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Stickman Murders

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  • #31
    Walkthrough Lvl 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    i need help for lvl 5 plz
    number for video (in the lounge) is on the tape in police mans car
    Look on number plate on video in lounge
    type in word on computer
    go to place
    look in left hand of mans arm (under wheel of truck)
    go in to woods find purple jacket go to address on purple jacket
    type in what you found in police mans left hand
    click on phone retrieve message
    go to airport
    on the questions on security door type in fat -the answer to the viagra question.
    do questions in specific order-i wont tell u cos u have to do some things urself
    course u can post for help on that if u get real stuck i will answer
    then go police station-3rd answer down then 2nd
    guy at airport-tim
    thing at scene -bullet brown and yellow thing
    flair gun
    Stolen credit cards
    wahlaaa if you get stuck ask me


    • #32
      need help wid #### 555

      plzzzhelllp me thats i really need help wid # 5.... *** is the creepy dude talking about withteh crack and stuff..thanks


      • #33
        stuck on 3


        • #34
          #5 walkthrough

          Originally posted by Unregistered
          number for video (in the lounge) is on the tape in police mans car
          Look on number plate on video in lounge
          type in word on computer
          go to place
          look in left hand of mans arm (under wheel of truck)
          go in to woods find purple jacket go to address on purple jacket
          type in what you found in police mans left hand
          click on phone retrieve message
          go to airport
          on the questions on security door type in fat -the answer to the viagra question.
          do questions in specific order-i wont tell u cos u have to do some things urself
          course u can post for help on that if u get real stuck i will answer
          then go police station-3rd answer down then 2nd
          guy at airport-tim
          thing at scene -bullet brown and yellow thing
          flair gun
          Stolen credit cards
          wahlaaa if you get stuck ask me


          • #35

            This one is really confusing me can NE1 GIVE A WALK THROUGH????????????


            • #36
              I was doing episode one, almost finished and telling the cheif what happened when...
              the window closed. Gah...

              I finished all of them except 1, 4, and 5, but 1 and 4 i was almost done with them, the window closed when I was about to win
              Last edited by OneBun; 07-25-2007, 01:57:21. Reason: Merged Posts. Posting more than once in a row is not allowed. Please use the edit button in your post instead. ~Moderation


              • #37
                Stick Man Murder Case 3

                Look at the clock! For once, Detective, could you get to my office

                on time!...Now sit down and listen up!... There has been a murder

                in Stickville... it, apparently, occurred six years ago( July of 1994 )

                but the body has only just now been discovered. The corpse of a

                sixteen-year-old male by the name of 'Billy Grump' was found at

                the Stickville dump early this morning by two boys. The two boys

                are in the conference room waiting to talk with you.
                Click HERE to get to work at your desk.
                Billy Grump's parents have been informed of the discovery and are

                also waiting, in the conference room, to speak with you. They are

                eager to help and have given us permission to search their son's

                old bedroom...

                Look for clues at the morgue, the dump and the victim's old room.

                I suggest talking with the parents first, however this is your case

                so you can do as you please.... Report back to me when you have

                solved the crime.... Get cracking!

                Go to the Confrence Room

                "Hello, Detective. The two boys who found the body at the dump

                are waiting to give you their statements in room one.
                The parents of the dead teenager are waiting in room two. The

                chief has already told the parents about the tragic news. So the

                hard part is done.
                Feel free to interview any of these people. Perhaps someone has

                information that can help you find the killer."

                Suspect 1
                Boys whom found the body


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                *Okay just to let you know these 2 are not the killers*
                Gosh these two are creepy

                You: "Hello, are you the two young men who found the dead body

                at the old dump?"

                Jerry: "Yes, Sir! I'm Jerry and this is my little brother, Tommy -

                He doesn't talk much."

                You: "How old are you, Gentlemen?"

                Jerry: "I'm nine, my brother is seven."

