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Stickman Murders

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  • #16
    Hey can someone hlp? i need a walkthrough for the third


    • #17
      I'm on the 4th Stickman murders but am stuck.
      When I go to the computer at his desk and type in male, pink, bald, scar on back of neck, tattoo of skull and cross bones, and purple birth mark it just says 'came up with no results' ?? Where am I going wrong?


      • #18
        I see your problem

        make sure you put a hyphen - in between birth mark

        so it looks like this

        purple birth-mark
        Do the Dew


        • #19
          Originally posted by MountainDewMan
          Episode 4

          I'm not actually going to tell you everything people say that's important because everything people say IS important

          So I guess it is somehow a walkthrough

          heres some stuff from the conference room

          Ted Thump: "As far as I know she did not have a pimp. I got the impression that "Baldy" was a customer of some kind. My sister also was a drug abuser so it is possible that "Baldy" could be her dealer."

          Ted Thump: "No. So on the 16th I called her to tell her that it must have gotten lost in the mail and to ask her what was in the letter that was so important - but her roommate said she was still not home from work from the night before. I called again on the 17th,18th, and again on the 19th. Still no word from her. On the 20th I filled a missing persons report. Earlier today I received word that Dolly's body was found. I was told that her identity was confirmed by comparing dental records."

          Go to the burn down building and look near the bottom right corner , you'll see a flairgun

          look by the fireman and you'll find a kerosene

          Now you seem to know what and how the fire got started

          Now go to the morge and use the MCX scan

          Put M on low

          Put C on high

          Put X on median

          Now you need to answer a hard question

          hope you get this

          Players use coins on "Everquest" that are made up of copper, silver, gold, and what

          which is platinum

          ...It is a "K85M" - a very rare type of ammo. It can only be fired from a special handgun called a " Killya 85mm ". Each slug is filled with a small amount of plastic explosive that (usually) detonates just after impact. In this case the bullet was a dud and did not explode. Killya 85mm 's are very rare, very expensive, very loud and very nasty

          Wow now you know HOW she got killed
          it wans't from the fire i was from a bullet

          Before you leave the morgue , click on the thing in his hand, a ear

          "When I pumped the stomach for the fluid test I found this in the dead woman's stomach. A human ear! The level of digestion would seem to indicate that it was bitten off and swallowed just prior to death. It is the right ear from a pink skinned man between the ages of 15 and 30. Your guess is as good as mine as to how it got there. The teeth marks on the ear are human and are (not surprisingly) consistent with the bite pattern of the dead woman."

          Now that needs to be checked in the ER *wink wink*

          "Oh-yeh! I remember him. What a jerk! He came in at around 4 A.M. on the 15th. His ear had been bitten off! He lied and said that a dog had attacked him, but I could tell that those bite marks were human. I figured he must have been in a bar fight or something.
          When the nurse asked him to sign some forms and give his social security number and address - he refused. When I demanded that he at least sign the release form he put down a big "X".
          "He appeared to be in his early 20's, had pink skin and was completely bald. He was about 5'8", 150lbs. That's about all that I can remember..... Oh! One more thing! I noticed that he had a big scar on the back of his neck . It was a very old scar - like a large knife had cut the back of his neck when he was a kid."

          now go to the Victim's apartment and talk to her

          He was bald, pink skinned, in his early 20's.... It was dark so I didn't get a real good look at him."

          What a ass I mean HER Friend died!!!!!!

          Well she says theres some stuff in the alley but you don't really need to check it out

          Now go to the gun apartment and check out the gun for that bullet you found earier

          You: "I'm investigating a murder case. There is a dead woman at the morgue with an unexploded 'K85M slug in her head."

          Shop Keeper: "The buyer's name is 'Allen Ferguson' and he lives at 101 Pheasant Dr. According to my records he paid for the gun, a holster and two boxes of ammo with his Platinum card. That was one month ago today."

          Allen Ferguson: "It was terrible! I came home a little earlier than usual. I turned on the lights and found a man in my living room! Before I could say or do anything he pushed me down and ran out the front door. I locked the door behind him and called the police."

          You: "What did he steal?"

          Allen Ferguson: "A pair of candlesticks, my coin collection, a lap-top computer and a gun."

          You: "Oh? What kind of gun?"

          Allen Ferguson: "It was a 'Killya 85mm' handgun.... What I'm most upset about was my coin collection being stolen. Most of the coins were not really very valuable. But one was a very rare gold coin from the treasure trove of Emperor Tang.... worth $5,000. I was really proud of it. I bought it at a yard sale for only $50. I was going to donate it to the Stickville museum. There even was a short article written about it in the Stickville News Democrat. I was hoping you were here to tell me that you had found the man who had robbed me and that you had my stolen property. Why are you here?"

          You: "More than likely, yes. Can you describe the man who robbed you?"

          Allen Ferguson: "He wore a grey shirt, green sweat pants and was carrying a trash bag. I presume my stolen property was inside. He was in his 20's, had pink skin and was completely bald. The robber also had a tattoo of a skull and cross bones on his arm (like a pirate flag). After the robbery the police had me look at mug shots, but I was unable to find anyone who looked exactly like him."

