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Chit Chat 3

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  • ZOMG ....its Teeodd *hides* .... and a MOD *hides even ...deeper*
    Becky....The Candle of Hope

    Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

    Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
    Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

    I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

    Fire - Attack, Srength
    Air -Flight, Speed
    Earth - Protect , Defense
    Water - Freeze, Accuracy
    Beware of The Fifth Element


    • Hiya babe (english) I'm good and you?

      Crazy... what's up how've you been? Why are you hiding


      • Originally posted by Adventure
        Lol. I am remaining in chit chat's past.

        Haha, dank je wel, Iva. Only one little moth to go. She is expected on 7 October.

        @Rannei, oh you got a baby brother. How old is he now?
        Edit: oh you have to go again. See you maybe later.

        @Escape, LOL!! Yeah, I normally hate to shop, but buying baby stuff is something else. Damn those hormones.

        Yay!! Good to hear you have a new fridge and stove/oven. That's a start. Keep harassing that monkey boss for those other things. And I would be surprised if you already packed everything out. I still have to unpack a few boxes (wiht not highly neccesary stuff) myself.

        @Dazed, I think primary education is the best and most fun place to be a teacher. My friend started her study for being a teacher in the primary education this year.
        LOL....I always love when one of my friends has a baby. I just love shopping for baby things. It's all so cute!

        Yeah, it's great to have new appliances! Those other ones really were broken and bad. I'm glad I didn't have to use them long. And yeah, I mostly have things I don't really need frequently still packed. Though on occassion, I can be see rumaging trhough the boxes trying to find one little thing.

        @ Dazed....It was great to chat! Enjoy your game, and GO ENGLAND!

        @ Crazy Mad.....Hey there! How are you?

        @Teeodd...Hey there! How are you?

        @ Iva...Only 3 hours? *faints* poor thing!


        • @teeodd
          Good, glad you're here so you can help me on that dreaded level!

          Ah well, I'll catch up tonight How are you?

          GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

          Fly by the seat of your pants



          • @Iva....I'm okay. Thanks.


            • Hi Escape doing fine. How's work going? Are the monkeys in suits around


              • @ Teeodd I've been...stressed.....but good all the same and because...I FELT LIKE IT about ok in the realm of yourselfness ?

                @EG Hi ...I'm ok you ?
                Becky....The Candle of Hope

                Proud Psychic and Crazy Person

                Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
                Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !

                I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.

                Fire - Attack, Srength
                Air -Flight, Speed
                Earth - Protect , Defense
                Water - Freeze, Accuracy
                Beware of The Fifth Element


                • @ Teeodd.....LOL...Yup, and I'm fresh out of bananas, so they won't leave me alone. Work is okay, just that I'm very busy lately. Too many deadlines, I tell ya. You work tonight?

                  @ Crazy Mad...I'm okay, thanks! Are you afraid of mods? *starts to get sad*


                  • @Crazy..Yeah I guess so, just me and all these tumbleweeds rolling around

                    Nah I don't have to work tonight It's a good thing cause it's pouring rain and doesn't seem like it's going to stop for a while. We need it anyway plus it's always nice to spend a lazy day inside while it's raining.


                    • Hey! I'm back!
                      Ninjas have more fun
                      I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
                      Online Family:
                      Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


                      • hey

                        "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                        simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                        • Jeeeniii!! biiig how are you?
                          Ninjas have more fun
                          I'm the Ninja of the Looney Bin
                          Online Family:
                          Brothers:...........Wirodeu and Bread


                          • rrrannie im okay now, wasnt so good earlier how are you

                            "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                            simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                            • HI Rannei, how are ya?

                              And hey Jenni Are you feeling better?


                              • @escape
                                You've been a good girl and got some rest last night?

                                Hiya How are you?


                                Jeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnniiiii!! Hey babe, how are you, all better now

                                GHFGNP with SimplyCrazy aka Gekkie

                                Fly by the seat of your pants