                You: "You seem a little too old to be running around in an old


                Jerry: "Funny you should say that, Sir... The policeman who drove

                us down here said we were too young to be running around in an

                old dump... I guess at sometime between there and here we were

                'just right'."

                You: "Touche!... Could you tell me how you happened to find the


                Jerry: "Yes, Sir. We were looking for stuff for a tree house. We

                tried to pry off the door to an old trailer that was half buried in


                You: Was that where you found the body?

                Jerry: "Yes, inside. It was in a large aquarium! Swimming in smelly

                old water! We ran to the man who runs the dump. At first he did

                not believe us. So we showed him!

                You: "Well, it is good that you did. It is always good to tell a

                grown-up when you find something scary like that. Have your

                parents found out about this yet?"

                Jerry: "Yes, Sir. My dad will be picking us up in a few hours."

                You: "Thank you for your time, Gentlemen. You have been a big

                help to us."

                Jerry: "You're welcome."

                Tommy: "...Bye."

                When your finish talking head to the second Suspect

                Suspect 2
                the Parents of the dead boy


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                You: "Hello, are you Mr. and Mrs. Grump?"

                Norm Grump: "Yes...I'm Norm and this is my wife, Pam."

                You: "I'm the Detective who will be handling the case... You have

                been informed about your son? Is this true?"

                Pam Grump: "Yes. Your chief of police told us about, Billy. He was

                very kind to us. He showed us pictures of the body and we

                recognized it as our son's."

                You: "My condolences. This must be very hard for you. I was told

                that you agreed to allow us to search Billy's old bedroom?"

                Norm Grump: "Yes, please do. The front door of the house is

                locked but there is a key under the mat that you can use to get in.

                We would show you in ourselves but we are waiting here for our

                relatives to pick us up."

                Pam Grump: "Billy's room is exactly as he left it six years ago. My

                husband and I have not touched anything."

                You: "When was the last time you saw your son alive?"

                Norm Grump: "The last time we saw him was July 4th, 1994

                . My wife and I said good by to him that morning before leaving on

                a two day trip. He was sixteen at the time and we felt that he was

                old enough to take care of himself." ( I guess not )

                Pam Grump: "When we came home we found a note on his desk.

                Saying that he had run away from home."

                You: "May I see the note?"

                Norm Grump: "Yes, of course, but we did not bring it with us. It is

                still on his desk in his room."

                Pam Grump: "When we found the note we called the police. We

                filled out a missing person's report. We waited, hoping to hear

                from Billy... The days stretched into months... the months into

                years... not a word."

                Norm Grump: "Not that we and the police did not try... We

                searched at hospitals, on the Internet, private investigators, credit

                card traces... everything we could think of... In a way, finding

                Billy's body is a good thing. At least now we know what happened

                to him."

                Pam Grump: "Something that we think you should know,

                Detective. The note that we found. It was written in print. My

                son almost always wrote in cursive.
                I did not think much of it at

                the time - but now...."

                You: "How was your relationship with your son. Did you both get

                along with him?"

                Norm Grump: "We, of course, had our usual disputes. A year

                before I caught him smoking pot and grounded him for a month.

                When He got a "D" in English - we took away his bedroom TV...

                That sort of thing. Nothing that would justify running away."

                You: "O.K.... Thank you, both, for your time. I'm sorry we had to

                meet under such grim circumstances. Rest assured that we will do

                everything in our power to solve this mystery."

                Norm Grump: "Yes, Thank you, Detective. Please keep us


                Go to the Shooting Range and HAve a little fun with the robot
                *this is not nessesary into completing the game*

                Head out to town

                Head to the Stickville Dump

                Talk to the owner of the place first

                Mr. Faydwer: "Hello. I'm Franklin Faydwer. I'm the current owner

                of the Stickville Dump... Um... er... You are not with the EPA, I


                You: "No, Mr. Faydwer. I'm with the Stickville police department.

                I'm investigating the death of the boy who was found. Were you the

                owner of this establishment on July 4th, 1994?"