          Well you pretty much have nothing

          Go back to the Police Station and go to sleep

          A Good Sleep Might help you (just click on the pillow)

          Go in door 1

          " look in melting desk and you will find a creepy man"

          Go to door 2

          "pull sam's finger"

          Well look at the top left drawer and you will find uncle sam

          pull his finger

          talk to him and he might help ya out

          "Looook inn ze poket
          ov ze smiling koat."

          Well go back to the Victims apartment and go through the trash and find the coat

          look through the pocket

          yey a coin and a note

          Dear Ted,
          I'm kind of in a bind. I went to a customer's home by the name of "Baldy". He is this weird bald guy with a big freaky purple birth-mark on his chest. While at his place he started bragging about how he had robbed a rich guy's house and stole a gold coin worth $5,000. He showed me the coin and started blabbing about how smart he was and stuff.
          When he wasn't looking I sprayed him with the pepper spray that I keep in my purse. (not to be confused with the mace that I keep next to my bed at night.) Then I grabbed the coin and ran off. I tried to take the coin to a pawn shop, but they only offered me $100 for it. Then I remembered that you used to collect coins and I figured it would be smart to mail you the coin. That way you can sell it and mail me a check for half. I've enclosed the coin. Please call me when you get this letter so that I know that it arrived safely.
          Love Dolly

          Now go back to the Police Station and check the computer
          Check the FBI files

          Now you have enough data to catch this ass wipe

          Name: James "Baldy" Brink

          Age: 21
          Height: 5'8"
          Weight: 155lbs.
          Eyes: Blue
          Sex: Male
          Race: Pink
          Hair: None

          Distinguishing Characteristics:
          Scar on neck
          Tattoo (skull and cross bones)
          Purple birthmark

          7 juvenile offences for petty theft. Since turning 18 years old James Brink has been arrested 6 times. Convicted only once in 1998. Served two years in Stickville Prison for breaking and entering. Released January 2000. Arrested and released 4 times since. Suspected in 8 cases of burglary and has 2 outstanding warrants out for his arrest for illegal gun possession.

          now you can find where he is but you have to take another test

          I answered this one

          The drug "Diazepam" falls into this class of drugs

          which is benzodiazepine

          Now get that Guy

          I won't ruin the ending for you though

          To open the door you have to kick the door down

          Lol I love running over the asshole

          I guess that's the end

          I will help you with number 1 later
          i can`t seam to open the door by kicking at theboton of it


          • #20
            hey i need a walkthrough for number 2


            • #21
              Originally posted by Unregistered
              hey i need a walkthrough for number 2
              1. go to the river
              2.get inside the car
              3.reed the pink paper in the glove box
              4.go to #944 Pavilion St.
     with Barbara she will give you a adress
              6.go to 302 Lucinda Ave.
              7.find the glasses under the couch
              8.go to victim`s room
              9.listen to the last mesage on the phone
              10.look in the bin
              11.look at the painting
              12.go to morgue
     in the box
              14.go to the sergent and tell him:
              a)that you know the kiler
              b)it is frank shefer
              c)the time is 11:05
              d)the evedince about trip is the phone
              e)the motivation is barbara
              f)the last proof is the blue botlle
              15.go to 302 Lucinda Ave.
              16.go inside the house
              17. the only way to stop frank is to try to shoot him
              18.he will go to the police station and the end
              P.S. can somebody help me with number 3?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Emera
                Ive known that site for years,
                And I've beat every game they have. =D
                can you help me with nr. 3?


                • #23
                  I will Give ya a walkthrough later
                  Do the Dew


                  • #24
                    number 3

                    first go talk to the thress people in the conference room, then go to morgue and look at the body and the data in the doctors hand, click on the machine.. answer the question.. set the machine to get the scan right.. notice the mark on the head. Then go to dump and look around, the information u should get is that the files should be in the police data. go to victims house and look around, listen to machine.. (and the password is on the wall), go back to police station and log on computer go to police files and enter the date (july 4th 1994) get some information.. and go to that address, talk to them, and of course u'd notice that that girl and her father did it, but you cant solve it! so take a nap..go back to your office pull out your pillow and go to deep conscience, go to crazy or scay little man. type in your name and what you're there for, then answer his question if you cant answer it start all over again.. cause you'll get different questions each time. He will tell you "the teddy near" go back to victims house.. look at the teddy bear.. and under the teddy bear is the vital clue. now solve your case.

                    proving the case

                    you finished the case..
                    you: thank you
                    me: dont mention it
                    -|Hold dear the promise of love|-
                    -|Living faith|-


                    • #25
                      thanx a lot for your help


                      • #26
                        I need an answer to one of the questions from episode 5, I can't find one on the internet


                        • #27
                          Haha don't need it anymore, find the answer 'toke'


                          • #28
                            Damn I'm stuck! I'm in the drain and I dunno how to find the brown bag (by the way this is episode 5) Someone please help me??


                            • #29

                              i need help for lvl 5 plz


                              • #30

                                Originally posted by Unregistered
                                i need help for lvl 5 plz
                                dont wry i did it p.s. clue 2 no. 5 is :when on the drug viagra dont eat stuff with lots of fat in.

