, click on it and get a key; open the door with key
    hope you understand my english


    • Pixy Princess

      Wow! My first mystery-room-type-thing! How fab was that?! Took bloomin' ages tho' but totally worth it! Bit tricky and there are some "clues" you find that you don't actually need just to mix things up a little too ;o)
      Hope you all are having fun with these too....

      Pixy P x


      • Walkthrough

        Excellent Walkthrough Charley, Thank you.


        • my opening screen is just black...i have clicked around for aaagggeeesss. WHERE IS THE LIGHT?


          • Cool game.......glad i escaped...the saw didnt even come into it either!


            • DONE IT !!!!

     will start with a dark room, but you should vaugly be able to see the outline of the objects
     on the right hand side wall twice and you will see the light switch! Click it
     on the pink cupboard and open both doors.
     the book and turn the page! you should find a piece of card
              5.Now click the back of the cupboard just to the left of the book (on bottem shelf bit)! you will find a battery.
              6.Ruturn to normal view and click the right wall again!
              7.clikc the curtain so it opens and then click the very edge of it again so it opens a lil more and you will find the dynimite.
              8.Now click the green ash tray next to the CD player and youll find another battery.
              9.clikc under the bed and youll find the plug and wire, and then click around on top of the bed and youll find the other half of the card.
              10.Return to normal view and click the right wall again and then once more!
              11. click the purple picture rail above the computer and it will zoom in slightly now click it again on the left hand side and you will find the blender blade.
              12. while still looking at the computer click the bottem of the screen (where you can see a thicker black line slightly) and then click the bottem left hand corner of the rug and you will find the lighter.
              13.Now click on the top left hand corner of the picture and the top right hand corner. click around the picture a bit more and it will fall down revealing a small barrel of toxic waste.
              14.Go back to the pink cupboard and conect the wire and plug to the blender, put the blade in the blender and then the toxic waste. now click the pink button and the blender will turn on.
              15.Now pick up the key that is in the clock.
              16.Click the left wall twice and you will see the TV again. Use the key from the clock on the bottem draw and it will open. Now you will have found a brick.
              17. click on the brike and then on the TV and it will smash the screen to reveal some tape.
     the inventory and click the tape again so it unravels slightly. put the 2 picecs of card together and drag the tape to them. You will now have a whole card.
              19.Now place the dynamite on the blue sofa and use the lighter to spark the fuse. It will blow up the sofa and you need to pick up the saw!
              20. Now turn to face the computer again and open the inventory and click the saw. You will chop off your leg.
              21. Now zoom in on the bin and drag your foot onto the bin peddle.
              22. Click on the bin and it will go into a birds eye view and look into the bin..Now pick it up.
     the remote from the inventory and click the top of it so it flips over. Then remove the battery cover and place the batterys in it.
              24.Double click the remote again while facing the TV and a trap door will open..this is were you drag the card to the machine and click accept and it will open to reveal another key.
              25. Now remove the key and use it to open the Door.

              piece of kake !! - YEH RIGHT !!


              • Originally posted by Unregistered
                my opening screen is just black...i have clicked around for aaagggeeesss. WHERE IS THE LIGHT?
                duuuh next to the door maybe???
                Reality is an illusion created by lack of alcohol


                • Hints

                  Annoyed at myself for using this message board to help me. Was a load of fun and i love the hint in pink letters within the lyrics of the song displayed on the computer screen once you've put the password in. Well done to mr keyte.


                  • when the song is playing on the pc, there are bold letters highlighted that in order spell out : Behind the curtain.

                    it was the only way i knew to get the dynamite and to blow up teh sofa to get the saw and then cut of my foot to open the bin.

                    the password is the first letters of I Want To Believe: iwtb


                    • fooksake who ever was saying try the light by the door hey jack ass i dont see nothing but darkness no outline **** nothing understand so how the hell am i going to find the light by the door if i dont see the damn door after i load the game so many times nice one there moron learn to read what i type before saying try the light by the door dumb ****ing retard


                      • Originally posted by Unregistered
                        fooksake who ever was saying try the light by the door hey jack ass i dont see nothing but darkness no outline **** nothing understand so how the hell am i going to find the light by the door if i dont see the damn door after i load the game so many times nice one there moron learn to read what i type before saying try the light by the door dumb ****ing retard
                        If all you see is black, either your shockwave plugin isn't working, or you need to turn the brightness up on you screen. Since it seems to be working for everyone else, the problem is at your end.


                        • i didnt get a dynamite, i didnt use the lighter, i didnt get a saw and cut the leg, i didnt type a password into the pc, i just got a key from the lock after taping the card pieces and it opened the door next to the pink cupboard and i got out. LOL!!! does this game make sense? multiple endings or something? even if so, mine was MUCH easier then.


                          • there are simply lots of bugs in this game.


                            • same here

                              Originally posted by Unregistered
                              i didnt get a dynamite, i didnt use the lighter, i didnt get a saw and cut the leg, i didnt type a password into the pc, i just got a key from the lock after taping the card pieces and it opened the door next to the pink cupboard and i got out. LOL!!! does this game make sense? multiple endings or something? even if so, mine was MUCH easier then.
                              I got out the same way you did...


                              • walkthrough

                                use (TAB) in every room