                Mr. Faydwer: "No. I inherited the dump from my grandfather

                shortly after he died last year. Prior to that I was living out of


                You: "Did your grandfather keep any records? Specifically did he

                keep records of when people where caught trespassing or dumping


                Mr. Faydwer: "Yes but, unfortunately, I destroyed all of his files

                that were more than a year old when I took over the business. You

                should have seen this office back then. My grandfather was a real

                pack rat. There was more trash in this room than there was in the

                dump. About the only thing that is still here from when my

                grandfather ran this place is his dog - 'Cugo'. You can pet him, if

                you like." (Put your cursur over the dog to pet him.)

                You: "That's too bad about the files. I was hoping you might have

                some information for me."

                Mr. Faydwer: "No, sorry. Although, it might help you to know that

                my grandfather had a policy of always calling the police every time

                there was a case of trespassing. In fact, from what I've been told,

                my grandfather talked to the police more than with his own family.

                There might be some information in your old police records."

                You: "O.K. - Thank you for your help."

                Now Head to the Trailer

                First click on the shoe in the formaldehyde
                *just in case you dont know formaldehyde is used to preserve

                bodies from decaying. *


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                You reach into the tank of formaldehyde and pull out an old blue

                shoe (it looked green when looked at through the yellow liquid) It

                most likely came from the victim and either fell off when the killer

                put the body in the tank or when the police pulled the body out of

                the tank. You check for blood and other evidence but find none.

                You decide to put the shoe back into the tank

                But wait.. What's this?


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                The small trailer is filled to the gills with dangerous chemicals that

                have been illegally dumped here. The floor is stained with the

                many different substances that have leaked out over the years. The

                owner of the dump is going to be in trouble when the EPA finds out

                about this place.

                *you can touch the spider if you want, it is kinda funny*

                Now head to the County Morgue

                Click on the MCX machine,but before you can use it you need to

                answer a tough question.

                I picked this question I got

                Name any of the one or the fifteen races that players of the role

                playing game "Everquest" can choose to be.

                Answer: A human

                Now to the MCX

                M setting: High
                C setting : Low
                X setting : High


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                * what a demented looking skeleton*
                *remember that indent on his head*

                Go back to the Police station and
                take a rest on the pillow

                Once your asleep, Click on the Bathroom

                Flush the Toliet ,and you get a message from the goblin saying

                " Go see the creepy little man"

                If you go to your Shallow Sub Consious you get a message

                the Tiki saying " Go see the creepy little man"

                Go into your Deep Sub Consious and see the Creepy little man.

                Click on the First "Go

                The two questions are simple but the third one isn't

                The drug "Fioricet" is a combination of Acetaminophen, Butalbital,

                and what other substance that starts with a C

                Answer: caffeine

                Now just Talk to the Creepy little man

                Now you get a message:

                Translation: The teddy bear has it under his left foot.

                Now go to the victim's House
                Talk to the parents again if you forgot how to get in.

                Once inside Go inside the victims room


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                Ohh good lord, Why does this golf club seem so familiar
                *wink wink*

                Check out his stash under his bed
                two Playboys, a pack of smokes and $45 in fives and ones.

                Check out the teddy Bear
                Is it just me or does my eyes decieve me
                There seems to be a yellow dot by the teddy bear's foot


                Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                Part of a human tooth!

                It was laying by the teddy bear's left foot...It's not a whole tooth.

                It's a very small chip. In the
                shape of the letter "L".
                (Hint: Be sure to remember what this chipped tooth looks like.)

                Heres a note that evedientily he did not write

                I Hate YOU!
                I Hate EVERYONE!
                I'm running away and never coming BACK!
                - Billy

                If you click on the phone it will say you need some type of


                Think about what is billy's favorite band?

                Type it in.


                "You have nine unheard messages since July 4, 1994...
                ...First message..."

