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  • Done dear. It was a nice little party. My roommate was very happy about it so she made a fantastic cheese cake. Oh, totally yum-yum

    STILL struddling


    PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


    • I love cheese cake!! *drools* What kind of cheesecake? *still drooling*


      • Hi!

        Oh, I just missed my online sis...
        Edit: and my brother too ....


        • I dunno what kind. It's a kind she puts in da freezer and then we have it with raspberries She is a fantastic cook, dear. You should see her chocolate cake. Yum, yum, yum

          Da....LILI!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY! My favourite partner in BLOOOOOOOM!! Me so happy ta see ya! How are ya? Huge biiiiiiiig warm Gonna blossom?

          STILL struddling


          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


          • Yummy.. I prefer New York Style berries..but yummy nonetheless *drools*

            @ Lili....Good morning my clay friend!! Today, is it vigorous?


            • YAY!!! Lilli!!! How're ya?? and How was the PARTY??
              And do you wanna blossom togehter??

              Escape!! How was Thanksgiving holidays??? We missed you a lot!!


              • @ Lili..I had a very nice several days. I got to see my brother and see some friends, one of which I haven't seen in 3 or 4 years! So, I had a very nice time. How was the visit with your real family?


                • Me happy ta blossom with da LILI!! YAY!! Had ta send a PM about da party... It was fun though. We have mutual friends

                  STILL struddling


                  PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                  • Escape, We had a good time too. My brother just left home to catch the train. My sis has one day off and still here, and surfs in the internet now.
                    Actually most of all my aunts and uncles, some of my cousins and their kids gathered yesterday, we all had good time together!

                    But I just missed my online siblings..

                    Lilli, Yay!! I gonna read it now. I'm so glad the party was fun!


                    • Well, if it is any comfort dear partner, I'm here and happy ta blossom ya know. Also, I'm not sure if sir Theme is only restin' or did go ta bed...maybe he will be back
                      Did ya see da pics I posted in hilarious photos, btw?

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • @ Lili..Well, when I was younger, I got to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with most of my family, like you got to...but these days they all moved away and so I only spent it with one of my four brothers. Then the next day I got to visit my old friends from where I grew up. And on Wednesday night, a local friend of mine from drama class hung out with me. Sounds like you have a very big famliy!! If you include them all!! (including your online one! )


                        • Uhm, did I tell ya about my greek cousins wedding? Well, first when an older cousin got married it really was a medium sized wedding. Only 600 guests but now when another younger cousin got married just a few months ago, there were 1000 guests. Thaz how it is there, big families, biiiiiiig crowds

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • @ Mom..........WHOA!!!!!!! You know, in my family, it's always pretty much just been my mom, and my four brothers!! That's it!! Never knew anyone else! (Though now a a brother is married with two kids, and my other brother who is 20 years older than me, has a wife and 2 kids - I don't know them very well.) So, you can see how I say WOW to large families!!!


                            • Well, in that crazy country the most remote relative is considered family so everybunny is invited. Still 1000 ppl is a lot. In Sweden they usually debate if there should be more than 30 guests or 40, but 1000?! Unheard of.

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • Lilli, WOW!! That's really a big crowd!! And Is medium sized wedding has 600 guests?? To many for that size!!! I can't say it medium, but HUGE!!

                                Escape, We just had 20 of them yesterday... Well my parents have kinda big family... I suppose, my dad have 5 siblings and my mom... don't know exactly, but at least her 6 siblings are still alive.
                                Including my online family... It's gonna be really a big family!!

