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Stickman Murders

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  • #46
    That's odd,,, I don't know what would cause that. Do you meen that the noise won't stop even when you leave the website?


    • #47
      door kicking

      Hello all,

      I am on the 4th mystery and I can't get the door open, I keep kicking it, but it keeps telling me no effect, try again. Please Help!!!!


      • #48
        I need a walkthrough for the airport scene on Crime Scene Adventure 5. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Originally posted by Guest123
        Hello all,

        I am on the 4th mystery and I can't get the door open, I keep kicking it, but it keeps telling me no effect, try again. Please Help!!!!
        Ok, you look under the rug and find a key. Use it to open the door.
        Last edited by OneBun; 07-25-2007, 01:28:55. Reason: edit hurtful comments out


        • #49
          Just wanted to say thank you for starting this thread about my website. It has been a nice source of traffic.

          ...I'm sure it has also been a helpful guide to a lot of players who needed hints.

          Originally posted by GamersHood

          Again, you have to solve some murders.
          Thank you again for the promo!
          Last edited by OneBun; 07-25-2007, 01:28:17. Reason: Merged Posts. Posting more than once in a row is not allowed. Please use the edit button in your post instead. ~Moderation


          • #50
            i do not know how to kick the door down because it is always saying that it is a bad kick.
            Where do i click to kick it down?


            • #51
              I am on the same thing but guess what? THERE IS NO RUG! PLease help us coz i cant find it!!!!


              • #52
                Hi im really stuck on the 5th case!!! i need the awnsers to the airport questions to get in

                Originally posted by stubamcm
                Hi im really stuck on the 5th case!!! i need the awnsers to the airport questions to get in
                never mind i completed it now i thot u had to awnser all the questions lol
                Last edited by OneBun; 03-04-2007, 18:24:59. Reason: merged posts


                • #53
                  Originally posted by trinibabe
                  i do not know how to kick the door down because it is always saying that it is a bad kick.
                  Where do i click to kick it down?
                  kick just under the door-knob TWICE.


                  • #54
                    Another link that fails to do anything

                    Originally posted by GamersHood
                    Play online flash games, including escape games, point and click games, room escape games, puzzle games and more. Discuss online games, read game walkthroughs, guides and get help for online games.

                    Again, you have to solve some murders.

                    This one is a dud too.


                    • #55
                      Updated the first post with the new links to the 5 episodes.


                      • #56
                        please could someone tell me where the gun is in case 5, and tell me the motive of the killing?


                        • #57
                          The gun is down the man-hole and in one of the blue puddles of water.
                          The motive was "Stolen Credit Cards".

                          Originally posted by Mistery
                          Updated the first post with the new links to the 5 episodes.
                          Thank you, it looks better that way.

                          Originally posted by livinaco
                          please could someone tell me where the gun is in case 5, and tell me the motive of the killing?
                          I've added a help section to the forum. If you get stuck - feel free to go there and post for help.

                          Originally posted by Mistery
                          Updated the first post with the new links to the 5 episodes.

                          OK, Thank you.

                          Glad you all like it.
                          Last edited by OneBun; 03-04-2007, 18:24:07. Reason: please use the edit button instead of posting many times in a row


                          • #58
                            stuck on episode 2

                            walkthrough to episode 2
                            Last edited by OneBun; 03-04-2007, 18:24:28. Reason: please use the edit button instead of posting twice in a row


                            • #59
                              walkthrough for # 2 :

                              Last edited by bige92; 02-24-2007, 21:04:13.
                              put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                              1 To Spread the Virus


                              • #60
                                i solved all the mysteries in one day. yay for me