                "BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (voice of Pauly) "Yo, Billy, This is

                Pauly.... What's up? You there?.... I'm just calling to tell you

                that..." BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP (voice of Billy) "I'm here; I just

                came in. What's up?" (Pauly) "Hey..... What's that funny noise I

                hear over the line?" (Billy) "Hum? Oh... Nothing. If I pick up the

                phone while someone is leaving a message my answering machine

                will sometimes keep recording... just ignore it." (Pauly) "Um...

                OK.. We still going to the Vone concert on July 8th?" (Billy) "Ya,

                man. You pick me up. Remember? I still don't have a car." (Pauly)

                "Ya, 4:30... I'll pick you up at your house, O.K.?" (voice of Billy)

                "O.K. Did ya... CRAP!...." (Pauly) "What happened?" (Billy) " I

                just spilled grape soda on the #$@%ing carpet. My mom is going

                to kill me. Can I call ya back?" (Pauly) "No problem. See ya."


                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... "Hi, Billy. It's Dave. If you are still

                interested in buying my brother's stereo - call me back at my

                parents' house. I know he will go as low as $40.... But no less than

                that... See ya." ...BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP!"

                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (unknown male voice) "Hey!, Billy. Just

                saw you leaving the July 4th party with that red head... Dude - she

                is only, like - fourteen... Ever hear of the word 'jail bait'?... So like,

                Dude, behave yourself. See ya." ...BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP!

                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (unknown voice of a middle-aged man)

                "Hello, I'm just calling to check up on my daughter. She left a

                message telling me that she had just left a party and that she would

                be at this number. Please let her know that I got the message and

                that..." BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (voice of a crying, hysterical girl)

                "DADDY?!?"... (man) "SWEETY?!? WHAT'S WRONG!?!" (girl)

                " He is... (incomprehensible whimpering) ...He is dead!" (man) "

                What?! Who is dead?!" (girl) "Billy... (incomprehensible

                whimpering) ...I killed Billy." (man) "Calm down. What

                happened?" (girl) "I walked over with him... (Incomprehensible

                whimpering)... He... (more Incomprehensible whimpering) ...My

                mouth... he hit me in the mouth (more incomprehensible

                whimpering) ...I killed him - here in his bedroom... (even more

                incomprehensible whimpering) ...he's DEAD!" (man) " Is there

                anyone else there? Have you called anyone? Talked to anyone?"

                (girl) "No, No one else." (man) "Are you at the same address that

                you told me about in the message? Down the block from the

                party?" (girl) "Yes." (man) "I'll be right there! Don't call anyone.

                Don't touch anything. I'll be right there. Got that? Stay right

                there." (girl) "O.K." ...BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP!

                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... "Billy? It's your mother. Sorry to call

                you so early. I guess you are still sleeping. Your father and I will be

                coming back tomorrow. Love you. Bye."


                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (Pauly) "Yo, Billy. Have not heard from

                you in a couple days. We still going to the concert? Call me."


                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... "Dave here, Call me."


                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (Pauly) "Hey, dog! Came by to pick you

                up for the Vone concert. You where not home. I waited a half an

                hour for you. Had to go alone. Ya missed a great show. Call me...

                By the way, your mom called my house looking for you... What was

                that about?" ...BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP.

                BBBEEEEEEPPPPPPP... (Pauly) "Yo, It's me. Call back..."


                (END OF TAPE)

                *It seems that a red head Killed billy because he punched her and

                chipped her tooth*

                Now that your done, head back to the police station

                Go onto the Computer and go on Stickville Police Report Incident

                and Type in the Date Billy Died: July 4 1994

                reports for July 4th of 1994
                Stickville Police Incident
                6:40pm - Bob Smith arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct in

                public. Spent night in holding cell and released next morning.

                Reported one hour late to judge on July 7th - $500.00 fine and time


                8:05pm - Car, owned by Candy Jackson, reported stolen.

                Roommate, Hew Ford, reported hearing loud noises and 'pealing

                out' at about 7:00. Car recovered July 6th, undamaged at

                Normville bus depot. No arrests made.

                9:10pm - 'Big Al's all night donut shop' robbed by two men

                brandishing knives who did not notice the 6 police cars (3 marked,

                3 unmarked) parked outside. All nine police officers who were

                present at the time took part in arresting the two men. Both men

                arrested where charged with attempted robbery as well as weapon

                and drug possession charges. Each man was sentenced to two

                years in prison.

                9:30pm - Small fire reported on Church Street. Moderate damage

                to a wood shack. No injures. Possibly result of illegal fireworks. No

                arrests made.

                11:10pm - Report of trespassing at Stickville dump. Truck

                reported speeding out of dump by manager who wrote down the

                plate number. When confronted the owner of the truck, Ted

                Greystoke (of 227 Everquest Rd.) admitted to illegal dumping of an

                old refrigerator. Reported to judge on July 7th - $100 fine plus $20

                dumping fee to Stickville Dump.

                11:55pm - Report of three 'streakers' ,by visiting parents Ken and

                Donna Kinsella, at Stickville campus. Illegal drug use suspected,

                but not confirmed. No arrests made.
                Back to computer screen?

                227 Everquest Rd.
                Head here

                You ring the door bell and a man (approximately 50 years old) and

                a woman (approximately 20 years old) answer the door.

                Mr. Greystoke: "Hello, you must be the cable installer. We're glad

                to see you. I'm Ted Greystoke and this is my daughter, Jane...."

                You: "Nice to meet you, but I'm not the cable installer. I'm a

                detective with the Stickville police department."

                Mr. Greystoke: "Oh?...How can I help you?"

                You: "Did either of you know a young man by the name of 'Billy


                Mr. Greystoke: "Ummm..................... What's this about?"

                You: "I'm conducting a murder investigation. Did either of you

                know Billy Grump?"

                Mr. Greystoke: "............................No ............Never heard of him."

                You: "Are you sure?...I have reason to believe that you have.... If

                you level with me now it will be a lot easier for everyone later..."

                Mr. Greystoke: "No! We never heard of him... If you insist on

                talking to us - then we want our lawyer present.....Good bye!"

                (Mr. Greystoke slams the front door on you.)

                If you think you have enough evidence
                to arrest - then go see the chief. If not -
                then you better get back to work.

                Head to the Police Station and go talk to the Chief

                He'll ask you if you know who killed Billy:

                He'll Show you some Pictures

                Who is the Killer?
                Click on Jane Greystoke

                What evidence connects Jane as to being the killer?
                The Tooth

                What weapon did she use:
                the Golf Club

                Who covered it up?:
                Click on Mr. Greystone

                *okay if Jane is next to mr. Greystone at this Part don't click on it
                It winds up Exiting out of your game*

                Where was the body found?:
                Stickville Dump

                Where was Billy Killed:
                In his room

                What evidence was supported that he was killed in his room:
                The Phone

                "Good work, Detective!!!... The Greystokes have come along

                quietly and, when presented with the evidence you collected,

                confessed to the crime. Now we know the whole story... "On July

                4th, 1994, Jane (then 14 years old) went to a party with friends. At

                the party she met Billy Grump (then 16 years old). Jane accepted

                Billy's invitation to visit his house, which was just down the street

                from the party. Before leaving the party she called her father and

                told him the address and phone number of where she was going.

                After arriving at Billy's house and showing Jane to his bedroom -

                Billy became overly "aggressive". Jane struggled with him. During

                the struggle Billy struck Jane in the mouth. (It is not clear if he

                used his bare hand or if he used an object.) In either case the blow

                chipped Jane's tooth and split her lip. According to Jane, Billy

                continued to be "aggressive" and she had to continue struggling.

                She broke free, grabbed a golf club, and struck Billy in the head

                with it. The blow killed him. Jane, evidently in shock, sat on the

                bed for what she estimated to be 15 minutes. Her father, Ted,

                called Billy's house to check on Jane and got the answering

                machine. Before Ted could finish leaving his message, Jane picked

                up the phone and told her father what had happened. Ted, rushed

                over to the house in his truck. Rather than calling the police and

                explaining what happened (like he should have) Ted decided to

                cover up the killing. First he quickly wrote a bogus note that read,

                in part, "I'm running away and never coming back". He left the

                note in Billy's room. Next Ted lifted the dead boy's body into his

                truck and, under the cover of night, drove into the Stickville

                Dump. (Ted had worked for the chemical company that had illegally

                dumped the trailer filled with chemicals. So he was able to find the

                trailer with little trouble.) He dumped the dead body into a large

                vat - thinking that the chemicals inside would dissolve the body in

                a few days. He could not have been more wrong. The vat, as you

                know, contained formaldehyde which has perfectly preserved the

                body all these years. While leaving the dump Ted's truck was

                spotted by the owner. The owner of the dump wrote down the

                licence plate number and called the police. Meanwhile Ted drove

                both himself and his daughter home. The next day the police came

                to Ted's house. Neither they nor the owner of the dump knew why

                Ted had been at the dump - only that they saw his truck speeding

                out of it. So Ted lied to the police, telling them that he had been

                there to dump off and old refrigerator because he did not want to

                pay the dumping fee. The police believed the story and issued him

                a ticket. The fake note that Ted had left in Billy's bedroom worked

                - both the police and Billy's parents believed that Billy had run

                away. Six years later two boys found the body and.....well you know

                the rest. "Unfortunately this is not a clean cut case of murder. It

                will be up to the D.A. to decide how to deal with this mess. I can

                safely predict, however, that Jane (now 20 years old) will not be

                charged with murder. There is no evidence to contradict her claim

                of self defence. Her father's covering up of the killing (tampering

                with evidence, misleading the police, conspiring to conceal a

                wrongful death, etc...) is another matter. Because of what he did,

                Billy's parents have been in a living hell for the last six years. I

                would be surprised if he did not get at least one full year in

                prison."In any case, Detective, you should be proud of the

                outstanding job you have done. Good work! And, on behalf of

                Billy's parents, Thank you."
                Do the Dew


                • #38
                  Hi, I'm new at posting here although I have been reading many posts and playing all kinds of games here. I started with "room escape" games and then got into the stickman mysteries.
                  I made it through the first 3 with no problem but on #4 I can't seem to get the seargent to let me arrest this guy.
                  I'm assuming that I might be wrong on what was used to START the fire. I thought it was the gun. HELP...Please


                  • #39
                    If you read the walkthough somewhere around here it says that it was a flairgun which started the fire. It is around the burnt house somewhere

                    Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                    • #40
                      If you read the walkthough somewhere around here it says that it was a flairgun which started the fire. It is around the burnt house somewhere

                      Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.

                      heres thw website of the weapon


                      • #41

                        After I clicked the simulater thing and went on it (just for curiosity) it made this annoying sound! I went back and it wouldnt stop! HELP!


                        • #42

                          how do you get him on #4 ???? where?


                          • #43
                            Hi! I'm the webmaster of the "Stickman Murder Mysteries" and I just wanted to say thank you for posting and promoting my games and for creating this tutorial.

                            All my best,
                            Paul Kinsella
                            Jaya9/Joya9 Vip is the leading online casino app in Bangladesh. Jaya9 (জয়া9) login for a free account to enjoy slots, table games, and more.


                            • #44
                              [quote=Unregistered]dont wry i did it p.s. clue 2 no. 5 is :when on the drug viagra dont eat stuff with lots of fat in i need help geting the answer to that

                              help me please on #5 what is the word you are soposed to put in
                              Last edited by OneBun; 07-25-2007, 01:29:39. Reason: merged. Bumping for attention.


                              • #45

                                Originally posted by Lulu
                                After I clicked the simulater thing and went on it (just for curiosity) it made this annoying sound! I went back and it wouldnt stop! HELP!

                                can you help me with number 5i am stuck on the facet thin what is the answer i need it know because i have been here for half an hour

